As of 10/15/10 an updated version of Sunny Days has been posted.  No major changes were made in the story, but the grammar was revised so it flows slightly better and certain passages regarding Spot's past were changed to coincide with the rest of the series.  


Disclaimer: Newsies, the 1992 musical, belongs to the Disney Corporation.  The characters and some lines used in this story are from the movie.  I’m not making any money on this, so please do not sue me.  Also, the characters of Laces, Bullseye, Sand, Bottle Cap, Knuckles, Fists, Frost, and a lot of others belong to me, so if you want to use them just ask.  But please, ask me!  Thank you!


Sunny Days

By Laces Kai



February 1898


It had been six months since Spot had left Manhattan and come to live in Brooklyn, and a year since Jack had become the leader of Manhattan.  It had been a year and a half since Spot and Jack had run away from the orphanage, and almost two and a half years since his little sister had died in that orphanage.  A lot had happened to Spot in the last two years and he was now getting back to normal, or so he hoped.


It was a dark night and the wind was freezing.  Spot was walking home from Manhattan after spending the day there with Jack, meeting some of the new newsies.  Jack was the oldest over in Manhattan at 15 and one of the biggest.  That was one of the reasons why he was the leader.  Spot, on the other hand, was slightly younger and smaller, being only 5’ and not yet 14, but he was certainly the toughest.  He was even tougher than Jack.  Spot was getting closer to the Brooklyn Lodging House and the wind was beginning to die down.  He was going to climb the fire escape up to the window so he could just climb into the bunkroom and walk over to his bed, which was right next to the window for that specific reason.  He was on the first step when he heard crying.  It was coming from what seemed to be the front of the lodging house.  Spot got down and went around to the front to see whoever was crying.  When he got to the front of the lodging house he saw a person curled up on the steps, face buried in his knees, just sobbing.


Spot stood in front of the person and in the light of the streetlamp.  This kid was going to wake up the entire lodging house if he didn’t stop crying.  Spot shuffled his feet trying to get the attention of the kid; he failed because the kid didn’t even look up.  Spot tried to get the kid’s attention by coughing and this at least got the kid to look up.  When the kid looked up Spot noticed that it was a girl.  He could see her hair start to tumble when she looked up and was now all over her face.  Spot stared at her tear-stained face, which was covered in dirt, allowing him to see the paths where the tears had fallen.  He waited for her to say something about why she was crying.  Instead, the girl, after looking at Spot for a moment, buried her head again and started to cry even louder.  Spot didn’t understand, so he tried a different approach at finding out what this girl was doing on the Brooklyn Lodging House steps.


“Whadda ya doin ‘ere?” Spot asked, not meaning to be rough, but it just came out that way.  Spot didn’t like being emotional and was very harsh most of the time.  The girl just kept on crying and Spot got annoyed because she was ignoring him.  Spot was not the sort of person one would voluntarily ignore.  He would soak people who ignored him.  He hated being ignored.  “I said, what ya doin ‘ere at me lodging house?” Spot asked again sternly.  Being annoyed would soon lead to him being angry.  The girl’s sobs got louder and Spot took a deep breath deciding maybe this wasn’t the best approach.  He sat down next to the girl and tried to calm her down.  He started to stroke her dark brown, almost black hair.  She reminded him of his little sister; not her appearance, just by the way she cried.


“It was my fault,” she started to sob after Spot sat down.


“What was your fault?” Spot asked softly.


“He said it was my fault,” she sobbed again.


“Who said it was your fault, and what was your fault?” Spot was annoyed again.


“My fault, my fault, my fault,” was all the girl would say, and she said it over and over again.  Spot stopped asking and concentrated on trying to get her to be quiet.  Soon, her sobs started to get softer, and soon she was completely silent.  Spot looked at the girl who had fallen asleep in his arms.  Spot sighed; he was going to have to take her upstairs.  He picked her up and opened the front door, knowing that he couldn’t carry her up the fire escape and get into the bunkroom without making noise.  In the bunkroom he laid her in his bed and climbed into the bunk above hers.  He climbed into bed hoping that Night and James wouldn’t get mad in the morning because of the girl.  He soon fell asleep thinking about what could have been the girl’s fault and who had said it was her fault.


Spot didn’t get too much sleep because just as the sun was coming up he heard crying again, muffled sobs.  He hopped out of bed and saw that the girl was crying again.  He picked her up, jumped out of the window, and went up the stairs to the roof.  He didn’t want the girl to wake the rest of the newsies.  Most were older than him and didn’t like him much as it was.  As soon as they were on the roof, the girl stopped crying and was staring at Spot.  She was staring at his blue eyes which looked annoyed.  She then noticed that he was carrying her.  “Put me down,” she said.  Spot made no objections and put her down.  He felt like dropping her because she had ordered him to put her down, but thought the better of it.


“Well, ya got quite an attitude there,” Spot took a step back to study the girl.  She was dirty, her hair was a mess, she was small, and Spot decided she looked about 11.  “How old are ya?” he questioned.


“What’s it ta ya?” Spot raised an eyebrow.  With that, the girl answered, “13 in a week.”


Spot nodded.  She looked younger.  “Why was ya crying?  How did ya get ‘ere, and why did ya come ‘ere?” Spot asked again, not trying to be mean, but it sure sounded that way.  The girl looked at him with her brown eyes, which were a lot like her hair, changing from brown to black depending on the light.  She looked to the ground after staring at Spot.  She didn’t feel like answering this boy’s questions, but she noticed that he wasn’t really going to take no for an answer.


“I ran ‘ere,” she finally said.  It was an answer; not everything Spot wanted, but part.  Spot was getting annoyed again.


“Yeah, well, where’d ya come from, and why were ya crying?” Spot asked seeing no way out of that question without answering one and, with that, getting to the other.  Again, the girl looked to the ground.  She was going to start to cry again and Spot could see this.  He wasn’t going to back down, but he didn’t want her to cry either.  “Look, Sweetheart, I can’t help ya if I don’t know anything ‘bout ya.  Now, ya obviously in some kind of trouble,” Spot said.  The girl looked up at Spot again then at the floor.


“I’se just need ta get away from Brooklyn for a little while,” she said.  Spot nodded; he knew that was all she was going to say.  He also knew that if there were anyone that could find out what was wrong with her it was Jack.  Jack had a way with girls, or at least, a softer way.  He would take her to Manhattan.


“Come on, ya’ll wanna wash up before the rest of the newsies wake up,” Spot said, heading down the steps as the girl followed.  When they got back into the bunkroom Spot remembered he didn’t know the kid’s name.  “What’s your name?” he asked.


“Sam,” she replied.  Spot was staring at her shoes.  They were old and worn, but they had laces, or strings that were supposed to be laces.


“Ya shoes are untied,” Spot commented.  The girl smiled at his comment.


“They usually are,” she said.  Spot looked up and pushed his hair out of his face.


“Why, ya don’t know how ta tie them?”


“I never had time ta notice they were untied, so I never tied ‘em.”


“Don’t ya trip?” Spot questioned.


“Nah,” she said, still smiling.  Spot led her to the washroom where she got cleaned up.  By the time she came out Spot was already dressed; he threw some clothing at her.


“ ‘Ere, wear this,” he said.  Sam went back into the washroom to change then came back out.  Most of the newsies were now getting up and they all stopped what they were doing and stared at her.  She blushed and walked quickly over to where Spot was.  Spot saw that everyone was staring.  “This ‘ere is Laces.  She’ll be staying in Manhattan for awhile and then may come back ‘ere.”  That was all he said.  The Brooklyn newsies didn’t really care.  They were too much asleep to care what Spot had to say.  Besides, Spot never gave explanations to anyone.  They went back to what they were doing while Spot finished putting on his shoes.  When he was done he grabbed his cane, put his slingshot into his back pocket, and put his hat on.  “Come on,” he said to Sam.  Sam had been quiet while he was dressing, and now she just stood there and looked at him.  Spot was already at the door when he noticed that Sam wasn’t behind him.  He turned back around and saw she was just standing there.  “Well, what ya waiting for?” Spot asked, annoyed that she hadn’t followed.  Sam saw that he looked annoyed and so, she followed him out the door.  Once they were outside though, Sam began to ask questions.


“What’s your name?” was her first question.


“Spot Conlon,” Spot said, in a half mumble.


“Why’d ya tell ‘em me name was Laces, and why is I gonna stay in Manhattan?”  Sam asked.  Spot didn’t look that much older than her, and she was not going to listen to him if she didn’t have to.


“Kid, ya said that ya needed ta get away from Brooklyn.  Well, I’se gonna leave ya in Manhattan with me friends.  And I calls ya Laces, cause that’s your name now,” Spot said.


“Who says that’s me name now?” she asked.  Spot was annoying her with his tough boy act.  He turned and stared at her with cold eyes.  Sam got uncomfortable under the stare and looked at the ground.  Spot turned back around and kept walking.  When they got to Manhattan, Spot started to look for Jack.  Jack saw Spot and started to walk over to where he was.


“Heya Jack,” Spot spit into his hand and Jack did the same, and then they shook.


“Heya Spot,” Jack said.  Sam was staring at this boy.  He was taller than Spot by almost a head and he had dark eyes and brown hair.  He was quite handsome, or so she thought.  Jack and Spot talked for a little while and then Jack turned towards Sam.  “Hello.  Who’s this?” Jack asked.


“This ‘ere is Laces.  Laces, this is Jack Kelly, leader of the Manhattan newsies,” Spot said.  Sam stuck out her hand and Jack shook it.


“This ain’t a new goyl is it?  She’s a real tomboy,” Jack asked Spot.  Spot made a face and looked like he was about to blush, but didn’t.


“No.” Jack nodded.


“Well, yer gonna have lunch with us, right?” Jack asked.  Spot nodded and they headed to Tibby’s; Sam walking behind them.


“So, she can stay ‘ere for a while?  She has a problem in Brooklyn,” Spot was asking Jack.


“Sure, Spot.  How old is she?  Ya know what her problem is?”


“She’s 12.  And she won’t tell me what the problem is.” Jack nodded.


“We’ll find out sooner or later,” Jack said.  At this they entered Tibby’s.  Half of Jack’s newsies were already there.


“Heya Jack, Spot,” they all said.  Then Sam walked in and they all stared at her.  Again she went over to Spot and held his arm.  She didn’t like people staring at her.


“This ‘ere is Laces,” Spot said.  Spot headed to a table with Jack.  They sat down and soon a blonde boy with a patch over his eye joined them.  He looked about 14 or 15 too, just like Jack.


“Heya Laces, me name is Kid Blink on account of me patch ‘ere,” Blink introduced himself.


“Hi,” Laces almost whispered.  She was a little shy and still hadn’t let go of Spot’s arm.  Blink smiled, then started to talk with Spot and Jack.  Sam smiled a bit, but most of these newsies, as Spot called them, ignored her if she didn’t say anything.  It was almost as if she wasn’t there.  She wondered if after they got to know her they would feel the same way.


“Guess who I saw in Central Park today with Joel, the leader of East Side?” Blink provided the leader part for Sam because she was listening.  Blink didn’t wait for anyone to answer.  “Luv.”  At this Spot and Jack just stared at him.


“She don’t waste any time, do she?” Spot said.


“Is she gonna go out with every leader there is in New Yawk?” Jack sighed.


“Who’s Luv?” Sam squeaked.  Blink looked at her, and then began to explain to her who Luv was.


“She’s a nice goyl.  It’s just, she’s a real heart stealer and well, she went out with Spot for about a month, and then she was Jack’s goyl for about two weeks,” Blink said.  Sam nodded.  She didn’t understand why Blink would want to tell Spot and Jack that Luv was now with someone else.  Their food came, and while the boys ate quickly, Laces only took small bites at a time.  She was taking a really long time.  Everyone was done and most of the newsies had already left to sell the afternoon edition of The World.  Spot was still talking to Jack, but he was getting impatient.


“Laces, hurry up and stop picking at that food like yer some kind of mouse,” Spot said sternly.  Sam looked at Spot; she looked like she was going to cry under the glare, but she just swallowed her tears and began to take bigger bites and was done in no time.  They went out to buy the afternoon edition, but there were very few papers left, so Jack and Spot waited and bought the evening edition of The World.  Spot handed Laces about ten papers out of his stack of 50.  “Ya might as well learn ta sell papes.  That’s probably what ya gonna be doin’ ta make money,” Spot said.  Sam took the papers and walked behind Spot and Jack again.  Spot would sometimes call out a headline and Jack would walk a bit away from him and then he would call out a headline.  Laces looked at her papers for the headlines that they had called out, but she couldn’t find them.  Spot went up to her and grinned.  “Ya aren’t gonna find those headlines.  We improve the headlines so that people will buy more, unless the headline is good already.”  Laces nodded.  She understood what he meant; they lied.  Sam looked at an article on the first page and read the headline, OLD POLICE OFFICER DEATH CAUSED BY A COLD.


“They need better headline writers,” Laces mumbled.  “Officer of law died defending his country!” Sam yelled, while waving a paper around.  Two people came up and bought papers from her.  She ran up to Spot.  “Look, I got two cents!” she said with a smile.


Spot smiled at her and then he said, “Good, save those two cents for boarding tonight, and save the rest for papes for tomorrow.”  Laces nodded her head and then went back to her selling spot.  She looked at the newspaper and found another article that she could sell.  A U.F.O.  spotting turned out to be just a lighthouse.


“U.F.O.  sightings all over the country!  Government trying to make contact with alien race!” Laces shouted.  A swarm of people came up to her and bought the rest of her papers.  Some even went to buy from Spot because she ran out.  When the people left, Sam had 11 cents.  Someone had given her a penny too much, and she put the coins in her pocket.  Then she sat down next to Spot, who had about 25 papers left.  She hummed a little tune to herself while Spot sold his papers.  She felt really safe with Spot around.  Jack also made her feel safe.  She suddenly remembered that Spot had mentioned her staying here.  Did this mean he was going to stay here too?  “Spot?” Laces asked.  Spot looked down at her.  “Are ya gonna stay ‘ere in Manhattan with me?”  Spot went over to her and messed up her hair a little bit.


“Nah kid, I gotta go back ta Brooklyn tomorrow, but I’ll come visit when I can.”  Laces didn’t like the idea that Spot wasn’t going to stay with her, but she felt better knowing that he would come visit.


“Spot, I’m not a kid.  How old are ya?” Laces asked.  Spot grinned at her.


“14 in a week,” Spot said.


“How old is Jack?” Laces asked.


“16; just turned like a month ago,” Spot answered.


“I’m only a year younger than you and three years younger than Jack, so why do you two call me Kid?” Laces asked.


“I dunno, you’se a goyl and you’se younger than us.  Ya also look a lot younger than what ya really are.”


“Well, stop it,” Laces said in a determined voice.


“Whatever ya say, Kid,” Spot said on purpose.  Laces looked at him.


“Don’t do that,” she whined.


“Do what, Kid?” Spot asked.




“Stop what, Kid?” Spot was beginning to get really annoying.


“If you don’t stop, I’m gonna leave,” Laces said.  Jack was watching from his corner where he was almost done selling his papers.  He was smiling and trying not to laugh.  Spot sold two papers before saying anything.


“I don’t know what ya want me ta stop, Kid,” Spot smiled.  Laces got up and walked away from Spot.  At first she walked fast, and then started slowing down.  Spot hadn’t said anything.  She had been expecting Spot to call her back and say he was sorry.  She was about two blocks down from where Spot had been selling papers.  Laces turned around to look at Spot.  When she turned around there was no Spot or Jack in sight.  Laces ran to where Spot and Jack had been.


“Spot?  Jack?” she called out.  “Spot Conlon! Jack Kelly!” she yelled.  “This ain’t funny!”  She was stamping her foot on the sidewalk.  No Spot came out and no Jack came out.  They had left without her.  They had left her here and she didn’t know her way to The Manhattan Newsboys Lodging House, or even how to get back to The Brooklyn Newsboys Lodging House.  She sat down where she had just been sitting with Spot on her side just seconds ago.  Laces began to cry.  At this, Spot and Jack, who had just been around the corner, came out.


“Laces, don’t cry, Kid,” Spot said in an effort to stop her tears.  Laces was startled, and even though Spot and Jack hadn’t left her, she kept crying.


“What’s wrong, Laces?” Jack asked.


“Why do people like to leave me?” Laces asked between sobs.  Jack looked at Spot and Spot just shrugged.  Jack picked Laces up and started to walk to the lodging house with Spot following.  Kloppman was at the front desk when he saw Jack walk in with a girl in his arms and Spot following him.


“Spot will explain,” Jack said heading upstairs to lay Laces down on a bed.  Kloppman looked to where Spot was standing for an explanation.


“She’s gonna be staying with ya for awhile.  ‘Er name’s Laces; not sure of a last name.  Ya’ll ‘ave ta ask ‘er bout that.  ‘Ere ‘er first night pay.”  Spot laid a penny on the counter and signed Laces in and then went upstairs to find out what was wrong with her.  He found her still crying.  Jack had put her on his bed and all the Manhattan newsies had accumulated around her.  Spot went up to Jack.  “Ain’t there a private room where ya can put ‘er?” Spot asked.


“Yeah,” Jack nodded and again lifted Laces off his bed and headed out of the bunkroom with Spot behind him.  The rest of the newsies knew better than to follow.  Spot closed the door to the little room across the hall from the bunkroom.  Laces was quieting down now and almost wasn’t crying at all.  Jack put her down and sat down on the bed while Spot leaned against a wall.  Laces sniffled a little and then looked from Spot to Jack.


“Don’t ever do that again,” she said, almost breaking down again.


“Sorry Laces, we didn’t know that you would break down like that,” Jack said.


“Ya wanna tell us what’s wrong?” Spot asked.  Laces was silent for a little while.  She looked from Spot to Jack.  They both looked like they just wanted to help her.  She could see that, but to tell them about her past?


“My mother died and my baby brother.  Ever since, I never liked being alone.  I feel like people leave me because there’s something wrong with me,” Laces said as she buried her head into Jack’s shoulder.  Spot looked at her.  Poor kid.  She has probably had a hard past.  Spot doubted that she was an orphan though.  He had a feeling about her.  Spot had felt like there was something wrong with him after his family died leaving him alone with his little sister who soon after fell fatally sick in the orphanage.  Spot shuddered at remembering those feelings and memories that he had worked so hard to get rid of.  He looked at Laces who still had her head in Jack’s shoulder.


“Laces, I’se sorry, but ya shouldn’t ‘ave walked off like that.  You’se gotta learn ta control that temper of yours.  Now you’se betta get some sleep,” Spot said.  Laces lifted her head.  She got up and hugged Spot.  Spot was startled by this sudden act of emotion.  He was caught off guard, so he just stared at Jack, who again was holding back his laughter.  Spot patted Laces on the back, and when she let go of Spot, she looked at him and pecked him on the cheek.  This again caught Spot off guard and he almost blushed.  Jack was going to burst, but Sam turned around and did the same thing to him.


“Good night,” Laces said.  Jack and Spot looked at her for a second and then sighed.


“Night Kid,” they said and walked out.


“I still don’t like ta be called Kid,” she called out.


“Whatever ya say Kid,” Spot answered, and with that he closed the door to her small room.  Laces looked out the window and took off the pants that Spot had given her that morning to wear.  She hopped into bed and stared at the ceiling.


“You’re quite a lucky goyl, Samantha Melissa Blanch,” she giggled at this.  “Ta run away and find such a wonderful pair of boys to take care of ya,” Laces said to herself.  “Laces Blanch.  Laces Kelly.  Laces Conlon,” Laces whispered and fell asleep thinking pleasant thoughts.


Around two in the morning, Spot woke up and heard something above the snores of some newsies.  He heard crying, almost distant.  He rolled out of bed and walked quietly across the hall and went into Sam’s room.  She was crying into her pillow again.  Spot sat on her bed and started to run his fingers through her hair.


“Shh, don’t cry anymore.  You’re safe from whatever you’re running from.  And ya got a family now,” Spot whispered.  She turned around and sat up and wrapped her arms around Spot.  Spot was startled again.  He wasn’t used to hugs and this kid seemed to give a lot.  Jack slipped into the room and once Spot got Laces to lie down again and fall asleep, he got up and him and Jack left and went downstairs.


“Do ya know if she does that a lot?” Jack asked.


“I’ve only know ‘er for 2 days, Jack.  And she has done that both days,” Spot said.  Jack nodded.  They went into the kitchen; both boys wanted to drink something.  Jack went to the cupboard and opened it; nothing but coffee.


“Coffee?” Jack asked.  Spot nodded and sat down while Jack prepared it.  “Spot, how’s it going in Brooklyn?” Jack asked.


“It’s okay and I’se know what your thinking, Jack, and the answer’s still no,” Spot said.


“But Spot, why’d ya leave Manhattan in the foist place?  Those Brooklyn newsies don’t even like ya,” Jack said.


“Jack, we both know why I left Manhattan; because of Luv and ya.  Hey, I know that wasn’t your fault, but I can’t live ‘ere with ya being the leader and all.  I don’t like people bossing me around.”


“Well, Night is the leader of Brooklyn.  What bout ‘im bossing ya around?” Jack asked.


“Nah, that’s different because he ain’t a friend and I don’t listen ta ‘im,” Spot said.


“That’s gonna get ya into trouble one day,” Jack said and then dropped it.  He had been trying to get Spot to come back to Manhattan since he had broken up with Luv, but Spot just wouldn’t come back.  Jack had been mad at first.  He had watched over Spot since he was 10 and Spot was 8 and they were both in the orphanage together and Spot’s sister, Fiona, was still alive.  The boys had their coffee in silence; neither even really liked coffee.


“Well, I’m leaving after lunch today.  Ya promise ta watch Laces for me?” Spot asked.


“Coise I will, Spot.  That kid is in good hands.  Ya are coming back next week right?  On Thursday?  So we can go ta Medda’s and celebrate ya 14th boythday?” Jack asked.  Spot nodded.


“I wouldn’t miss it for the woild,” Spot smiled.  Both boys laughed because they could hear Kloppman climbing up the stairs and shouting at the newsies to wake up.  They got up and went back upstairs to change and get ready for another day of selling papers.




Next week: March


Spot was walking on the Brooklyn Bridge heading towards Manhattan, and boy, did his jaw hurt.  He had gotten into another fight with Night’s thug, James.  James hated Spot more than Night himself, and Spot had said something, and they had gotten into a fight.  Spot smiled when he remembered the great punch that left James with a black eye to remember Spot Conlon by.  One of these days he was going to get into a huge fight with Night and James.  Spot smirked; he could beat Night in a fight.  Heck, he could beat both Night and James in a fight.  Spot was close to Medda’s now and as soon as he was going to walk in Laces came up to him.


“Happy birthday Spot!” she said with a smile.  Spot turned and looked at her.


“Thanks Kid,” Spot said with a smile.


“Don’t call me that.  I turn 13 today!” Laces said.  Spot’s jaw dropped and he looked at Laces, her eyes and hair, brown in the light of the sun which was just setting.


“It’s your boythday today?” he asked, still not believing what he had heard.  Laces nodded, her smile getting bigger by the minute.


“Why then, ‘appy boythday, Kid,” Spot said.  Laces went up and gave him a hug and they walked into Medda’s together.  As soon as they walked in everyone started to sing Happy Birthday.  Spot smiled as he noticed that she seemed happier than that first night he had found her.


“ ‘appy boythday dear Spot and Laces, ‘appy boythday ta ya!” the newsies finished off.  Spot and Laces sat at a table with Jack and Racetrack.


“Heya Spot, Laces.  ‘Appy boythday ta the both of ya!” Race said.  Jack got up and shook Spot’s hand and then he hugged Laces.  They sat down and out came Medda, who began to perform for the newsies.


“That’s me friend, Medda.  She owns the joint,” Jack whispered into Laces’s ear.  She performed for a little while, and during one of her songs, Spot got up and asked Laces to dance with him.


“Come on Kid, let’s dance,” Spot said.  Laces didn’t get up.


“I told ya not ta call me Kid,” Laces stared at him.  Spot laughed.


“Get up,” he said grabbing her arm and pulling her out of her chair.  When they were already dancing Laces grinned and looked at Spot.


“I’m gonna call ya Pup,” Laces said.  Spot stared at her for a second.


“If ya want, Kid,” he said.  Laces looked at him.  Her smile had gone and she just looked disappointed.


“That don’t annoy ya?” she asked hopefully.


“Nah, not in the least bit.  Whatever ya want, Kid,” he said.


“I will find something that will bug ya, Spot,” Laces warned.  Spot laughed and walked her back to where they had been sitting because the song was over.


The next dance, Spot just looked around the room and he suddenly said, “What’s she doin’ ‘ere?”  Jack looked towards Spot and then followed his gaze.


“Well, if it ain’t the devil ‘erself,” he said.  Laces was dancing with Blink when she looked over to Spot and Jack who were both staring at someone.  She followed their gaze and saw a girl, a very thin girl on a very tall handsome guy that Laces hadn’t seen before.


“Blink? Who’s that?” Laces asked.  Blink looked to where she was pointing and stopped dancing.


“Well I’ll be damned.  I don’t believe she came,” he said.


“Who is she?” Laces asked.


“Luv,” he answered.  Now she half understood why Jack and Spot were staring at her.  But why had Luv come at all?  Luv was making her way towards where Spot and Jack were sitting.  Laces and Blink went over there now, too.


“Why, hello boys.  I came ta wish Spot ‘ere a happy birthday,” she said in an innocent voice.  Spot got up and gave her a hug and shook the hand of the guy she was with.  Jack did the same, and then they all sat down.


“Luv, what happened ta Joel?  Every time we’se see you, you’se with a new leader.  Hell, it makes me wonder why ya were my goyl?” Spot asked under his breath so that the guy she was with couldn’t hear, but Laces was listening.


“I actually liked ya, Spot,” she commented.


“Yeah that’s why ya kissed Jack?” his eyebrow shot up.


“I said liked.  I got bored and Jack was cute and he had just become the leader,” she said.  Spot nodded; he understood how Luv worked now.  Most newsies did know now, but when he had Luv as his girl she had been new to town.  Laces looked at Luv.  She was thin, very thin and had dirty blonde hair that was long and almost curly.  She had blue eyes, a wide smile, and quite a way with guys.


“So, Duck, how’s Queens?” Jack asked.  Duck was the leader of Queens and Laces had to hide her face in Spot’s shoulder to keep from laughing at the ridiculous nickname that he had.


“It’s okay.  Haven’t had any troubles in a while.  How’s things ‘ere in Manhattan?” Duck asked.


“Fine, everything has been runnin’ smoothly since our goyl Luv ‘ere left,” Jack said with a smirk.  Duck looked at Luv who was staring around the room at everyone.


“Spot, let’s dance!” she said.  Spot winced, but agreed to dance.  Laces just sat there uncomfortable, not knowing Duck, and she didn’t have anyone to talk to.  Racetrack, seeing her just sitting there, went over and asked her to dance.


“The boythday goyl has ta give me the honor of this dance,” Race said with a little bow and wink.  Laces got up and took his hand.  Once on the dance floor, Laces whispered into his ear.


“Thanks Race.”


“Nuthin’ ta it, Laces.  Don’t ya go ruining your night cause of Luv and Duck.  They show up every once in a while.  Not both of ‘em, just Luv and any guy she’s with at the time.  We’se all use ta ‘er.  She ain’t no real trouble anymore,” Race said.


“Yeah, she looks like she’d be nice, but I need someone ta talk ta and I don’t think she’ll be the one,” Laces mumbled.


“Well, ya can talk ta any of us Kid,” Race said.  Laces gave Race a glare before saying anything.  He called her kid.


“Yeah but sometimes I just need a woman ta talk ta, Race.  You guys ‘ave all been great, but it just ain’t the same,” Laces said resting her head on Race’s shoulder.


“Yeah Kid, that can be true,” Race said, almost more to himself than to Laces.  Laces gritted her teeth.  He was going to quit calling her that, or none of them were going to.  They danced for a little while and then Race led her back to where him, Mush, and Skittery were sitting.


“Heya, it’s the boythday goyl!” Mush said.  He got up and pecked Laces on the cheek and Skittery told her to sit next to him.


“So, Laces, how’s ya boythday been?” Skittery asked.


“It’s been just wonderful.  I don’t believe all this,” she said as she sat down next to Skittery and Race.


“You’se want a drink?” Mush asked.  Laces nodded.  “Alcohol?” Mush questioned.


“Hey, get me something dry, not whiskey though,” Race said.


“And get me anything with alcohol that ain’t that bad tasting,” Skittery said.  They all looked at Laces.


“Is there anything without alcohol in it?” she asked.  Mush laughed.


“Yeah, don’t worry.  I’ll get you something without alcohol.”  Mush walked away and Race and Skittery started to talk with Laces.


“So how old are ya?” they asked.  Laces had spent only a week with the Manhattan newsies and they barely knew anything about her.  They knew her name and they loved her way of laughing, and most the newsies knew that she woke up early in the morning and began to cry and Jack had to calm her down.  That’s about all they knew about their little friend.  Laces, like her newsie friends, knew very little about the newsies also.


“I turned 13,” she said with a smile.  “How old are ya guys?”


“I’se just turned 15, but Race and Mush ‘ere are still 14,” Skittery said.


“When did ya turn 15?” Laces asked.


“Two months ago,” Skittery said.


“When do ya turn 15, Race?”


“Let’s see, if today is March 5th, I turn 15 in about a month and a half.”


“What’s the date?” Laces giggled.


“Um, if I’se member correctly it’s April 2nd, the day after April Fools Day!” Race said.  Laces was laughing; Race always made her laugh.


“How bout Mush?”


“He turns 15 next month on the 17th,” Skittery said.  Laces nodded and made a mental note to write this down when she got back to the lodging house.  Mush came back with the drinks and he handed Race and Skittery their drinks first, and then handed Laces hers.


“It’s soda pop.  Medda had some.  She said she prefers it if we boys didn’t drink cause we are ta young, but she ain’t our mother and she ain’t gonna push us,” Mush said with a smirk.  Laces took a sip of the drink and the little bubbles tickled her throat as they went down.  It was a wonderful feeling and the drink tasted great.  Medda came out onstage and clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.


“Could I please have the birthday boy and girl come up here, please!” she said.  At this, Spot looked around to see where Laces had gone.  Race and Skittery pushed Laces out of her chair and got her moving.  When Spot saw her, he went up to her and offered his arm.  She took it and they went up onstage together.  Jack and Blink rolled a huge cake out from behind the curtain and again, all the newsies began to sing Happy Birthday.  Spot and Laces looked at each other and smiled.  They both blew out the candles and everyone cheered.


“Boythday people need ta dance together!” Jack shouted with a smile.  Spot took Laces’ hand and began to dance with her.  The newsies were cheering loudly, clapping, whistling, and so on.  The night ended at almost two in the morning.  Jack, Blink, Spot, and Laces were the last left when the party was over.  “Thanks, Medda, for everything,” Jack was saying.


“It’s was nothing.  I hope ya two had a good birthday,” Medda said.


“It was wonderful, Medda,” Laces said.


“Glad ya liked it honey,” Medda said as she gave Laces a hug.


“Well, I better get going back to Brooklyn,” Spot said.  “See ya all later.”  Spot headed towards the door.


“Jack, ya don’t mind if I go with Spot, do you?” Laces asked in her overly sweet manner that meant you better not object.  Jack knew that even if he cared, Laces didn’t care, so he shrugged, and off Laces went after Spot.


“That goyl sure is something, huh?” Blink said after she had raced out the door.


“I think she is,” Jack said.  “Sides, she sure is gonna cause us some headaches.”




“Spot!” Laces was calling after Spot, who wasn’t that far in front of her.  Spot turned and saw her running up to him.


“What the ‘ell ya doin’ out ‘ere, Kid?” Spot asked.


“Nuthin’.  I just decided I would go ta Brooklyn with ya.  I don’t want ya ta walk alone.  I’ll just stay there tonight and come back ‘ere tomorrow,” Laces said.  Spot shrugged.


“Well, if ya want ta.”  He started to walk again, this time with Laces at his heel.  “So what ya been up ta ‘ere in Manhattan?” Spot asked.


“Well, Jack says I almost as good as ‘im at sellin’ papes.  He also says that me mouth is gonna get me in trouble,” Laces said.


“Now why would ‘e say that?” Spot smiled.


“Well, ‘e says I talk back too much and well, I disagree with everything and like arguing,” Laces said.  Spot laughed.


“Well, ya haven’t disagreed with me and I don’t recommend arguing with me cause ya’d lose,” Spot smirked.  Laces stopped and put her hands on her hips.


“What?” she demanded.


“What, what Kid?” Spot asked, knowing perfectly well what she meant, but she looked cute mad.


“’ow da ya know that I’se would lose if I argued with ya?” Laces said in an angry tone which amused Spot.


“Ah, well because,” Spot said and kept walking.  Laces was staring at his back for a few seconds and then decided to catch up with him.


“Ya are the most nerve wrecking boy that ever lived Spot Conlon,” Laces said.


“Now, how’d ya figure that, Kid?” Spot asked.  Laces didn’t say anything for a little while.  She pretended that she hadn’t heard Spot.  They were in the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge and there was a full moon out.  The night was cold and neither Spot nor Laces had any jackets, so they were both shivering.


Laces suddenly said, out of nowhere, “What’s your real name, Spot?” Spot kept walking and then he stared at the water below the bridge.


“Wells now, it’s…wouldn’t ya like ta know!” Spot had a cynical look on his face.


“Oh, you’re horrible, Spot Conlon!” Laces said at his little remark.  She started to run down the rest of the bridge and Spot ran after her; it was a good way to keep warm.  When they got to the end of the bridge they were out of breath.  Spot took all the back alleys and short cuts to get to the lodging house early because it was really getting cold out.  The morning winds were coming in.  Spot grumbled about not being able to get any sleep.  When they got to the lodging house they climbed up the fire escape and Spot told Laces to sleep on the bottom bunk for what was left of the night.  Spot and Laces fell asleep as soon as their heads touched the pillows.


“SPOT!” someone was yelling.  Spot opened his eyes and looked around the room.  Most of the newsies were already gone, but at the door he saw three figures.  When his eyes focused to the light again, he looked towards the door.  There was Night, a mid-sized boy of about 18 with black hair, and James, a huge boy of about 17 with red hair, trying to get Laces out of the room.  James had her mouth covered and was holding her upper body.  Night was about to get her legs so they could carry her out.  Spot jumped out of bed and grabbed his cane which was under the mattress.


“Ya let ‘er go, now!” Spot said.  James and Night looked at Spot and laughed.


“What ya gonna do if we don’t, Shorty?” James snickered.


“Don’t tell me this pretty littl’ thing is ya goyl?” Night asked.  Spot glared at them and asked them again.


“Are ya gonna let her go, or do I get ta get me hands doity?” Spot asked.  James picked Laces up and swung her onto his shoulder and moved over to a bed where he dropped her.  Spot didn’t wait for them to get ready when he went at Night.  He pushed his cane into the older boy’s stomach and watched him double over.  He then turned just in time to get a right hook into his left eye.  Spot stumbled for a second and then threw a few jabs, a hook, and a right cross that left James on the floor.  Night was pushing Spot into a corner, where Night knew he could probably knock him out.


“Ya know what we gonna do ta your littl’ goyl friend?”  James was off the ground and heading towards Laces who was on the bed he had left her on, watching him come towards her.


“Run, Laces,” Spot yelled at her.  Laces got up and started to run, but before she got to the door James caught her, while Night had gotten Spot into a corner.


“How bout a kiss for me,” James was saying to Laces.  He had her in his arms and was staring at her.


“NEVER!” Laces yelled.  She started to get herself lose and then tried punching him in a struggle to get out of his grip.


“Ah I think I’se can change your mind,” James was saying.  He now tried to force a kiss onto Laces.  Spot was ducking punches and trying to get out of the corner he was in, but not succeeding.  Laces tried to pull away from the kiss, but James just held her tighter and then she knew what to do.  She would kick him.  Laces kicked and sure enough her kick landed where it was meant to and James released her and fell to the ground, hands cupped over his crotch.  Spot was punching Night in the face and then he grabbed his cane and hit Night over the head with it, and he fell to grab his head, which was now bleeding.  Spot looked at Laces.  She was huddled over by the door.  He ran over to her and picked her up.


“We gotta go before they get up again,” Spot said.  Laces nodded and made Spot put her down.  They ran out of the lodging house and ran all the way to Manhattan, taking all the shortcuts there.  When they got there, it was lunch time, so Spot led Laces over to Tibby’s.  Both Spot and Laces were dying for sleep but they had to have something to eat too.  When they entered Tibby’s, everything went silent.


“What happen?” Race asked.  Spot sat down at a nearby booth and Laces sat next to him.  Jack was nowhere to be seen.


“Where’s Jack?” Laces asked.  Just then the door opened and Jack walked in with a girl on his arm.  Everyone was silent for the second time in less than a minute.  Spot and Laces turned around to look at what everyone was staring at.


“This ‘ere is Buttercup Tate, me new goyl,” Jack said with a kiss on the girl’s cheek.  Laces and Spot both groaned and Jack turned to them and was going to demand why they had groaned, when he saw the state they were in.  What the ‘ell happen?” he demanded.  He went over to where they were sitting and looked at Spot, whose mouth was bleeding, and Laces, who was a mess and had bruises around her wrists forming.  Laces also looked like she was about to cry and Spot looked mad and worried.


“I’se just got into a fight with Night and James,” Spot said.  Jack stared at him and then at Laces.


“It was awful Jack!” Laces said and with that fell to crying again.  When she burst into tears Spot put his arm around her.  Jack got up and looked around.  He sighed.


“ ‘Ave ya two eaten anything?” he asked.  Spot shook his head and Laces just kept crying.  “Well, after ya eat something, I’ll walk with ya back ta the lodging house and ya can sleep and tell me the story tonight,” Jack said.  He kneeled down and put his hand on Laces’ back.  “Laces, please stop crying.  Ya need ta eat something and then we take ya back ta the lodging house,” Jack said.  Buttercup came up and sat down at the booth with Jack.  Laces composed herself and looked over Buttercup.  Spot was also looking the girl over and Buttercup could not stand both of them staring at her.  Unlike most girls though, she did not look away, but stared right back while Jack ordered the food.  “So Buttercup, this ‘ere is Spot Conlon and Laces Blanch,” Jack said.  “Like I’se said before, this ‘ere is Buttercup Tate.”


“So where’d ya get ‘er?  Ya didn’t seem ta ‘ave ‘er last night,” Spot said with a try at a grin.  Jack smiled.


“Ah, she was supposed ta come last night, but it seemed that she had ta work.”


“Where ya work?” Laces asked.


“At me family’s dress shop,” Buttercup said.  Bill, the waiter, brought the food and everyone began to eat almost silently.  Laces again started slowly and was picking at her food even though she was growing out of the habit by now.  She still did it, just more quickly.  When everyone was finally done, Laces was about to drop and fall asleep where ever she could, so Jack picked her up and carried her most of the way to the lodging house until she told him to put her down.


“Okay, I’se gotta walk Buttercup back ta the dress shop and finish sellin’ me papes, so ya two get some rest and then I’se be back tonight,” Jack said and with that headed off.  Spot and Laces looked at each other and then entered the lodging house.  Kloppman was at the desk and looked up when the door sounded since it was too early for the newsies to be coming in.


“Spot?  Laces?” he asked confused for a second.  Then he saw Spot’s bloody lip and how pale Laces still was.  “What happened?” he asked as he went for his first aid kit, so that he could clean Spot up.  When he got the first aid kit, Spot was already sitting in a chair near the desk so that Kloppman wouldn’t have to direct him.  “You and Jack sure don’t let this first aid kit rest, but I must say it has been bored since you left,” Kloppman said.  Spot rolled his eyes; Kloppman was also trying to make jokes about how he and Jack would fight so much.  “Who did you fight with this time?” Kloppman asked while working on Spot’s lip.


“Night and James, but mostly Night,” Spot mumbled.  Kloppman nodded.  He knew that would happen.  Spot wasn’t meant to be a regular newsie.  He was meant to be a leader since he didn’t like taking orders.  Kloppman finished quickly and told them to go upstairs and get some rest.  Laces had practically fallen asleep on the stairs.  Spot threw himself in the first bunk he found and Laces did the same.  They fell asleep before even hitting the pillows.




Almost two weeks later


“Laces, Laces.  Where are you?” Buttercup had just entered the lodging house.  Most of the boys were not home yet from selling papers, but Laces had promised to be there because they needed to get ready for the poker game that was going to be held that night in Harlem.  Jack and Buttercup’s relationship was going well and Buttercup wanted to do something really special and dress up and look her best for him tonight.  Buttercup went up to Kloppman.  “Isn’t she here yet?” she asked.  Kloppman had learned to tune Buttercup out.  Most of the newsies had because she had a tendency to talk too much sometimes if you gave her the chance.


“What?” he asked.


“Laces.  She’s not here yet?” Buttercup asked.  Another thing about Buttercup is that she had gone to school and did not talk the slang of the streets, but proper English.


“Nah, she isn’t ‘ere yet,” Kloppman replied as the door flew open and slammed shut.


“Heya Tate.  Sorry I’se late, but I had ta finish selling me papes,” Laces said.  Buttercup turned and faced her.


“It’s okay,” she said.  “Come on, I brought you a dress that should fit you perfectly.”  Both girls headed up the stairs and Kloppman went back to writing in his books thankful that Laces had arrived because he felt uncomfortable around Buttercup.  When the girls entered the large bunkroom upstairs, Buttercup opened the bag she was carrying.


“The first thing you must do is take a bath.  You look like you haven’t in days, maybe even weeks,” Buttercup said.  Laces smiled.


“Now I don’t really got time do I’se?”  She headed to the washroom though and closed the door behind her so that she could take the long needed bath.  While Laces took a bath, Buttercup was putting on her dress and trying to fix her hair.  Buttercup was wearing a blue dress that went well with her white skin and long light brown hair.  Laces came out with her under-clothing on looking much refreshed.  Buttercup was standing in front of the mirror trying to get her hair up in a new way.


“The dress is on the bed.  Put it on.”  Laces looked on the bed.  There was a simple, yet pretty, white dress.


“Do I’se really ‘ave ta wear the dress?” Laces asked.  Buttercup gave her a look.


“You cannot be a tomboy all the time.  You have to let those boys know that you are a girl.”  Laces slipped it on.  It had a low neck and it was neither long nor short, and it had pink trimming.  Buttercup finally got her hair up and she turned to see how her friend was getting along.


“Whadda ya think, Tate?” Laces asked.


“You look wonderful,” Buttercup said.  Laces had her hand in her hair, which was in a ponytail.  It had been really long, but it was too much of a hassle so she had chopped most of it off.  It was a little higher than her shoulders now.  Buttercup had actually cut it for her so that Laces wouldn’t make an uneven cut.  Laces and Buttercup had become the best of friends since that night at Tibby’s after the fight.  Now they were almost always together when they had a moment.  Both had to work though, so they almost never saw each other in the mornings, but they would usually make time in the late evenings to get a glimpse of each other.  “Put your hair down!  You aren’t working,” Buttercup said.


“I could do that,” Laces said.  “But I dunno.”


“Put it down,” Buttercup insisted.  Laces took her ponytail out and looked in the mirror.


“Tate, I didn’t even dress this nicely for me own party and I’se gonna dress like this for a poker game?” Laces asked, always being practical.  Laces didn’t really like being in dresses.  She loved the pants that Spot had given her and spent all her time in the same outfit.


“You are going to leave that dress on,” Buttercup said.  Laces heard the door downstairs open and the storm of newsies walk in, greet Kloppman, and come upstairs.  For some reason Laces felt like hiding from them, but she didn’t move.  When the newsies walked in, they stopped at the door.  One by one they came in and stopped, and last to come in was Spot and Jack.


“Why’d ya all stop?” Spot asked.  Then he looked around the bunkroom and saw Laces and Buttercup.  He mostly noticed Laces though; she looked like a girl.  Jack was staring at both girls going back and forth.  “Why, what happened ta ya, Kid?” Spot asked Laces.  Laces went up to Spot and hit him in the shoulder.


“Nuthin.  Ya should learn ta be more courteous ta a goyl,” Laces said.  Race whistled and Jack laughed.  Jack went up to Buttercup and offered his arm.


“Should we be off?” Buttercup nodded and took Jack’s arm.  They went out of the room and a lot of newsies followed.  Before Spot could get to Laces though, she slipped in between Race and Skittery.


“Heya guys!  How did sellin’ go taday?” she asked.  They made no objection to her company and Spot was left to follow.  He shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled at the thought that he would corner her and make her walk home with him.  The Manhattan newsies got to the poker game right on time.


“Race, I forgot how ta play poker,” Laces was mumbling just as they entered the old abandoned building.


“Again!” Race grumbled about Laces forgetting his favorite game again.  He had taught her how to play three times in the last three weeks and so had almost every other newsie.  Everytime she was going to play, she never remembered how to play.


“Well...” Laces began and Skittery ran his hand through his hair and Race lit another cigar.


“Hey Laces, I’ll teach ya how ta play again,” Spot said coming to the rescue over the other newsies.


“Great, Spot will teach ya again,” Race said and started to walk away.  Skittery also left and Spot came up to Laces and smiled.


“So why can’t ya member how ta play a simple game like poker Kid?” Spot asked.  Laces shrugged.  She was really getting use to Kid.  “Okay, I’se tell ya what.  I’se teach ya again and then ya can play with the younger kids; ya know, Jack’s new ones.  When ya get the hang of the game, come over and join the game that me and Jack is playin.” Spot sat down at the nearest empty table.  He called over the new newsies that Jack had found in the last few weeks.  There were about three of them.  There was a little African American boy named Boots, who was 10 years old.  Then there was Snipeshooter, who was only 8 years old, and Swifty who was 9 years old.


“Ya guys know how to play poker?” Spot asked the boys.


“Not really, Spot,” Snipeshooter said.


“Good, sit.  I’se gonna teach ya all how ta play,” Spot said.  The younger boys sat down and Spot shuffled the cards.  Spot didn’t take long teaching them all how to play poker.  As soon as Laces remembered how, which was after like the third game, Spot went to join Jack and Race’s game.


“Laces, are ya and Spot together?” Snipeshooter asked after Spot had left.  Laces shot a glare at Spot who had his back to the group now and then looked at Snipes in complete shock.


“Now where would ya get an idea like that?” she asked, still shuffling the cards and almost dropping them all a few times.


“Well, ya and him are always together and that’s how Buttercup and Jack are and they’re together,” Snipes said in his defense.  Laces laughed.  She couldn’t help herself.


“Well that’s true, but I also spend a lot of time with Skittery and Race.  Does that mean I’m together with them?” Laces asked.


“Well, it’s just whenever Spot is always around a goyl, he is together with ‘er.  The other night I hoid Blink and Mush talkin’ bout Spot and how ever since ya had come along they hadn’t seen him with a new goyl.  Spot use ta bring a new goyl around every week or so.  Ya ‘ave been around for almost two months now,” Snipes said.  When he looked at the stern face that Laces had on, he stared at the ground thinking that he must have said something wrong.  Laces was also too happy for her own good, and the newsies rarely saw her with a long face except when she would wake up crying, but that was almost never thought of anymore because she didn’t do that as often now.


“Snipe, ya really shouldn’t eavesdrop.  It ain’t nice.  And I’se only been around for like a month.  But I’se not mad at ya.  It’s just that some boys from Brooklyn just got ‘ere.  Ya boys stay ‘ere and play.  Don’t move, and if a fight breaks lose, ya run, ya hear?” Laces said getting up.  The young newsies nodded their heads and kept playing poker as if nothing had happened.


Laces was making her way through the bunches of newsies sitting and standing around tables.  Anytime she passed a table, there would be whistling and then a familiar voice would tell the voices to shut up and Laces would smile to herself.  Finally, Laces saw where Buttercup was standing with Jack, Race, Spot, and another boy unfamiliar to Laces at a table, playing in a cloud of smoke.


“Spot!” Laces said loud enough for him to hear.  He put his cards down and looked up.


“So ya ready ta play with us already, kid?” Spot asked with a smile on his lips.  Laces was at his side now.


“No, Spot look.” Spot followed where Laces pointed and saw the two guys from Brooklyn.


“Oh great.  Ya haven’t seen Night or James ‘ave ya?” Spot gritted his teeth.  Laces shook her head and Spot ran his hand through his hair thinking if he should leave or just wait.  Spot Conlon didn’t run away from anyone, so he decided to sit there and keep playing to the dismay of Laces.


“Spot, what are ya doin’?  We’se gotta get out of ‘ere,” Laces said.


“Laces, Spot Conlon don’t run from anyone,” Spot said and Laces said no more even though she wanted to slap Spot for being so proud.  But that was Spot for you.  Laces didn’t move from where she was.  She put her hand on Spot’s shoulder when the two Brooklyn newsies started to head to the table where Spot was.  Every time they took a step closer, Laces would tighten her grip on Spot’s shoulder.  When they were about a table away, Spot glared up at Laces.  “The arm’s dead Kid.  I would thank ya don’t break the bone up there,” Spot said.  Laces let her hand fall to her side and stood there with a not-so-pleasant face on.  Buttercup, meanwhile, was freaking out.  She was trying to get Jack to leave and was about ready to throw a fit, but he refused to leave.  Buttercup was pacing back and forth when the Brooklyn boys stood right next to Laces.


“Well, looky ‘ere.  Spot Conlon and ‘is little goyl.  We figured we’d find ya ‘ere tonight,” the bigger boy said.  He had black hair and brown eyes.  He was big and was making Laces very nervous.


“Hello Knuckles, Fists,” Spot said without looking up.  His cool manner made the two boys shift their weight and the boys’ names made Laces dig her nails into her own hand.


“So, ya beat up Night and James eh?”  the taller boy with the black eyes and black hair asked.


“Yeah, I did.  Ya got a problem with that Knuckles?” Spot asked, placing a card down but still not lifting an eye to look at the boys.  Spot was not wasting any unnecessary energy.


“Not really, see, Night and James well, we ran them out when we found out what had happened because Deer had been in the hall,” Knuckles said, the taller of the two.


“Yeah so?” Spot asked, still not looking.


“Well, we came ta ask ya if ya wanted ta come back ta Brooklyn?”  the smaller, but rougher looking red haired and brown eyed boy asked.


“Now, why would I want ta do that?” Spot asked.  He was surprised by the question, but again he showed no sign of emotion, just a slightly different pitch in his voice.


“Conlon, we want ya ta become the leader of Brooklyn,” Knuckles said.  He was getting impatient.  At this, Spot looked up.  Actually, most all the newsies looked up because Knuckles had said it rather loudly.  He had almost shouted it.


“Leader?” Spot repeated softly that no one heard and the wind carried it off.  Spot paused for less than a second and then looked back down finished the round and stood up.  “Sure boys,” was all he said and everyone went back to playing because Spot had this glare that told them they had better go back to playing.  “I’se ‘ave ta go ta the Manhattan Lodging House ta get me cane and slingshot though,” Spot said to no one in particular.  “See ya all later,” he said looking at Jack mostly, but saying nothing more.  Spot walked towards the door and once he was outside, he heard footsteps behind him.  He turned and there was Laces following him.


“Now why is it when I leave somewhere not wanting ta be followed, I always end up with a tag along?” Spot asked.  Laces walked up casually.


“Now how do ya know I’se following ya?  I’se could be heading a different way,” Laces said sticking her nose up in the air.


“Yeah sure Kid, whatever,” Spot laughed.


“Stop calling me Kid,” Laces said in a whining voice.  Spot kept walking like nothing, so Laces decided to ask, “So what ya gonna do as leader of Brooklyn?”


“Nuthin’ special.  Just the same old thing just with more power now.” Laces wondered about this and came to one conclusion that Spot would just get a bigger ego, but she could be wrong.


“Ya gonna leave tonight?” Laces asked.  Spot nodded.


“Yeah, I’se gonna move into Night’s old room,” Spot said.  Laces nodded at this, it seemed logical.  “So why did ya leave the poker game?” Spot asked Laces.


“Uh, I can’t go play after what happen, besides, I’se real tried.” Laces yawned at this to prove that she was tried.


“Yeah well I’se hope ya get some sleep,” Spot said with a grin.  They got to the lodging house and Laces jumped on her bed and watched Spot grab his stuff.  Spot stopped at the door and stared at Laces, then he started to laugh.


“What are ya laughing at?” Laces asked.


“Look at what ya done ta that dress.  Just goes ta show ya, ya can’t turn ya into a lady,” Spot said still laughing.  Laces looked at the dress.  It was covered with dirt and mud from the streets because she hadn’t bothered to lift it.  She was about to say something to Spot, but when she looked up he was gone.


“I will get ya one day Spot Conlon,” Laces mumbled as she went to the washroom to change.  Spot had left the lodging house quickly because he wanted to get back to Brooklyn and he wanted to get away from Laces.  He was afraid he was falling in love with her and that couldn’t happen.  He couldn’t fall in love with that girl.




June 1898:


The weeks passed and Spot didn’t visit Manhattan much anymore.  Everyone figured it was because now he was the leader and all that.  Spot had visited Manhattan once in the past month or so after he became the leader with a new girl named Sugar.  But that was the last that anyone had seen of him.


Laces had been spending a lot of time with Buttercup and with Race, Blink and Skittery.  She saw a lot of Jack and whenever she woke up crying, which really didn’t happen anymore, Jack was the one to calm her down.  Laces was forgetting why she had been so unhappy when Spot had found her, but once in a while she would have a dream, a horrible reminder.  Most of the time though she was happy, cheerful, and outright peppy.  She would bounce off the walls and all the newsies had come to love her cheery way.  She usually sold in the morning and then would head to Buttercup’s family dress shop where she would stay for a little while and then head back to the lodging house.  Laces was almost done selling her last papers when she saw a familiar person walk down the street.


“Luv?” she said almost to herself.  She was on the arm of a tall, skinny guy that Laces had seen around and thought was from Midtown.


“Heya Laces, I’se was just in the neighborhood and thought I would come over and say hi ta me favorite newsies.  So how’s Spot?” she asked when she walked up, not bothering to introduce the guy that was most likely the leader of Midtown.


“Have ya heard he became the leader of Brooklyn like three months ago.  So I’se haven’t really seen him,” Laces said.  Luv stared at her in disbelief.


“Spot, leader of Brooklyn?” she asked as if maybe it weren’t true.


“Yeah Spot is the leader of Brooklyn.  He soaked Night and James good and then became the leader,” Laces said while selling her last paper.


“Wow.  I’se should go say hi,” Luv said more to herself than anyone.


“I’se sure it would surprise ‘im.  Well if ya don’t mind Luv I must be goin’,” Laces said.


“Oh no, not at all.  Nice seeing ya Laces,” Luv said absently.  Laces walked off smiling.  She had heard the talk about Luv, that she only dated leaders but she had dated Spot.  She had cheated on Spot with Jack, but she had gone out with Spot even though he wasn’t a leader and that’s why Spot had left Manhattan and gone to Brooklyn.  Now that Spot was a leader, Luv was sure to go looking for him.  Laces walked into the dress shop and leaned against the counter.  Buttercup was standing on a stool being measured by her older sister for a dress.


“Heya Tate,” Laces said.  Laces was the only one who ever called Buttercup, Tate.  Laces liked being different and liked short names and Buttercup was a little to long.


“Hello Laces,” Buttercup said not looking down in fear that she would fall off the stool.


“Guess who I’se just saw?” Laces said.


“Who?” Buttercup asked.  She didn’t like guessing games.


“Luv, with the leader of Midtown,” Laces said.


“Doesn’t that girl ever come here alone?” Buttercup asked.  Laces shook her head.


“Nope.  Hey ya know what, it has been exactly five months since I became a newsies,” Laces said with a smile.


“Well, I’m glad,” Buttercup said not being able to think of what else to say .


“Yeah well I better go.  I heard that Spot may be dropping by tonight,” Laces said.


“Where did you hear that?” Buttercup asked.  Buttercup had a feeling that Laces liked Spot, but just didn’t want to admit it.


“Oh well I’se think that Jack was talkin’ bout it and I’se don’t like Spot if that’s what your thinkin’,” Laces said and with that she turned and left.


“Well if she doesn’t like Spot, I think Spot likes her,” Buttercup said as the door close.  Laces walked down the sidewalk hoping that she would run into one of the other newsies because she didn’t want to think about things.  Like why everyone thought that she like Spot.  She thought Spot was cute, but she didn’t want to be Spot’s girl or at least she didn’t think she wanted to be.  Luckily, Mush was coming up the street and Laces ran to him.


“Heya Mush, how was sellin’ taday?”


“Ah, Heya Laces.  It was okay I guess,” Mush shrugged.  “I met this goyl; she is just great.” Mush said.  Laces sighed and almost laughed at Mush.


“Ya always meet this goyl,” she said.  Mush smiled.


“Yeah, I’se know.”


“So why do ya think that Jack thinks that Spot is gonna come taday?” Laces asked.


“I dunno.  We heard that Rick is sick,” Mush said.


“Rick?” Laces asked.  Even though Laces lived with the newsies she was very carefree and almost never paid attention to conversations unless they had something that interested her in them.  She spent most of her time talking with Buttercup, learning to play poker again, helping Kloppman tidy up, and just watching the newsies.


“That’s the caretaker at the Brooklyn lodging house,” Mush said.  Laces nodded.  She did not see the connection between Rick being sick and Spot coming to Manhattan.  They had reached Tibby’s and Laces hopped in.


“Heya!” Laces said in her usual perky voice.  Some newsies responded but most mumbled about how she could be so cheerful with the headlines that they had to sell.  Laces sat down at her usual place with Jack and looked around.


“ ‘E ain’t ‘ere,” Jack said.  Laces looked at him with a confused grinned.


“Who ain’t?” Laces asked.


“Spot,” Jack said.


“Why would ya think I’se looking for that annoying, egotistical, shorty?” Laces said with a smile.


“Well nice ta know what ya think of me,” a familiar voice said from behind Laces.  Laces jumped at the sound of Spot’s voice.


“Well ya know it’s true,” she said as she turned to look at him.  He looked worn out, pale, and skinner.


“Well, alright Kid.  Just like ya is a spoiled brat with a quick and annoyin’ mouth,” Spot said as he sat down next to Jack.  “Heya Jacky-boy,” he said.


“Heya Spot, howz life been treating ya?” Jack asked before Laces could continue the insult exchange.


“Ah, well Rick he’s sick and well the lodging house is a mess and nobody can clean it,” Spot said with a sigh.


“What does Rick ‘ave?” Jack asked.


“I dunno,” Spot put his head in his hands.


“Spot,” Laces said.  But Jack ignored her thinking that she just wanted to insult him.


“Ya don’t look that great yourself Spot.  Are ya getting sick to?” Jack asked.


“Spot,” Laces said again.  But again she was ignored.


“I dunno Jacky-boy.  I think that I may be getting sick,” Spot groaned.


“Spot,” Laces said again getting impatient.  Jack paid her no heed though and continued the conversation he was having with Spot.


“Ya got ta take care of yourself.  So no one’s been cleaning your lodging house, huh?”


“Nah, it looks like a pig sty.  It’s really getting’ on me nerves,” Spot said.


“Spot, Jack, I’se gonna talk so shut up,” Laces said.  Jack looked at her in surprise, but said nothing.  He just kinda made a face he was getting really tried of her attitude sometimes.  She didn’t listen and she always had an opinion.


“Spot, why don’t I go ta Brooklyn and help ya with the lodging house until Rick is back on his feet?” Laces asked.  Spot looked at her for a second thinking to himself about it.


“That could work,” Spot finally said.  “Whadda ya think Jacky-boy?”


“I guess she would be able ta help and that would make it easier on me.  She’s been takin’ me customers.  She’s been getting’ ta good.  Warning ya now though Conlon, this kid is a pain.” Jack said.


“Hey, it ain’t me fault that ya can’t keep up with me.  And I’se is not,” Laces said.  Spot smiled.


“Then it’s settled.  You’re comin’ back with me.” Laces nodded.


“But ya get something now Spot Conlon.  I’se take orders from no one not even the leader of Brooklyn,” Laces said.  Spot laughed at this.


“We’ll see Kid, we’ll see.  See ya Jack.” Spot got up and started walking towards the door.  Laces jumped up.


“See ya Jack, tell everyone that I said bye,” Laces said as she went after Spot.  Jack shook his head.


“That Kid is always following ‘im around.”


“Spot! Wait I have ta stop by the lodging house,” Laces yelled after Spot who was heading for the Brooklyn Bridge.  Spot turned and walked up to her.


“Spot, another thing, stop calling me Kid,” Laces said.  “And don’t give me any of your Brooklyn leader attitude either,” Laces said.  Spot stopped walking and glared at Laces for a second and then kept walking.  He was going to set her straight but decided to wait until he was back in Brooklyn to say anything.  There it was his territory and there maybe he would be able to scare her a bit.  Laces got her stuff in no time and they headed to Brooklyn.  Spot was quiet most of the way there while Laces chirped about all the newsies in Manhattan and then she said she had seen Luv.


“Luv?” Spot asked.


“Yeah.  She’s with the leader of Midtown I think,” Laces said.


“Midtown, ya mean Press?” Spot asked.


“I dunno, no one has ever introduced us before,” Laces said.  They were in the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge, Spot’s favorite place to trap people.


“Laces, I want ya ta get something straight.  I give the orders and ya follow the orders and that’s the way it works.  I’se ain’t like Jack who’s so carefree.  Most of me newsies are afraid of me.  Now, I don’t care if ya are or ya ain’t, but ya don’t go being sassy with me in Brooklyn in front of me newsies,” Spot said in a stern and cold way.  Laces looked at Spot, she detected a change in him, he seemed colder, tougher.  He fit the fearless leader image perfectly.  She shuddered when she looked into his eyes, but she knew that the Spot she had meet was in there somewhere and she wasn’t going to pay attention to this new Spot.


“Spot Conlon, I’se won’t listen ta a word ya say unless I’se want ta.  I’se doin’ ya a favor and ya don’t treat me like you’se maid cause I ain’t and will never be.  I don’t care who ya are, but I ain’t gonna be treated like this,” Laces said with a determined air.


“Samantha, don’t ya go making me get tough with ya,” Spot said, his tone soft and dangerous.  Laces looked at him surprised at the use of a name that she hadn’t heard since she first meet Spot almost six months ago.  Spot was scaring her.  He didn’t mean to be, he just couldn’t have her undermining him in front of the newsies he was struggling to keep under his orders.


“Yes master,” Laces bowed.  “You are a real jerk Spot Conlon,” she mumbled and started to pout.  Spot smiled at her pouting.  He had successfully made her scared to undermine him.  Maybe this would bring him peace.  They got to the Brooklyn Lodging House just as the sun was beginning to set.


“Come on, I’se introduce ya ta Rick,” Spot said.


“Yes sir, whatever ya wish sir,” Laces said.  Spot sighed and led her to the only room occupied on the first floor.  He opened the door slowly and entered the room silently.


“Rick, I’se brought someone ta help ya round ‘ere till ya get betta,” Spot said.  The man in the bed opened his eyes and looked at Laces.


“What’s your name?” he asked.


“Laces,” she simply said.


“Well, thank you for your help,” he said and closed his eyes again, Spot signaled to leave the room and Laces followed him out the door.


“Will I’se be meetin’ the other newsies master,” Laces said.


“Will ya stop that,” Spot said.  Laces smiled a wicked smile.  She had found something that bugged Spot.


“Stop what, master?” Spot sighed, seeing that she wasn’t going stop he decided to play along.


“Come along the boys will be in the bunkroom.” Spot started up the steps.  Laces followed.  When Spot entered the bunkroom all the boys looked up.


“Boys this ‘ere is our new maid.  Laces.” Spot shot a look at Laces; she was glaring at him.  He bit his lip to keep from laughing at her face, which looked like it was turning red.


“Spot Conlon, you are impossible!!! I’se is not your maid!!!” Laces screamed and stomped her foot then stormed out of the room.  Spot bolted after her and started laughing his heart out.  Laces was going down the stairs and heading out the door.  She had no clue where she was going, but Spot was perfectly impossible.


She walked down the street and then turned into an alleyway where she leaned against a wall and slid down.


“I like Spot I really do, but he is just so annoying sometimes,” she mumbled to herself.  Spot walked down the street.  He had seen the alleyway that Laces had stepped into and he knew where she was and was in no hurry to have her be angry with him.  He thought it had been a great joke, a joke that had backfired on her.  He turned into the alleyway and saw her sitting there.


“So whadda ya think of that?” Spot asked much amused.  Laces looked up at him with a pouting face.  “Ya know something Kid, ya really shouldn’t pout it don’t go well with that face of yours,” Spot said.


“Yeah what would ya know.  That was mean Spot,” Laces said.


“Oh really, I didn’t think it was that bad,” Spot said.


“Yeah right.  Help me up you horrible boy,” Laces said.  Spot stuck his cane out for her to grab hold of.  She stared at it a moment and then took it.  She pulled really hard hoping to make Spot lose his balance and fall but he didn’t.  They walked back in almost complete silence except that Laces was fidgeting with her hands, snapping and slapping her thigh cause she just couldn’t keep them still.  When they got back to the lodging house Laces smiled.


“So where am I gonna sleep boss?” Spot groaned, she wasn’t gonna quit.


“The room across the hall, it’s right next to my room.”


“Oh great I get the pleasure of sleeping in the room next to the great leader of Brooklyn,” Laces said in a very sarcastic tone.  Spot smirked and opened the door.


“Tomorrow I’ll wake ya up before I leave.”


“As you wish master,” Laces said.


“If ya don’t quit doing that I’ll start believing it and then where will ya be?” Spot asked.


“In no betta position than I’se in right now.” Laces smiled innocently.


“Yeah sure.  Night Kid,” Spot said.  He closed the door and Laces heard the footsteps and his room door open and then she heard the bed creak as he got into it.  Laces walked to the window and looked at the stars.


“I hope I’m doing what’s right,” she whispered and then went to bed.




“LACES!” Someone was yelling and then thump! Laces opened her eyes and she was on the floor.  She looked at the shoes that were in her face.


“Mornin’ ta ya ta Spot,” she said.


“Ya didn’t want ta wake up.  Get up and dressed and then go downstairs and ask Rick what ‘e needs,” Spot commanded.


“Right away master.  Whatever ya say Boss,” Laces said getting up.


“Yeah well I’ll see ya at lunch time,” Spot said and left.  Laces got up and went to the washroom.


“Boy, I thought that the Manhattan boys were messy,” Laces said as she entered the bunkroom where beds everywhere were unmade and things were all over the floor.  The washroom was worse.  The water was everywhere, it didn’t smell to great, there were towels all over the floor, and soap! It was a miracle the boys didn’t trip.  She made her way to the washtub and took a bath and then dressed.  Then she went downstairs and went scavenging for food and found some bread rolls.  Then she went into Rick’s room.


“Mornin’ Rick, what I’se suppose ta do? And how ya feeling?” Laces said.  Rick opened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him.


“I’se been betta, did ya see the washroom and the bunk?” Rick asked.


“Yeah,” Laces said.


“Well that’s what ya can get started on.  They probably back ta leavin’ it a mess without me there ta bother ‘em bout it.  That will take you most of the day.  Can ya cook?” he asked.


“Yeah,” she replied.


“Well then, I will need ya ta go shopping whenever ya get a minute and start cooking dinner.  Ya don’t ‘ave ta start taday.  I ‘ave a feeling that you’se gonna spend most of the day cleanin’ their bunk up.” Rick chuckled softly and then coughed.  “I wish ya luck, kid.”


“Thank you, ya need anything at all ya just holler and I’se will come runnin’,” Laces said and hopped out of the room.  She went back behind the desk and looked for cleaning tools.  When she found all she would need in the storeroom, even an extra pair of clothing, she went upstairs and started her work.  She began in the washroom, scrubbing floors and sinks.  Opening the windows in the washroom, she picked, rubbed and spit shined that washroom till it was spotless.  She was very tired and she still had the bunkroom to do.  When she finished wiping down the counter in the washroom and putting the last towel away she stood and looked at her work.


“Very nice job,” Spot said from the doorway.  Laces jumped, being startled that Spot was there.


“I’m glad that ya like it boss,” She said.  Spot grinned.


“Too bad it ain’t gonna stay this way for long,” Spot said.


“Whadda ya mean?” Laces asked.


“It will be a mess again tomorrow,” Spot said.


“No it won’t, not that messy,” Laces said trying to convince herself.


“Yeah it will.” Laces lifted her arm and pushed some hair out of her face.


“Are ya gonna take me ta lunch or just get me into a bad mood?” Laces asked.


“Can I do both?” Spot asked.  Laces faked a laugh.  She was not amused.  She took off her cleaning things and told Rick she was leaving for lunch and she would be back in a little while.  Spot took her to a small place not far away that was a lot like Tibby’s.


“Don’t ya go working yourself ta hard cleaning that mess up,” Spot warned her when he was taking her back to the lodging house.


“Yes Master.”


“Oh and make sure that my room is in perfect order when I arrive,” Spot said with a dignified air.  Laces swat him in the back of the head to his surprise.


“I ain’t your maid,” she said.


“Oh really, well it don’t matter.  Women always wait on me it’s their Job,” Spot said.  At this Laces threw a punch at his shoulder.


“Oh yeah that hurt.  Ya hit like a goyl,” Spot said.


“Ya, Ya jerk.” Laces stormed off inside and Spot was left snickering.  Laces was really a funny thing when she was mad.  Laces made the beds in the bunkroom and then picked up all the things that were on the floor and then swept the floors and opened the windows.


“There I’se finally done,” she said just as the door downstairs opened and footsteps were heard trampling up the stairs.  Laces stuck all the cleaning things in a broom closet and then wiped her hands on her pants just as the boys entered the room.  They all came in talking loud and when they saw Laces and then the spotless room they were stunned.


“Hello boys,” she said.  “How was sellin’ taday? Any good headlines,” she said.  They were silent for a few seconds and then a little one talked.


“The headlines were okay, thanks for cleaning this up.”


“Why you’re welcome,” Laces said and headed out the room.  Laces went into the hallway and noticed that Spot wasn’t there yet and so she decided to see if there was a mess in his room she might as well pick it up.  She opened the door and went inside.  It was a simple room, nothing special about it.  She picked up some clothing there was on the floor and opened a drawer to put them away.  When she opened the drawer she noticed a picture frame.  She lifted it and looked at it.  It was a family.  There were three girls, and two boys.  Spot was one of the little boys looking about 4 in the picture but already had his grin mastered.  The other boy was about six.  The baby was a girl and the other two girls looked eight and ten.  Laces looked at the women that must have been Spot’s mother and she was beautiful.  Laces was staring at the picture when Spot walked in.


“What the ‘ell do ya think you’re doing?” Spot demanded.  Laces jumped and dropped the picture back in the drawer.


“I was putting away some clothing when I found that picture.  I was just looking at it Spot,” Laces said looking at the ground.  Spot walked over and shut the drawer, and then he glared at Laces.


“Ya should learn ta just put things away and not dawdle,” Spot said.  Laces looked at him, his eyes were cold again and she shuddered as she walked to the door.  She went into her room and threw herself on the bed.


I will find out bout ya Spot, one day,” she sighed.  Just then there was a knock at the door.


“Come in,” Laces called out.  The door opened and the little boy who had answered before came in.  The little boy had brown hair, dark eyes and a few freckles.


“Heya Laces, Ise Bottle Cap, but most everybody calls me Cap on account that I’se collect bottle caps,” the little boy said.


“Hello Cap, how old are ya?” Laces asked.


“8,” the boy replied.  Laces smiled at the small boy; he was so cute.  “Come ‘ere and sit,” Laces beckoned.  Just then the door opened and Cap jumped.


“Laces I’se just gonna tell ya, Ise going out with Sugar so if ya hear footsteps late at night don’t be frightened,” Spot said.  Then he looked at Bottle Cap.  “What is ya doin’ in ‘ere?” Spot asked.


“Spot, there is a thing called knocking and leave the boy alone were talkin’,” Laces said.  Spot smiled at Laces and then left.  Cap went and sat next to Laces.


“Ya must be a great goyl,” the little boy said.


“Why?” Laces giggled a bit about the littl’ boy’s assurance.


“Well cause ya can make Spot mad real quick, but later you’re smiling again,” Cap said.  Laces smiled at the boy’s comment.


“Well that’s real sweet of ya,” Laces started to run her fingers through the boys hair.  Cap and Laces sat there for a while and talked about the day’s headline and what was going on around the city.  Cap talked and Laces would laugh now and then.  When they finished talking Cap gave Laces a hug and ran off to bed.  Laces went to bed herself and murmured about how sweet that little boy was.


The next few days were the same.  Laces cleaned only the bunkroom and washroom all day long.  She still hadn’t had time to go to the market and she was getting really tired that the boys didn’t pick up after themselves.  Laces had met all of the Brooklyn newsies.  Most were cold and unemotional but the little ones she loved to death and some of the older ones she knew she’d get use to them.  One day she sat on the Bunk after she finished cleaning as the boys came upstairs when they entered the room and when she wasn’t smiling they stopped.


“Anything smatta?” Bullseye asked.


“Yeah, sumthing’s smatta.  Ya boys need ta pick up your mess in the mornin’ Ise haven’t had time ta do anything else.  All I do is clean your washroom and bunkroom.  Ise haven’t been able to go to the market for Rick or even dust the parlor downstairs because ya boys decided ta leave this place a pig sty.  If ya don’t start picking up yourselves Ise gonna tell Spot that I’se going back ta Manhattan,” Laces said.  Some of the boys glared at her and others looked at the floor.


“Don’t worry bout it Laces, they’ll clean up their messes,” Spot said.  He was in his favorite place at the door.  “Won’t ya boys?” Spot asked with a voice that warned all the newsies to not contradict.


“Yeah Spot, sure,” the boys yelled out and at this Spot told them to pipe down.


“Laces, Sugar is down in the parlor.  Why don’t ya go talk ta her while I’se talk ta me newsies ‘ere,” Spot said.  Laces nodded and went out the door and down the stairs.  She entered the parlor where a blond, blue-eyed girl was sitting.  She looked like Spot, even that tough image was there.


“Heya Sugar, I’se Laces.  We meet before in Manhattan,” Laces said sitting down next to Sugar.


“Heya Laces!  How ya been?” Sugar asked in her high and happy voice.


“Okay, ya?” Laces asked.


“Oh, I’se been fine.  I’se worried bout Spot though he has been looking betta, but I still think he could get sick,” Sugar said.


“Nah he’ll be fine,” Laces said.  The front door to the lodging house opened and closed and a girl came walking in and was about to go up the stairs when Laces called out to her.


“What are ya doing ‘ere Luv?” Luv was startled that there was anyone in the parlor, but she knew it was just Laces.  She had never met the other girl but it must just be a friend of Laces.


“Laces, where’s Spot?” Luv asked.


“Luv this is Sugar, Spot’s goyl,” Laces said trying to get Luv to forget about why she was looking for Spot.


“Heya Sugar.  Did ya know that Spot belongs ta me?” Luv said, Spot came into the parlor and Luv threw herself at him and gave him a kiss.  Spot pushed her off of him.


“What the ‘ell do ya think your doing?” Spot demanded.  Luv smiled a sweet and innocent smile.


“Why Spot, I was just giving me boy a kiss,” She said.  Sugar jumped up at this and went over to Luv and slapped her.


“’E’s me boy, not yours.  I heard bout how ya only date leaders, well this leader’s mine,” Sugar said.  Luv slapped Sugar back.


“Well honey, or Sugar, or whatever your name is, I think your bout to become Spot’s ex.” This continued for awhile, Spot just watched and Laces sat on the couch farthest from it and laughed softly.  Sugar finally picked Luv up and threw her out the door.


“First time I’se have goyls fighting over me,” Spot chuckled at this change in plans.  Sugar came back into the parlor and kissed Spot on the cheek.  “Sugar why don’t ya go home and get cleaned up we’ll do something tomorrow.”


“Don’t ya go letting that goyl back in ‘ere,” Sugar warned and then went outside.  Spot sat on the couch next to Laces.  He stared at her shoes that were untied again.


“Put your foot ‘ere and I’ll tie your shoe,” Spot said patting his knee.  Laces did so and she smiled.


“I don’t know why that gets to people so much,” she said.


“I don’t see how you can never trip,” Spot said.  He was bent over the shoe struggling with the short laces to tie it.  Laces bent down and watched his struggle.


“Ya doing it wrong,” she said.


“How would ya know, ya never tie your shoes.” Spot tried to get the laces in a bow and they became undone.  He let out a frustrated sigh.  Laces grabbed the shoes laces and did a little knot that kept them off the floor.  Spot looked up and he was right in Laces face.  Spot didn’t even think about what he was doing when he kissed Laces.  She was just in the right position and he couldn’t help the temptation.  Laces went into shock and before she could pull away.  She heard a scream and Spot jumped up.


“You!  You little bitch!” Sugar yelled.  She was about to lunge herself at Laces when Spot intervened and she rammed into him.


“Sugar wait, it wasn’t ‘er,” Spot said.  Sugar looked at him when he said that.


“What?” she demanded.


“I’se was the one who kissed her.  It was an accident.  I’se um...  tripped and landed on her lips,” Spot said.  Sugar didn’t buy it at all and she slapped Spot.


“Ya jerk, ya pig, ya…” Sugar punched Spot in the stomach and went over to the couch and picked up her bag that she had forgotten there.  “I’se hope ya two are happy together.” Sugar stormed out the front door.  Spot was groaning from the floor and Laces was dazed out.  She looked from the door to Spot thinking this couldn’t be happening.


“Laces?” Spot said.


“Spot, go after Sugar,” was all that Laces said before leaving the room and going out the front door.


“Oh, great!  This has just been a poyfect evening,” Spot said as he got up.  “I’se talk ta Sugar tomorrow.  If I’se go today she would soak me,” Spot said.  He went up to his room and lied on the bed waiting for Laces to return.


Laces was walking around Brooklyn.  She went in and out of alleyways.  She wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t sad.  She was confused.  She wanted to talk to Buttercup but Manhattan was so far away and it was so late.  There weren’t very many people on the streets, it was getting colder even though it was mid-August and Laces didn’t even have a sweater.


“Heya sweet stuff how bout ya come over ta my place,” a man on the corner of the street said.


“I ain’t your whore!” Laces hollered back.  She wasn’t in the best part of town.  She was actually in one of the worst parts of town where all the bars were and drunks hung out.  Laces shuddered as she passed a bar she was familiar with; a bar she hadn’t seen since that last week.  Laces shook her head trying to get the images out of her head.  She wasn’t going to think of that now.


“Ya drunk, don’t ya come back ‘ere without any money!” Someone was thrown out of the bar Laces had just passed.  Laces looked back at the man that had just been thrown out of the bar.  She couldn’t see him in the dark.  She noticed how dark it was and how late it really was.  She had to start heading back so she turned around and went past the man who had been thrown out of the bar.


“Audrey!” the man yelled.  “Is that you?” Laces froze where she was.  That voice, that man, that name.  She felt like she couldn’t breathe, she felt like she was going to die right there and then.


“It is ya then, you bitch, you whore, you good for nothing girl.  You up and left me!  I’ll teach ya ta leave your father!” the man called out.  He was drunk, he was always drunk.  Laces tried to run but her legs would not move.  Her father came towards her and he grabbed her arm tightly and spun her around.  “Where ya been girl?” her father said.


“With the trash of the streets?” He spit in her face.  Laces would not look him in the face.  She wouldn’t even struggle.  “I’se teach ya ta leave your family,” he said soft and dangerous.  He had a bottle in his hand and he smacked her with it.  Then he took it and broke the bottle over her head.


“Let me go!” Laces found her voice and started to scream.  She didn’t think anyone around here would try to help but she thought maybe they could provide a distraction.  She was bleeding now, her face had cuts but she bit her lip whenever it started to quiver.  The man who had been in the bar came out to see what was causing such a commotion.


“Kai, ya let that girl go!” the man shouted.  Laces’s father turned to look at the bar tender, just the perfect time to get lose.  Laces pulled away from the grip she was in and took off running.  She didn’t look back.  She didn’t even think where she was going.  She just ran.  Blurred objects went past her.  She couldn’t hear anything but the pounding in her ears and she could barley see anything but the water that was forming in her eyes.  When she ran out of breath she sat down on a step and started to cry.  Some boys were coming up to the Brooklyn Lodging House.  They knew it was late, but they had been out in Manhattan checking up on things for Spot and they just came back.  When they arrived at the lodging house they realized that someone was crying on the step.  Bottle Cap went up to the weeping person and discovered that she was Laces and she was covered in blood.


“Laces?  What’s wrong?  What happened?” he asked.  She didn’t respond at all.  She just kept crying.  “Go get Spot!” the little boy said in a worried voice.  The other two boys who had been with him ran inside and up the stairs and in a flash Spot was outside.


“Laces?” She didn’t respond.  He knew that she wasn’t going to respond.  He picked her up and took her into the parlor.  There he laid her down on the couch.  She was still crying, but it had softened and was almost unheard except for a few sobs.  Spot looked at her face and got worried.  She was bleeding badly.


“Bottle Cap, go into the kitchen and get me some cloth and water so I can clean her off,” Spot commanded.  “The rest of you’se go on ta get some sleep,” he said.  The rest of the newsies left and went upstairs mumbling.


“He was...  Spot it was...” Laces kept trying to say something but she would sob out before she finished.


“Laces, it’s okay.  Shh, you’re safe now.  Do ya want something ta drink?” Spot asked.  Laces nodded her head and Spot got up to get her something to drink and check on Bottle Cap.  He went into the kitchen and found Bottle Cap in the closet.


“What are ya doing?  I’se told ya ta get me some cloth and water?” Spot asked as he poured a glass of water.


“I’se don’t know where the cloth is?” Cap said.


“It’s in the box right there, hurry up.” Spot pointed to the box and left the kitchen.  He handed Laces the water and made her sit up.  She wasn’t really crying anymore and drank the whole cup of water.  Cap came in with the water and cloth.


“Spot it was awful,” Laces started but Spot hushed her.


“Let me clean you up and give yourself some time ta calm down and then tell me what happened.  Cap go on up ta bed.  She’ll be fine.” Bottle Cap reluctantly turned to go upstairs, but turned back around and ran to Laces and gave her a hug.


“I hope ya okay,” he said and kissed her on a cheek and then headed up to bed.  Laces smiled as Cap hurried up to bed.


“You’se gonna make that boy soft on me,” Spot commented.  Laces looked at Spot as if she had just noticed he was in the same room with her.  He had successfully cleaned her up and now the bleeding had stopped too.


“Why don’t ya tell me what happened?” Spot asked.


“Well, I went out for a walk right and well I’se just walked.  I didn’t really know where I was going.  I noticed that I had walked into the bad part of town and I’se found me father and well he beat me, Spot.” Laces took a breath.  Spot was about to say something but Laces didn’t let him.  “Let me finish.  I’se gonna tell ya everything now.  Me real name is Audrey Alexandra Kai.  I had lived in middle class suburbia for most of my life and then when I turned 7 me father went bankrupt.  We moved into a smaller place and everything was fine for a while when me father got a new job.  He started to go out in the evening and me mother and me were left alone.  Well, when I was like 10 me mother became pregnant and she had the baby and lost her life.  Me father was torn by her death and started going out more at night.  I’se was left ta take care of me little brother and he died about a week after he was born from lack of food.” A tear rolled down Laces’s cheek.  “When me father got home he was mad as ‘ell.  He said it was me fault that me mother had died and that I’se had killed me brother.  He beat me the first time that night.  After that I started ta cook, clean and not make any noise.  Anytime something wasn’t done, or done right I feared I would get beat again.  Until one night when he came home with a whore and told me she was going to hire me because whores made good money and he needed more money for his whiskey.  I said no and he beat me.  I got up and ran.  I took off and I came ‘ere.  I’se had seen this place plenty of times and I just didn’t know where else ta go.” Laces finished and buried her head into Spot’s shoulder.  Spot was in shock.  This girl, the girl that he was falling in love with had lived through all that.  He felt like killing her father, the man that could cause such pain to such a creature.  He stroked her hair, her brown hair.  She fell asleep in his arms like she had the first night that he had found her.  He carried her upstairs and remembered that just 7 months ago he couldn’t carry her up these stairs in fear of waking up Night and James.  Now he could without worrying about anything except waking her up.  He laid her on her bed and covered her up.


“Don’t worry Kid, it’s going to be all right,” Spot whispered as he left the room.  Laces did not have a very good night.  Her dreams were filled with images of her father, her mother and her baby brother.  Then there came the images of Jack and Spot.  The love she felt for Spot was not the same as the one she felt for Jack, yet Spot was the one who felt that for her.  Laces tossed and turned and murmured things about everything in her sleep.


“Laces wake up,” someone was softly shaking Laces awake.  Laces shot up and stared at the person on her bed.


“Hello sleepy head,” Spot said.  “I’se gonna be staying with ya today so we can go ta the market,” Spot said.


“Okay Spot,” Laces said.  Spot looked at her and his mouth twisted into a half smile.  She wasn’t her perky self or her arguing, quick witted self.


“Why don’t you go get dressed,” Spot said helping her out of bed.  “‘Ere, I got ya some new clothing,” Spot said handing her a new pair of pants and shirt.  Well not exactly new, but different.  Laces had worn the same thing for almost seven months and she was wearing it out.  Laces took the clothing and headed to the washroom.  She screamed when she entered the bunkroom and Spot ran in to see what had happened.


“It’s clean!” The bunkroom was almost spotless.  There were a few items here and there but compared to how it had been for the past few days it was really clean.  Spot laughed at Laces, she smiled.  “I didn’t think the boys would listen to me.”


“Well they had ta listen otherwise they’se would ‘ave ta deal with me and none of them wanna do that.  Now hurry up and get dressed,” Spot said.  Laces went into the washroom and Spot looked around the bunkroom.  It was pretty clean, Spot smiled.  Laces wouldn’t spend her whole day cleaning this place up anymore.  Spot went downstairs to Rick’s room.  He hadn’t talked to him in a long time.


“Rick?” Spot said softly.  Rick was sitting up in bed and had the window opened and everything.


“Heya Spot, why aren’t you selling today?” Rick asked.  Spot must have had his mouth wide open and a really good surprised look on because Rick laughed.


“Yeah, I’m feeling better, didn’t Laces tell you?  I’ve been like this for almost two days.  I should be up and about in a week or so.” Spot nodded.


“Um glad ya feelin’ betta Rick.  So what do ya want us ta pick up from the market?” Spot asked.


“The boys finally pickin’ up their mess?  What ya do threaten them?” Rick joked.


“Actually I did.  But that did it, don’t worry I’se didn’t soak any of ‘em,” Spot said.  Rick looked relieved.


“Um...  tell Laces ta get whatever she can use to cook with.  Tell her she’s going to be cooking dinners from now on,” Rick said.


“Why?” Spot asked.  “Ya never cooked Dinner.”


“Well after I get betta I want her ta have something to do and I can’t cook otherwise I would have done that,” Rick said.  Spot shrugged, he didn’t know if Laces was going to stay after Rick got better, but Rick seemed to like her enough.  Spot and Laces went to the market and Laces picked out some food for the rest of the week so that she could make dinner.


“Now ya go tell the boys that they betta come home ‘for it gets dark if they wants a home cooked meal.” Laces said as she sent Spot out the door of the kitchen.  Spot left to do as she was asking and Laces giggled to herself.


“I’se like Spot when he feels sorry for me, he’s easier to handle.” Laces proceed to cook a stew.  When she was done with it she took some to Rick.  Rick tasted it and Laces stood by and eagerly asked what he thought of it.


“Why my dear you’re an excellent cook.” Rick smiled.  “I think those boys are going to be home on time from now on.” Rick laughed as he heard the door open and close and the footsteps of the newsies.


“I recommend you go protect your stew from kitchen thieves,” Rick laughed.  Laces went out to check in the kitchen for anyone.  All the boys were standing there.


“Now what are ya all doin’?” Laces asked.  The boys turned to look are her, their usual cold faces were shinning.


“That smells good,” Bottle Cap said.  Laces smiled and then laughed.


“Well ya aren’t getting’ a bite until ya clean up a bit.” The boys groaned and moaned but they all filed out.  The only one that didn’t was Spot.


“Ya control ‘em almost as well as I do,” he commented.  Laces laughed.


“Yeah, but I’se don’t scare ‘em.  Come on help me serve this,” Laces said.


“Yes master,” Spot said.  Laces laughed.  Laces poured and Spot passed the plates to the table.  The newsies came rushing down the stairs, sat down and began to eat and talk.  Laces sat down next to Spot and Bottle Cap.  Everyone was trying to shout over everyone else and Spot was getting really impatient.


“Shut up!  Lemme hear what’s happenin’ in Manhattan,” Spot said.  All the newsies stopped talking and ate in silence.  “Well, Bottle Cap, what happened?” Spot asked, taking another taste of the stew.


“Um everyone is pretty much okay.  Buttercup says hello and sends her love to you, Laces.  Racetrack was wondering if ya still member how ta play poker.  Um Mush, Skittery, and Blink were wondering when you’se was coming back ta at least visit.  Snipeshooter was wondering something about a couple.  Oh Jack’s in the refuge again.  Snyder caught him last week.”


“What?” Laces asked.


“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it Laces.  He’s in there once in a while until he breaks out again.  So what ‘e get in for this time?” Spot asked.


“Um, stealin’ food I think.  Or at least that’s what Blink said,” Cap said.  All the Newsies were now done with the stew and just listening to the news.


“That was great stew,” Spot said, everyone agreed and Laces blushed.


The same routine was followed for like two weeks.  Spot went with Laces every time she would go to the market.  Laces made dinner every night and the newsies picked their messes up so Laces was left with nothing to do.  Rick was now also getting up and moving around now; he was doing much better.


“So nothing to do anymore, is there?” Rick asked from behind the desk.  Laces was sitting on the couch in the parlor staring at the bookshelf.


“Why don’t you read one of those books?” Rick suggested.  Laces shrugged and got up to look at the titles.  She picked up a book with a green cover and opened it.  She read the first chapter and then she looked up.


“Rick do you know anything about Spot’s past?” she asked.  Rick chuckled softly.


“I was wondering when you would be getting around asking about that,” he said.


“Well do ya know anything?” Laces asked.


“If I did it isn’t my business to tell you.  Ask Spot,” Rick said.


“Come on Rick, ‘e won’t tell me,” Laces started to whine, something she had come to perfect when asking Spot for something.


“Nope, sorry can’t do it,” Rick said.  Laces asked a few more times and Rick still refused.


“Fine then I’se just go upstairs ta read,” Laces said.  Rick nodded, knowing that what she was going to do probably had noting to do with books.  Laces went upstairs and threw the book on the bed.  She paced back and forth.


“No one would know.  I’se would just go in there and when I’se heard the door I’se would get out.  He would never know and I’se ain’t doin’ nothing really wrong.  I’se just go in there and tidy up a bit, yeah that’s what I’se gonna do, tidy up.” Laces convinced herself, she walked out of her room and into Spot’s.  She picked up some lose items that Spot had left on the floor and opened the drawer to put them away.  When she opened the drawer she found the picture again.


“Spot was so cute, he doesn’t look happy that he had to dress up in those clothes though.” Laces laughed at the grin that Spot wore.  Then she looked at his other brother; he also looked like Spot, just older.  The girls all were quite beautiful.  Spot’s mother was breath taking though, her hair was a golden blond and her eyes were exactly like Spot’s crystal blue; like that of frozen ice.  Laces put the picture back and then decided to look in the night table drawer.  When she opened it, it was full of papers, but there was something that caught Laces eye, a box.  She took the box out and opened it.  Inside was a necklace with a charm that was shaped like a key at the end of it.  Laces took it out and was admiring it when the door downstairs opened and slammed shut.


“Oh no,” Laces whispered.  She shut the box and put it back and got out of the room, with the necklace still in her hand.  When Laces noticed that the necklace was still in her hand it was too late to put it back because the newsies were already coming down the hall.


“Heya Laces, how was your day?” they all greeted.  Laces smiled and was trying to keep from shaking.  She was sure that her heart was beating so loud that Spot would be able to hear and know what she did.


“It was fine boys, get cleaned up for dinner,” she said in her motherly way.  She walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen.


“I’ll just put it back later, he’ll never know.” Laces slipped the necklace into her pocket and began to stir the soup.


“What ya got there?” Laces jumped and almost made the soup spill.


“Nothing, nothing at all.  What do you mean what do I have there, I have nothing I don’t know what ya talkin’ bout,” Laces said.  Spot grinned at her and then laughed.


“Relax, you’se safe okay,” Spot said.  Laces nodded while still shaking.  While Spot talked about his day she seemed to be very interested in the soup.  Spot smiled, he had been planning to talk to her about that kiss that he had given her the other night but she was still jumpy about her family so he decided not to.  Laces poured 15 soups.  Spot was passing them to the table and he noticed they were one short.


“Aren’t ya forgetting one?” Spot asked.


“No I don’t feel well, I ain’t hungry and so Ise gonna go upstairs and lie down for a while,” Laces said, holding her head.


“Are ya sure that ya don’t want anything ta eat?” Spot was making sure.


“Yeah, don’t worry about me.” Laces headed upstairs while the boys were coming down the stairs.  The boys nodded at her, but continued on their way to the kitchen.  When Laces got upstairs she entered her room and walked around a little while.


“There should be enough time to put it back before ‘e is done.  Ise ‘ave ta put it back what if ‘e looks in the box and sees it’s empty?” Laces said to herself.  She walked out into the hall and made sure that there were no newsies wandering around.  No, they were all eating.  She entered Spot’s room as quietly as she could.  She watched her step as not to make the floor creak and then she sat on the bed.  She opened the drawer and got the box out carefully.  This was all taking her longer than she had thought, or at least it seemed like forever.


“What the ‘ell do ya think your doing?” Spot asked.  Laces stood up and dropped the box on the floor.  She was looking at Spot.


“Um, well Ise was, ya see,” Laces began.


“Ise thought Ise told ya ta stay out of ‘ere?” Spot asked.  Laces stared at the floor afraid of the glare that Spot was giving her.


“Ise was just...” Laces tried.


“You’se was just not minding you’se own business.  Your own past ain’t enough for ya?” Spot said.


“But Spot,” Laces said.


“Your past ain’t bad enough for ya, you need someone else’s bad memories and ‘ere I thought that ya drunken father was enough.”


“Spot,” Laces said almost in a whisper.


“Ya own mother and brother dying, and ya being a fuckin’ whore ain’t enough for ya.  Ya need ta go diggin’ for someone who’s worked hard ta forget the memories that ruined their life.” Spot was yelling now and some of the newsies stood in the hall.  Laces cringed at his words, words of hate.  She shook every time he got closer to her.  Laces could’ve sworn that if she hadn’t been a girl Spot would have soaked her.  The newsies in the hall shuddered, they wanted to go in there and get Laces out but Spot was angry and might soak them if they even went near him.  Spot was almost in front of Laces now.  He had taken a step every time he said something.


“Ya little nosey slut, stay the ‘ell out of me room,” Spot said in a soft threatening voice.  This was all that Laces was going to take.  She walked out of the room pushing Spot a little out of her way.  She opened the door and went into the hall where almost all the newsies now were.  She pushed her way through them without saying anything and walked down the stairs.


“Where ya going?” Bottle Cap shouted after her.


“Manhattan,” she answered as she slammed the door and left.  Spot had been so cruel, so insensitive, how could he have said all those things to her.  Laces walked quickly through Brooklyn and slowed down once she was in Manhattan.  She hoped that she didn’t wake the newsies up.  She smiled that she was going to get to see Race, Mush, Blink, and Skittery again all.  She wondered if Jack was out of the refuge yet.  Spot had said he’d be out in like a week.  When she got to the lodging house the lights were on.  She entered quietly and wasn’t heard through all the noise.  All the newsies were up with the exception of the younger ones who were in bed, but the rest were playing poker or talking.


“Heya everyone,” Laces said.  Everyone looked up in surprise to see their friend there so late at night.


“Hiya Laces, what happened?  Anything wrong?” Mush asked.


“No nothing really,” Laces said and then she saw Buttercup.  “Tate?” she asked as if she were imaging that she was there.


“Yup, the one and only,” Buttercup responded while giving Laces a hug.


“What are you doing ‘ere so late?” Laces knew that Buttercup was probably here without her parents consent but it had to be for something important.


“I believe that was the same questions we ‘ave for ya,” someone behind Laces said.  Laces jumped at the voice but she knew who it was.  She turned around and jumped into Jack’s arms.  Then she thought why Jack and Spot both have an obsession with being behind her and making her jump.


“Jack, you’re out of the refuge,” Laces said.  Jack put her down and laughed.


“I guess ya missed me more than me own newsies,” Jack said.


“So what happened?” Race asked while shuffling the cards for a new game of poker.


“I’se got into a fight with Spot,” Laces said.  Jack grinned.


“He can be pretty stubborn sometimes.”


“So Jack, how did ya get out of the refuge?” Laces asked.


“Oh it was a great escape,” Jack started, but was interrupted by Race.


“Come ‘ere and sit down, this is goin’ ta take a while.  Jack sure is a guy who can make a short story long,” Race laughed.  Laces went over and sat down next to Race who was ducking a swat by Jack.


“Okay so it all began with...” again Jack was cut off by Race.


“Hold on Jack, sorry, but Laces do ya member how ta play poker?” Race asked.  Laces cringed and then admitted that she didn’t.  “Oh, why cants ya member this game?” Race mumbled as he again proceeded to teach Laces how to play.


“Okay, well it all started when Teddy Roosevelt came with his carriage,” Jack said, all the newsies began to laugh and Jack went on telling about how he escaped on Teddy Roosevelt’s carriage even though none of the newsies believed him.




September 1898:


Laces began to sell papers again, something she hadn’t done in a while.  At first she sold by herself and then Bottle Cap came and told Jack about her father and Jack made her have another newsies with her at almost all times.  Laces soon got back into her routine of selling papers, going to lunch at Tibby’s, selling the afternoon papers, and then going to Buttercup’s dress shop to talk to her there.


In the past two weeks in Manhattan Laces had told Buttercup everything that had happened in Brooklyn with Sugar, Luv, Rick, and the cooking.  There was only one thing that Laces hadn’t told her about and that being the necklace that she still had.  Laces had put it on and left it under her clothing so the newsies wouldn’t notice it.  Everytime she remembered it she would feel guilty and sad because Spot hadn’t come looking for her or anything.  She wouldn’t go back to Brooklyn.  She would one day, just not yet.  She had to wait it out.


Laces was walking to the dress shop to see Buttercup.  Today had been the first day she had been alone for a long time.  All the newsies had been busy.  Jack had promised to meet her at the lodging house around 5 after she went to the dress shop.  Tonight there was a big poker game in Harlem and everyone was going.  Laces walked into the dress shop and was greeted by a few customers and Buttercup’s brother who was working the register.


“Where’s Tate?” Laces asked.  Mike, Buttercup’s brother, looked up.  He was taller than Laces, but of course most people were except for Spot.  He had hazel eyes like Buttercup’s and short dark brown hair that was always a mess because he never got up on time.


“She can’t see ya, she working on her dress for that thing tonight,” he said.


“Thanks Mike,” Laces said and walked out.  She hummed a little tune that she had heard somewhere on her way to the lodging house which wasn’t far.


“Hey Kloppman,” she said when she walked in and she went up to the bunkroom.  Laces went to the window in the bunkroom and looked out the window.  The view from the window was the Brooklyn Bridge, Laces shuddered.  What if her father crossed that bridge?  What if he found her?


“It’s gonna be okay, ya’ll see.” Jack had entered the bunkroom and had his hand on her shoulder.  She felt comfortable with him there.  She looked up at him, his eyes were staring at her.


“Thanks,” she said and then she stood up.  She had expected Jack to move but he didn’t.  He stood there face to face with Laces even though Laces was a few inches shorter than himself.  He kissed her, lightly and for only a second.  Laces was a little shocked at first and then she kissed him back.




Spot Conlon was on his way to the Manhattan Lodging House when he spotted Buttercup.


“Buttercup!” he called out.  She stopped, turned around and waited for Spot to catch up to her.


“Spot, how are ya?” Buttercup asked.  She was picking up the rough newsie accent now.


“I’m fine, how ya been?” Spot asked in return.  He was trying to be polite for once in his life because he needed to ask Buttercup something.


“I’m okay.  We’re going to the poker game in Harlem tonight,” She said.


“Oh,” Spot said.


“So what brings you around here?” Buttercup asked.


“Well, I came ta see Laces,” he said.


“Oh,” Buttercup nodded.


“Your Laces’s best friend aren’t ya?” Spot asked.  Buttercup nodded.  “So she told ya about everything?” Spot asked.  Buttercup nodded again.


“So ya would know if I did something what she would do in reply?” Spot asked.  Buttercup nodded again.


“So if I was ta ask Laces ta be me girl what do ya think she would say? After I apologize for the other night,” Spot asked.  Buttercup looked at him.  She would have responded right away but this was going to be the only time that Spot Conlon was going to look innocent and emotional.  After Buttercup made a mental picture of Spot she answered him.


“That’s a good idea,” she said.  Spot smiled at her response and looked happy instead of his usually cold self.  Spot and Buttercup were heading into the lodging house.


“They’re upstairs,” Kloppman said.  Buttercup ran up the stairs and Spot followed walking quickly.  When Buttercup opened the door she was about to say hello when she saw Jack and her best friend Laces in a lip lock, a very intimate lip lock at that.  Then Spot walked in to see the last part of the kiss and then the push away.  Spot was in shock for only about two seconds then he was mad.  Buttercup snapped out of shock and started to cry.


“You fuckin’ bitch!” Buttercup screamed at Laces.  Laces was staring at the floor, she didn’t want to look into Spot’s ice cold glare which she could feel on her.


“Buttercup,” Laces tried to say.


“You little whore!” Buttercup said before storming off and slamming the door downstairs.  Laces went after her, pushing Spot out of her way; there was no way that she was going to face Spot, no way.  Laces ran her fastest just to catch up to Buttercup.  When they entered the dress shop both were gasping for air.


“Tate, let me explain,” Laces finally said.


“Explain what?  That you’re a back stabbing little whore!  What ya gonna say?  Ise just tripped and fell onto his lips?” Buttercup was screaming.  “How long has it been going on?”


“It just ‘append kay!  I didn’t mean it to happen!  Why the ‘ell ya think Ise spend so much time in Brooklyn in the first place?” Laces said back.


“You are such a slut! First ya steal Sugar’s boyfriend and now you’se gotta ‘ave Jack too!” Buttercup said.


“Ise didn’t mean ta hurt ya.  Ise didn’t think it would happen.” Laces was trying to apologize.  Buttercup went to a chair and sat down.  She looked at the floor and then after a couple minutes she looked up again.


“What do they see in ya?  You’re a skinny little bitch who can’t play poker, is always arguing, is a tomboy, and you aren’t even pretty,” Buttercup said.  Laces glared at her.  This girl had been her best friend for about a year now and this, this was going to ruin it.


“What?” Laces asked.


“You heard me.  You ain’t pretty! You’re a good for nothing person.  You are nothing and yet they are attracted to you! They think you are just going to be fun,” Buttercup said.  Laces stood there for a few moments soaking in what Buttercup had just said.  Then a smile slowly crossed her face.  It was a sweetly intimating smile.


“Don’t ya go hating me because Ise beautiful.  Hate you’se boyfriend because he thinks I am.” Buttercup jumped up at this.


“GET OUT!” she screamed.  Laces looked at her for a second and then at Mike and Bess, Buttercup’s sister, who were standing in the hall.


“Right away.” Laces walked out the door, heart beginning to break because she knew that she still had to face Spot and if it was going to go anything like this she would be out of friends by the end of the evening.  Once she was out the door Buttercup slammed it and it sounded like she started throwing things.  Laces stood there and listened, looking into the window once and a while.  Buttercup began to pick things up and throw them.  When her brother and sister stopped her she broke down and started crying.  Laces watched and shed a few tears.  Why did she do this to people? She always hurt the people she loved.  It had been her fault that her baby brother and mother had died.


Laces began to run all the way to the lodging house once Mike discovered her.  When she got to the lodging house she went upstairs hoping that Spot had already left but he hadn’t.  She stood in the hallway and listened to the end of the conversation.


“Do ya know what this means?” Spot asked.  His voice hadn’t changed it was still cold and unemotional.


“What?  Conlon, War?” Jack asked, in a half mocking half serious tone.


“Yeah Kelly, war,” Spot said and with that walked out.  He brushed right past Laces.  He didn’t even look at her.  As far as he was concerned she wasn’t there.  Laces wanted to cry and tears started to come when she entered the bunkroom.


“Jack?” No response.  He was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.  “Jack, what does this mean?” Jack didn’t respond again.  “Jack, answer me please,” Laces begged.  He still made no effort to even look up.  Laces left the room and went downstairs into the parlor room.  There she sat on the couch and started to sob.  She held the necklace that she had taken from Spot and just kept rocking back and forth.  When Kloppman heard the sobs he went into the parlor.


“What’s wrong honey?” he asked her in great concern.  She didn’t respond and just sat there.  Kloppman noticed that she was going to say nothing and so he left her and went up to find Jack.  When he came back downstairs he wore a grave face but said nothing.  He just went back behind his desk and worked with Laces’s sobs.  When the newsies arrived back at the lodging house they all entered making a lot of noise and laughing about the poker game tonight.  When they all heard the crying they all went in alarm to the parlor.


“Laces, Laces what’s wrong?” Mush asked.  She didn’t answer.  Jack was coming down the stairs and when he entered the parlor the sobs had calmed down, but they were still there.


“Laces, stop crying now,” Jack said.  All the newsies looked at him.  He had demanded that she stop crying and he had said it with hate in his voice.  Race and Skittery stood behind the couch with their hands on Laces’s shoulders and Blink and Mush sat next to her, one on each side.  When Jack said that to her Snipeshooter went down and sat near her feet holding her hand.  The rest of the newsies surrounded her.


“Jack, can’t ya see the poor goyl ain’t in the best condition and ya go around snapping at ‘er,” Race said.  Jack shot him a look that told Race to butt out.


“Ise gonna talk and I don’t want anyone interrupting me, understood?” There were many mumbled responses, but they were there.  The newsies were all very quiet.  They had almost never seen Jack this mad.  “Okay we’se in a war, with Brooklyn.  Now some of you’se knows what that means and some of you’se don’t.  All I’m gonna say is that none of you’se are ever ta travel into Brooklyn for anything unless it’s with me.  Second, none of ya go anywhere alone, especially you’se younger ones and Laces.  Don’t ya go and run off; who knows what the ‘ell Spot will do...” Jack stared at Laces, she was about to cry again.  The once cheerful boys were all looking grave.  Only the younger boys still looked happy, but most just looked confused.


“Boots get ‘em upstairs,” Jack said to Boots as he pointed to the group of younger newsies.  Boots nodded not really wanting to go but he did as he was told.  Once the younger newsies were gone Jack looked at Laces who now had tears running down her cheeks again, but said nothing.


“Ise think maybe ya should go too, get some sleep,” Jack said to her.  Laces looked at him.


“No,” she whispered.  “Ise not leaving.  This was me fault and there ain’t no way Ise running away from this too,” she said.  Jack looked at her for a few more seconds and noticed that she was serious.  There was no way she would leave.  He nodded.


“Don’t ya start crying again though,” Jack warned her.  Laces nodded and looked at the newsies around her.


“Are we gonna strike first?” Mush asked.  Jack shook his head.


“No, Spot declared it,” Jack said.  All the newsies nodded.  They weren’t sure why the war had started, but they had pieced bits and pieces together and they knew that Jack wasn’t going to explain.  The boys all looked at each other and began to discuss who was going to watch who.


“Who is gonna be with Laces?” Jack asked.  He really wanted her to be with him at all times but he knew he couldn’t have her with him, there was no way.  He was going to fight a lot in the next few days, possibly weeks and he couldn’t have her with him.


“We could trade off with her cause she’s the odd number or would probably be better if she stayed here,” Race said.


“She could stay here sometimes but I won’t like her here all the time.  We all still have ta make a living,” Jack said.  They nodded.  “Tomorrow she will stay here,” Jack said.  Laces opened her mouth to object but Blink who was next to Jack shook his head.  She said nothing, just rested her head on Skittery’s shoulder.  They talked much into the morning and the last thing that Laces remembered was being carried up to her bunk by Skittery.


The next morning no one woke her.  All the newsies got dressed quietly and left earlier than usual.  When Laces woke up the room was still and there was no noise.  Laces yawned and then rubbed her eyes.  Why hadn’t anyone waken her up? She dressed and went downstairs in search of Kloppman.  He was in his usual spot behind counter in the lobby type room.


“Did ya get some sleep?” he asked her in a very worried voice.


“Yes, thank you I did,” she replied.  Then she remembered why the boys hadn’t waken her up.  It had been decided the night before that she would stay at the lodging house.  Laces walked around the lodging house she hated being cooped up in there with nothing to do except think.  The one thing she didn’t want to do was all she could do.  She decided to read a book.  The first book she picked up was a book that was set in the Civil War period.  War, something she didn’t want to read about so she put that book back and then she picked up another book.  She opened it and decided to read out loud to herself so that the silence wouldn’t annoy her so much.


“Day 1, I was leaving my home and my one true love to suit my father’s wishes.” After that sentence Laces flung the book across the room.  “Leaving home, father and love, all the things I don’t want to hear or think about!” she screamed.  Kloppman shook his head; this was going to ruin that girl and he knew it.  Around noon Laces got hungry and she was very bored and not in one of her best moods.  She headed out the door and Kloppman called after her.


“I wouldn’t go anywhere if I were ya,” he said.


“Well ya ain’t me.  I’ll be back in less then a hour,” Laces shouted back and ran through the alleys and backstreets until she reached the dress shop.  There she entered the store and was greeted by some customers, but Buttercup was no where to be seen.  The only worker in the store was Mike.


“She ain’t gonna see ya Laces, why don’t ya leave?” Mike said in a harsh voice.  Laces flashed him a look that could kill, but he shot one back and without another word Laces walked out of the store.  She turned and looked at the window above the store, sure enough there was Buttercup, but as soon as Laces looked at her she closed the curtain.  Laces sighed; now that she needed friends she had none.  Most of the newsies were too worried to bother with her and this was all her fault.  She walked back forgetting to take the back ways and alleys until she saw Blink and Sand, one of the younger newsies, then she jumped into the nearest alleyway.  In that alleyway she heard moaning and she went to go see where it came from.  When she saw the body from where the moaning was coming from she screamed.  Then she ran back out onto the street to find Blink.


“Blink!” she shouted.  Blink looked back and saw Laces.  He ran over to her with Sand close by.


“What’s wrong?” Blink asked.  “And what are you…” He didn’t get to finish because Laces cut him off.


“Blink, it’s Mush.  He’s in the alleyway!  Someone soaked him up good,” Laces said and all three headed into the alleyway.  Mush still laid moaning and groaning.


“Mush are ya alright?” Blink asked.


“Whadda ya mean is ‘e all right look at ‘im?” Laces said.  Blink looked at her and then continued.


“Cans ya walk?” he asked.  Mush looked at Blink and nodded.


“Yeah, Ise can walk,” Mush said.  “Well sort of anyway.” Blink nodded and then looked back to Laces.


“You gonna ‘ave ta help him.  You take that arm and I’ll take this one,” Blink said.  Laces nodded and helped get Mush up then she took his arm around her neck so he would be able to support himself.


“Where are we going?” Laces asked as they got out of the alleyway.


“Lunch,” Blink replied.


“But,” Lace began.


“No buts,” Blink replied.  Laces wasn’t supposed to be out of the lodging house and Blink knew that Jack was going to be mad, but he couldn’t send her back alone, not after this.  They entered Tibby’s with Mush still groaning a bit because they had soaked him good.  He had stopped bleeding now.  He just had dry blood everywhere and a few swollen parts.  First the newsies all gasped at Mush and then they noticed Laces and they all gave her looks.  Jack looked at Mush and asked him a few questions.


“How many?”


“3, no Spot,” Mush replied.


“Weapons?” Jack asked.


“No.” These were all questions that Laces did not understand.  Some of the newsies understood but there were some who were just like Laces.  They hadn’t been on the streets long enough to know things like this.


“Okay someone get Mush some food and then after we’ll take him to the lodging house,” Jack said.  Blink and Jack sat him down relieving Laces from Mush weight on her shoulder.  Jack then turned to her.


“I’ll deal with ya later,” he said with the quiet, angry, dangerous attitude that Laces was used to from most of the guys that had ever entered her life.  She sat down quietly next to Race and ordered something to eat even though she had lost her appetite.  Race leaned over to her and put his hand on her shoulder.


“Ya really should learn to listen to people.  It would get you out of trouble.  Don’t worry though things will get better,” Race said.  Then he finished his meal and called to Boots to hurry up.  Laces tried to smile for the boys who left Tibby’s one by one, but her heart wasn’t into it.  She wanted them to stay here where she was sure they wouldn’t get hurt.  Where they could make her feel safe and loved like they had so many times before.


“Come on we’re taking Mush to the lodging house.  Blink and Sand go back to selling,” Jack said.  Blink nodded but reluctantly left.  Laces went over and grabbed one of Mush’s shoulder’s, knowing what she had to do.  Once out of the restaurant Jack began to talk.


“I told ya ta stay at the Lodging House,” he said in a stern voice.  This would have been very funny at another time when things weren’t so hectic.


“But Jack I was so bored.  I just was gonna go out for a little while,” Laces said.


“I need ya ta listen ta me.  During this war you’se got ta listen ta me,” Jack said.  Laces listened to the words he was saying.  He meant them, he was trying hard to be listened to and she was the only one who was challenging his authority.  She had always done that though.  She couldn’t bring herself to listen to someone, not Spot, not Jack, not her father.  No man or woman had ever ordered her around and had never been able to keep her under control.  Maybe that’s why everything went wrong.


“I’ll try Jack,” Laces said.  Jack stopped and looked at Laces.


“You can’t try, you need to do.  You need ta promise that you’re gonna listen ta me.  This is important,” Jack said.


“Don’t yell at her Jack,” Mush groaned out from his fat lip.


“I ain’t yelling at her,” Jack said to Mush.


“Yeah, but,” Mush started.  Laces cut in.


“It’s okay Mush, I promise Jack,” Laces said.  They got to the lodging house and put Mush in the parlor area and Jack left without another word, just a nod to Kloppman who got his first aid kit.  Kloppman cleaned Mush up and Laces hung around watching and then when Kloppman was done Laces sat next to Mush.


“Do you want me to get you something? Or read something for you?” Laces asked.


“Why don’t you read a book to me,” Mush not really wanting to listen, but knowing that Laces needed to do something and maybe this would calm her nerves.


“What should I read?” Laces asked.


“Some adventure book like Robinson Crusoe,” Mush said.  Laces went looking for that book and began to read out loud to Mush and did so until the newsies arrived home that night.  Jack sent the younger newsies upstairs and called the rest of the newsies into the parlor where Mush laid.


“Skittery, Blink, and Snitch you three go.” The boys nodded and headed out the door.


“Where are they going?” Laces asked.  All the newsies looked around, they figured Jack would answer but when he didn’t Race decided to.


“Well, they’se going to Brooklyn,” Race said.


“Why?” Laces asked again.


“Well ya know how Mush was soaked by the Brooklyn guys, they went to go soak one of the Brooklyn scabs,” Race said like he had a bitter taste in his mouth.  Laces was in shock.  She looked at all the newsies’ faces and stopped when she reached Jack’s and she looked into his eyes.  He nodded his head knowing that she was thinking the right thing.


“This war, all ya do is soak each other?  When does it stop?” she asked.  This Jack answered.


“When the battle date is declared,” was all he said though and no one dared to explain beyond that point.  Laces didn’t understand completely and didn’t like the idea of all her friends being injured by her other friends.  Most of the newsies spent the night in the parlor awaiting the return of Blink, Skittery, and Snitch.  The boys finally got back around two in the morning.  They came through the door out of breath.


“Who’d ya get?” was all that Jack asked.


“Marbles,” they answered.  Laces cringed.  Her Marbles, that tough boy.  She bit her lip though and as the rest of the newsies went up the stairs to get some sleep.  Laces stood around for a second and watched Blink, Snitch, and Skittery talk to Jack.


“Do ya boys want anything?” she asked.  They looked up from their conversation surprised that anyone was there at all.


“Um, be a doll and get us a drink,” Skittery said with a wink and then went back to talking.  Laces went into the kitchen.  The last time she had entered a kitchen was back in Brooklyn.  She felt around her neck to make sure that Spot’s necklace was still there.  She wondered if he even noticed that it was gone.  She decided to make the boys coffee because they would need it if they were going to get through the day.  She also decided that she should start cooking when they leave her here.  She took a little time making the coffee and she set it on a little tray to carry it out to them.  They were still talking when she went out there and she handed them their coffee.  They were right at the end of their discussion.


“It’s Spot’s call when we end,” Jack was saying.  The other boys nodded at this and then went about drinking their coffee.  Laces said nothing about anything; she sat there and drank her coffee looking at the boys faces.


“Tomorrow Skittery, you stay with Laces,” Jack said out of the blue, or what seemed like out of the blue.  Skittery nodded.  “Don’t let her out of your sight,” he said to Skittery.  “And you listen ta ‘im for god’s sake,” Jack said.  Laces nodded and looked at Skittery who had a bright face on for her.  She laughed a little at him and then looked out the window.  Then she decided that she needed to know, and so she would ask.


“Does only one newsies get soaked a day?” Laces asked.  Jack nodded.


“Yeah,” he said.  Blink looked at Jack, but quickly looked back at his coffee.  Laces had seen that movement and knew there was a catch to that, but no one was going to tell her about it.  They finished their coffee just as the sun was coming up and they decided just to stay in the parlor and try to get at least an hour of sleep.  Laces positioned herself on Skittery’s shoulder and fell asleep.  In about an hour Kloppman came in talking about selling the banner.  Groaning the boys got up.  Laces rubbed her eyes and hopped up with no objection what so ever.  All the newsies filed out and Jack reminded Skittery that he was with Laces and Scotch.  After getting their newspapers, Skittery led Laces and Scotch off to Central Park.


“Don’t ya go running off,” Skittery was saying to Scotch a little brown curly haired boy who was about 7.  Then Skittery Looked at Laces, he smiled and then said, “you ain’t gonna run off either?” he asked.


“Not upon me honor,” Laces said with a smile.  A smile that actually came without her trying for it.  She had smiled for the first time in three days.  She started to sell her papers.  It was a really bad headline today so she had fun making up new ones.  They went to Tibby’s for lunch like is it was any usual day.  The only thing that was different was that there was less joking.


“Hey have ya had any trouble?” Race asked Skittery when he walked in.


“Nah, Scotch has been fine,” Skittery said as he gave the younger boy a pat on the head.  Race laughed.


“I didn’t mean ‘im I meant ‘er,” he said pointing to Laces.


“Why I ought!” Laces said with a fist in the air.  Skittery pushed it down lightly and laughed.


“She ain’t trouble, only when she’s around ya.” Race made a face and then went on eating.  That was the only joke made all day, compared to the usual wisecracks every five minutes.  In about the middle of lunch Snipeshooter came running in, panting he tried to talk.  He didn’t have to say anything though because Jack already knew what he was trying to say.


“Where is ‘e?” Jack asked.  Snipeshooter pointed and Jack shook his head.  “Show us,” he said.  Jack signaled Skittery and Laces to come with him and Scotch to stay with Race and Boots.  They followed Snipeshooter for about 5 minutes and then they arrived at a very familiar alleyway.  Laces looked at the building next to the alleyway and saw that it was the block where the dress shop was.  She stopped and looked around.  Maybe Spot or Bullseye had stayed behind for just a second.  Skittery told her to hurry and she turned back around to see how badly Blink was beat up.


“Heya Cowboy!” Blink said with a half a smile.


“Hey Blink,” Jack said.  Blink was okay except for a nice bruise on his jaw and he couldn’t move his arm.


“Ya think it’s broken?” Blink asked.  Laces smiled, he was himself even after getting a soaking.  She was relieved that no one was hurt too bad.  She hoped that it would be the same for the Brooklyn boys.  She prayed that no one would really get badly hurt in this war.  That night Jack picked Jake, Skittery, and Race to go over to Brooklyn and this time Laces knew what was going on.


Jack, Mush, and Blink sat in the parlor while the rest of the Newsies Jack told to get some sleep.  Laces of course stood around like a shadow, Jack not saying a word to her.  He knew he couldn’t get her to get any sleep because she wouldn’t go.


“Coffee?” she asked, she knew that’s what they wanted but they might change their minds.  All three nodded from their spots.  Laces slid out of the parlor and into the kitchen.  She started to make the coffee; she sat at the table while it heated.  Her eyes were heavy since she hadn’t slept more than two hours in three days.  She couldn’t sleep though, not while this war was going on.  No way was she going to get any sleep.  When the coffee was done Laces got up and went back into the parlor.  The guys took their coffees and then went back to silence.  Laces hated the silence of those nights when they were out soaking someone.


“Please, can we talk?” she finally said.  Mush looked at her and smiled.


“What do you want to talk about?” he asked.


“I dunno,” she said.  “Does anyone ‘ave a story or something to tell.  That’s what we could do, tell stories,” Laces said.  The boys shrugged.  Anything to help keep them entertained was good with them.


“Why don’t you start Laces,” Blink suggested.  Laces thought about it for a second and then plunged into a story.


“When I was younger I used to live in Boston, high society and all,” she sighed.  The boys looked at each other.  “Well, I was about 6 and we lived near a forest.  I loved running around and climbing things and hated the dresses I had to wear.” Laces looked down at the clothing she was wearing, the clothing that Spot had given her.  She loved these clothes more than any of the silk she had ever had.  “Well, one day my mother decided to forbid me from going into the woods because I had ruined my new frock by falling into the water.  Anyway, I whined and begged and then had a complete fit,” Laces said with a smile.  Blink laughed and Laces looked at him.


“Well you as a little girl in a dress throwing a tantrum must ‘ave been quiet a site,” he said.  At this Mush and Jack laughed.  Laces laughed too and then continued with her story.


“Well anyway she refused to let me go to the forest, so I tried my father, but he was busy so he just agreed to whatever I said.  My mother though had my nanny following me around and so I had to get rid of her.  I ran into the kitchen and went up and down, in between and underneath everything and my nanny had the awful task of following me while the cooks were cooking.  Ya can see how that worked, when I got out of the kitchen I went looking for my servant boy friend to find me something to wear.  He gave me a pair of slacks and a big shirt and a hat.  The first time I dressed like a guy, I went to the forest and climbed one of my favorite trees.  The shirt that was to big for me got caught on a branch and I fell.  I broke my leg and my mother had a fit and I learned never to wear big shirts.” The guys laughed at Laces story.


“I guess you’ve never listened to people,” Jack said.  Laces smiled.


“Nope.  Well who’s next?” She looked at Mush who was right next to her.


“Fine I’ll go next.  Um...” Mush looked out the window for inspiration.  Then he smiled his wide smile and laughed.


“When I was six, me sister, Anne, took me to the market with her and it was cloudy, like it was about to rain.  I ran off and me sister got what we needed.  When she went looking for me I jumped out from behind a cart and scared her.  She went backwards and ‘it the cart and well, it was a fish cart.  The fish went everywhere and then me sister fell into a puddle of mud.  It was real funny.” Mush was cracking up and so was Blink.


“Anne hated that,” he said.  “She was drenched and she won’t stop scolding and so I started to whine about her lecturing.  She won’t stop and I said that she shouldn’t be mean to me because God was going to send a lighting bolt down and kill her.  Just a little bit after that it started to rain and then came the lighting and thunder and she started to cry and I just laughed.  It was quite funny seeing me older sis sitting under a tree, drench and covered in mud worrying about a little lighting,” Mush said with a smile.  Then all eyes turned on Jack but just then Race, Skittery, and Jake walked in.  All faces went back into stern, serious mode.


“Who?” Jack asked.


“Bullseye,” Race answered.  Jack nodded.  Laces turned and looked out the window.


“Badly?” she asked after a bit of time to get her guts up.


“Laces,” Jack said.  He didn’t want to know and he didn’t want her to know.  Laces looked at him with a cold and icy look, then she turned her eyes on Skittery, Race and Jake.  One of them was sure to break, they couldn’t stand her glare.  Race dropped his eyes first, then Jake so only Skittery was left.


“We’se ain’t gonna tell ya Laces,” he said softly, but determined.  Mush shifted in his seat, the tension in the room had grown once again.  Blink looking from Jack, Skittery and Laces sensed that if one of them didn’t leave soon something else was going to be added to their troubles.


“Laces, why don’t ya be a dear and get us some more coffee?” Blink nudged her.  She looked at him, first with an angry look, but it softened and she got up and went to the kitchen.  She prepared more coffee and then went back into the parlor just as they were done discussing the night’s events.  She never heard what happened.  They always sent her to make coffee.  Again they talked a little more then used the last hour of the night to sleep before work.  The next day Laces wouldn’t talk to Skittery, Race, Jack, or Jake.  She had to sell with Skittery, but she refused to talk to him.  She didn’t smile and most of the day she looked like she was going to cry.  Skittery tried to make her laugh but achieved a little less then recognition that he was in the country.  By lunch Skittery was in a bad mood.  He hadn’t gotten any sleep in the past two days and now one of his favorite people wasn’t talking to him.  He stormed into Tibby’s followed by a sad little boy and a stern faced Laces.


“Laces,” Race said.  She didn’t even look at him.  She sat at a table by herself and was only joined by Snipeshooter.  He tried to convince her that Jack knew what he was doing and didn’t tell her for a reason.  He was soon banished from her presence too.  When they went back out to sell after lunch Skittery finally said what Laces wanted to hear.


“Ya wanna know how bad?” he said to her softly.  She nodded.  “Well, Blink got a broken arm, Bullseye got a broken arm,” he replied.  Laces stared at him, Bullseye, her poor boy.


“But…” she started, Skittery hushed her.


“Laces that’s why we didn’t want to tell ya.  Now don’t ya go around letting everyone know that you know.  Just pretend you cooled off,” he said.  She nodded again.  “And for heaven sake please talk.” Laces smiled a small smile and Skittery smiled.


“Thanks Skittery for tellin’ me,” she said.  Skittery laughed.


“If there is someone who has the silence treatment down it’s you.”




The week passed and four more boys were soaked on each side.  Jack didn’t ask who in front of Laces anymore.  He told her to go make coffee, so now she would hear the end of the conversation but never who had gotten soaked.  The boys in Manhattan were getting scared.  Race, Snoddy, Snitch, and Jake had been soaked and each time it was getting worse.  Jack was running out of guys to send off at night.  He had Pie Eater, Specs, and Skittery still but he was going to run out soon.


Laces was getting more and more worried about what was going on.  She kept asking Jack when it would all end and he would never give her a straight response because he didn’t know.  It was about a week after the kiss Jack had given her and the war had started.


“You’se staying ‘ere today Laces with Sand because Skittery’s to tired to keep an eye on you two.  Just hang around here and at lunch time head over to Tibby’s, but you two be careful,” Jack said.  Laces and Sand nodded at Jack.  When the newsies left Sand began to play with a top.


“Laces can I ask you something?” he said.


“Sure honey what is it?” Laces asked from her bed.


“Why is Jack mad at ya?”


“Jack ain’t mad at me, why do you think that?” Laces asked.  The boy looked at her and then out the window.


“Something’s wrong.  Buttercup don’t ever come around ‘ere, you’se never smile, and Jack’s always so cold and depressed all the time.” Laces sighed.  For a 6-year old Sand sure observed a lot.  She sat up and beckoned for him to come over to her.  Sand went up to her and positioned himself in her lap, Laces began to play with his sand colored hair.


“Sand lemme tell ya something.  Sometimes things happen between people that cause problems.  Right now Jack and Spot are having problems and me and Buttercup are too.” Sand looked at her.


“Why?” he asked.


“It’s me fault that this ‘ere is happening but you’re too young to understand this right now.” Laces looked out the window to avoid the young boys stare.


“It can’t be your fault Laces, you’se one of the best persons Ise know.” The little boy smiled at her.  Laces kissed the little boy on the head and said,


“Thank you.  We’se should head out for Lunch,” Laces said.  Sand nodded and got up and headed out of the bunkroom.  They had gotten out onto the street when they saw Skittery, Mush, Blink, and Jack coming up towards them.  Skittery was being carried and looked really bad.


“What ‘appened?” Laces asked running up to them.


“’e got it bad,” was all Blink said.  They carried him inside and placed him on the couch, he was groaning and moaning.


“Kloppman!” Jack called out when they entered.  Kloppman came into the room with his first aid kit.


“This ain’t good,” Kloppman said under his breath.  “You boys go out and finish sellin’ ya papes and take Sand here so he can get the evening edition,” Kloppman said.  Jack gave him a look but left without another word.


“Come on Sand,” Mush said.  The boys filed out and Kloppman then turned to Laces.


“Better go get some water and cloth.” Laces nodded and headed into the kitchen.


“You’re lucky they didn’t break any ribs.  You just gonna bruised up good, and ya ain’t gonna be able to move for at least three days,” Kloppman was saying.  Skittery was just laying there.  He had stopped moaning and now he just cringed every time Kloppman did something that hurt.


“Any more and he would’ve needed a doctor,” Kloppman said when he finished wrapping Skittery up.  Kloppman left the room and Laces stood there looking at Skittery.


“Well don’t stand there like I’m some kind of disease, come ‘ere,” Skittery said to her.  Laces went over and sat on the floor next to him not wanting to make him scoot over.  “Does it ‘urt bad?” Laces asked.


“Not really.  Why don’t you tell me something Laces, how did this war start?” Skittery asked.  Laces looked at her hands that were in her lap.  A tear dropped into her lap and Skittery watched her.  Laces didn’t cry much, yeah she cried a lot when she first got here, but she had a tough past from what everyone could make out.


“Skittery it was me fault,” She said wiping the tears away.


“Nah, you probably just think that,” Skittery said.  Laces shook her head.


“No, it’s me fault.  Jack was kissing me when Spot came ‘ere,” she said softly.


“So? That don’t ‘ave anything ta do with Spot, just with Buttercup,” Skittery said.  Laces shook her head again.


“No, Spot had kissed me before I left Brooklyn,” Laces said.  Skittery looked at Laces.  She was a girl who always looked ready for a fight, but now she looked vulnerable and helpless.  Laces started to break down.


“Ise sorry Skittery, Ise always seem ta hurt the people Ise love the most,” Laces was saying.  Skittery stroked her hair as much as he could from where he was, but he didn’t try to calm her or stop her crying.  He let her cry and soon the sobs died out and Laces just laid her head by Skittery and that’s how the newsies found them when they got back.  Race saw Laces’s tear stained face first.


“What’s the matta?” he asked.


“Nothing Race.  She’s fine,” Skittery said.  Jack glared at her with an icy stare.  Luckily she wasn’t looking at him and didn’t see it.


“Laces go be a good goyl and make us some coffee,” Blink said, catching Jack’s glare.  Laces got up slowly and went into the kitchen where Snipeshooter soon joined her.


“Ise decided ta make ya company for a little while,” he said cheerfully.  Laces smiled at him.  She loved the younger newsies who were such a comfort to her sometimes.  The little boys looked to her as an older sister and almost a mother type person.  They loved her to death and lately had been very worried because she didn’t smile anymore.  So this smile she gave Snipeshooter made him very happy and extremely sweet.


“So what ya doin?” he asked.


“Making coffee,” she replied.


“Here, I brought ya something,” Snipeshooter said.  Laces looked at him curiously.  Snipeshooter opened his hand and revealed a little ball covered in pretty pink wrapping.


“It’s candy,” he said.


“Why ya didn’t ‘ave ta,” Laces said.


“But Ise wanted ta,” Snipeshooter replied.  Laces smiled at him and took the candy.  She opened it and licked the wrapper.  She hadn’t had candy in a long time, almost three years.  Then she looked at Snipeshooter.


“Why don’t you share this with me? I ain’t too hungry right now,” she said.  Snipeshooter smiled brightly and took the candy and started to suck it.  Then the kettle sounded and Laces went to prepare the coffee.  She went out to the parlor to find that she was three coffees short because Specs, Bumlets, and Itey were in the room also.


“Why didn’t ya boys go in there, now Ise ‘ave ta go back and make more.” Laces knew they hadn’t gone back to tell her because they were trying to talk and she couldn’t be there.  She went back into the kitchen, Snipeshooter was still sitting there.


“Jack says it’s going ta be over soon Laces, don’t worry,” he said.  Laces looked at him.


“Snipeshooter, when did ya hear that?” she asked.  Snipes shrugged.


“Ya know that I hear things.  I’se just so small that people forget that I’se there.” Laces nodded, she was nodding while she warmed up the remainder of the coffee.


“Snipeshooter, ya betta get some sleep.  Don’t go jumping off the walls because ya had some candy,” Laces said.  Snipes nodded.


“I’ll go up in a little while.  When are ya gonna get some sleep?” Laces sighed, she hadn’t slept in a week.  She had barely eaten in a week, none of the older newsies really had.


“I will when this is all over,” she said.  “Don’t ya worry bout me.” And with that she headed back out into the parlor.  She handed the boys their coffee and took her position on the floor by Skittery again.  Jack looked at her but continued to talk.  He hadn’t really talked to Laces directly after that day.  He even tried ignoring her.


“Pie eater, Bumlets, and Specs you’se go tonight,” Jack said and those boys headed out with a nod to Laces.


“Skittery would ya like a blanket?” Laces asked.


“Nah it ain’t that cold in ‘ere,” Skittery said.  Laces got up and went to the closet and got out a pillow and two blankets.  She started to position Skittery, putting his head on a pillow and covering him with a blanket.


“Laces?” he said.


“I ain’t gonna let ya get a cold down ‘ere and ya aren’t gonna move for the rest of the week like Kloppman said,” she said.  Blink, Race, and Mush smiled at Laces while Jack and Itey grinned.


“Well, whose turn is it ta tell a story?” Blink asked.  They had kept taking turns telling different stories about their childhood, learning a lot about each other.  This was the first time that Skittery had stayed and so he didn’t know what they were talking about.


“What?” he asked.


“I’ll start so that ‘e understands and then ‘e can go,” Race said.


Race started his story and then Skittery started a story but didn’t get to finish it because the boys got back and Laces was again sent out for more coffee.  Again most of the night was spent up.  In the morning the newsies headed out and Laces stayed behind again but this time to take care of Skittery.  He slept in late.  Laces awoke with the newsies and got up and went into the kitchen to see what she could find for Skittery’s breakfast.  The day went slowly until the sun started to set and the newsies started coming back to the lodging house.  All the newsies entered and no one had been soaked.  Or so was thought.  Jack was discussing it and Laces was making coffee when Boots went into the kitchen.


“Laces ‘ave ya seen Snipes?” he asked her.  Laces looked up from the coffee pot she was stirring.


“No, ain’t he here?” Laces asked.


“Nah we ran away from Specs and Specs didn’t notice cause he was so tried.  No one has, Ise saw him go but ya know Snipes ‘es usually back by now.” Laces had stopped stirring her coffee and stared at Boots.


“Why didn’t ya tell someone Snipes was leaving?” she asked.


“Well, no one was paying attention and I thought that Snipe would be back.” Laces grabbed Boots by the shoulders and shook him.


“He shouldn’t be alone!” she was saying.  She wasn’t aware that she was hurting the boy.


“LACES!” Boots screamed.  Laces snapped out of it and went into the parlor where everyone stared at her.


“Snipeshooter,” she said.


“Snipeshooter what?” Jack asked.


“He ain’t here.  He ran off since lunch and he ain’t back yet,” Laces said.  All the newsies thought the same thing.


“Blink and Race, ya guys check uptown.  Specs and Pie Eater, you’se check central park.  Mush and Itey Check all ‘e’s favorite places, ‘e bound ta be somewhere.  Laces stay ‘ere.” Jack headed out the door.


“Jack, where are ya going?” Laces called out after him.


“Nowhere.  Tell Bumlets ta come ‘ere and join me.” Laces knew where he was going.  He was going to Brooklyn, she just wasn’t sure for what.


“But Jack…” she started, but was silenced.


“Just shut ya mouth Laces.  I know what I’m doing.  We’se don’t got ta tell each other everything ya know,” Jack said coldly.  Laces called Bumlets and went back into the parlor.  It was the first time in a week that Laces had noticed that Jack was really mad at her.


“Don’t worry they’ll find ‘im,” Skittery said.


“Yeah I know, I’se just afraid of how they’ll find ‘im,” Laces said.  She sat there for about an hour just looking out the window at Brooklyn where she knew that Spot was mad at her and her friends were also getting soaked.  If they didn’t find Snipes soon Laces was going to kill herself because her thoughts were driving her crazy.


“Laces get the doctor!” someone yelled from outside.  Laces ran to the door and opened it.  In came Race and Blink carrying Snipeshooter who looked even worse then Skittery had.


“Snipes?” Laces said.  She began to cry again and once Blink put Snipes down and he ran for the doctor.  Laces grabbed Snipes’s hand.  He couldn’t even open his eyes, but he knew she was there.


“I didn’t mean ta run away and cause trouble.  I was just so tried of being watched and not being able ta go anywhere,” he said.  Laces started to cry.  “Please don’t cry, Laces.  I promise I won’t do it again,” Snipes said in a desperate attempt to quiet her.


“It’s okay Snipes, ya didn’t do anything wrong,” Laces said.  Race and Skittery watched Laces with Snipes and thought to themselves how wonderful she really was.  They also noticed how she looked weaker.


Blink came back with the doctor and examined Snipes.  He told everyone to get out, but he could not get Laces out or Skittery because he couldn’t move.  When he came out of the room and into the hall he looked at the boys.


“You boys have some pretty bad situations on your hands.  That little boy is in bad shape.  He got a rib broken and he can’t open his eyes.  I patched him up but he can’t be moved.  The older one will be fine in another few days.  But the one who worries me is the girl,” the doctor said.  Blink looked at the doctor.


“Why Doc?” he asked.


“She ain’t in good shape.  She hasn’t been eating or sleeping and she’s exhausted.  If she keeps this up she could die,” the doctor said.  Blink went into shock.


“What do we do Doc?” Race asked.


“Get her to eat and sleep and don’t get her excited,” the doctor said.  The boys nodded and the doctor left.  Blink and Race entered the parlor again.  Snipes was asleep and Skittery was half asleep.  Laces though was still where they had left her wide awake with tears rolling down her cheeks.


“Laces why don’t we get a bite to eat and then you can go to bed,” Blink suggested.  Laces looked at him.


“No, I’se ain’t moving,” she said.


“Come on, when was the last time ya ate something?” Race asked.


“I said no,” Laces said.  The boys looked at each other.  Maybe Jack would be able to get her to eat and sleep.  They sat down and played a game of poker with Laces to keep her entertained.  Around midnight Jack, Bumlets and Specs returned and Laces jumped up when they entered.


“Coffee?” she asked.  Laces went into the kitchen and when she was making the coffee she dropped the kettle and the water spilled; she screamed.  The boys came running in and looked at Laces standing there.


“Laces why don’t ya get some sleep?” Jack asked.  She shook her head.  “You’re going ta bed,” Jack said going up to her.


“NO, Jack Kelly.  I ain’t going nowhere,” she said.  Jack picked her up and she tried to fight it but she couldn’t.  Jack noticed how weak she had gotten.  She could’ve gotten out of this a week ago.


“JACK!  PUT ME DOWN!” she was screaming and she started to cry.  The newsies looked at her.  They knew that there was no way that she was going to stay in bed.  Jack noticed too and so he just carried her back into the parlor.


“At least lie down,” he said.  Laces went over to Snipeshooter and laid her head on the couch he was on and grabbed his hand.  Jack shook his head, but continued to discuss things.  Everyone looked at her every so often.  She looked like a mother.  A really depressed, scary looking mother who hadn’t stopped worrying in days.


“Who?” she asked suddenly.  She didn’t move or look up and she barely spoke above a whisper.


“We’se agreed we weren’t gonna tell ya.  Look at what Snipes soaking just did ta ya,” Race said.  Avoiding the gaze that Jack was giving him.


“It was Bottle Cap wasn’t it?” she asked again not moving.  There was silence for some time; none of the newsies said a word.  “I knew it would be.  I have figured out how this works.  I ain’t that stupid,” Laces said.  With that she fell to humming a little tune to herself and rocked back and forth. 


Blink whispered to Jack, “She can’t keep going like this.”  Jack nodded.


“The battle will be in about a month unless Spot is stupid and ain’t gonna call it,” Jack said back.  Blink nodded but he didn’t think that Laces would stop being like this.  After the war there was still the problem that started this all.




About a week later Snipes and Skittery were doing much better.  Laces was looking better, but she still wasn’t sleeping or eating much.  She only ate and slept when Jack forced her and she was so weak by now that she could barely fight him.  Laces was beginning to wonder why there had been no more fights.  She hadn’t heard of anything and Jack and some of the newsies still sat in the parlor, but they didn’t send anyone out.


One day Laces decided that she would go visit Bottle Cap.  She had really wanted to see him and she figured that he would be at the lodging house.  Jack still didn’t want her selling; he thought she was sick.  Laces had fallen asleep down in the parlor with Snipes in her arms when she woke up.  She looked out the window, the sun was just rising and none of the other newsies were up yet.  She shook Snipes.


“Snipes,” she said.  She gently got up and straightened up and he rubbed his eyes and looked at her.


“What ya doin’?” he asked.


“I’se going somewhere, but I’ll be back,” Laces said.


“Ya gonna go ta Brooklyn?” Snipes asked.  Laces smiled, the little boy knew her well and she knew that the older boys also knew her well.


“Snipes don’t say a word.  If Jack asks where I went just tell him that I went to see Medda cause I need ta talk ta someone,” Laces said.  Snipes made a face of concern and then he smirked.


“I’se don’t like this, but anything for ya.” Laces smiled and gave him a kiss.


“Thank ya.  You’re such a sweetie.” With that Laces headed out the door of the lodging house and started towards Brooklyn.  She looked around at Manhattan in the morning; it was peaceful.  She smiled a little when she started thinking about what month it was and how it was going to be a year soon since she had joined the newsies.  She walked thinking about everything that had happened.  She stopped in front of a bookstore and looked into the window and saw her reflection.  She ran her fingers through her hair and rubbed under her eyes.  She looked awful.  Her hair was a mess, she had large dark circles under her eyes, and she was so thin.


“Aw.” Laces grabbed her stomach it was the first time she had time to feel the pain, she sighed.  She knew that she was sick and that she needed to get better but with everything that had been happening there was no way that she had time to get better.


“I’ll listen ta Cowboy when this is all over,” she said to herself and she walked again towards Brooklyn.  She crossed the bridge and noticed how this was the second time she had crossed that bridge alone.  She laughed out loud.


“The first time I crossed this bridge I was tryin’ ta get away from Spot Conlon and now I wish I could just see ‘im again,” she said with a wry smile.  It took Laces a whileto walk to Brooklyn, but when she got there she was sure that most of the newsies would be off selling and so she was relieved.  She entered the lodging house without thinking twice about it and saw that Rick was sitting at the front desk.


“What are you doing home early?” he asked not looking up.


“I think I’se early,” Laces said.  Rick looked up surprised.


“Laces?” he asked as if he were seeing things.  She nodded and smiled at him.


“Heya Rick, nice ta see ya again.” Rick got up and went over to her and gave her a hug.  When he let go of her and looked at her.  He shook his head.


“You haven’t been taking care of yourself.  This war has torn you apart.  I’m gonna go get you some food.  Bottle Cap is up in the bunkroom.  And don’t worry Spot shouldn’t be around,” Rick said.  Laces sighed at Rick’s remarks, but went up to see Bottle Cap.  When she entered the bunkroom she looked around.  It was clean, almost spotless.  It surprised her when she first saw the clean room.  Her reaction was to reach for her neck where she closed her hand around the key charm at the end of Spot’s necklace.


“Bottle Cap?” she choked out.  A little head popped up from one of the bunks and she ran over to it.  She hugged the small boy.


“Laces?” he hugged her back.  “I knew ya would come back,” the little boy said.


“I came ta see ya, but I can’t stay long,” Laces said.  Bottle pouted a little, but then smiled again.


“I’m so happy ta see ya Laces.  I missed ya,” Bottle Cap said.  Laces smiled at the little boy and began to play with his hair, a habit she had picked up.


“I missed ya too.  Now, what ‘ave ya been up ta?  And ya ain’t hurtin’ that bad are ya?”


“I’ve been fine.  I don’t really blame the Manhattan guys for soakin’ me cause they had ta.  I heard that Snipes got it bad.  Ise glad ‘e got ya ta take care of ‘im.  Spot has been taking care of me real well.  Bullseye is betta, he can walk now pretty well.” Laces let a tear fall at that, but quickly recomposed herself so that the little boy wouldn’t see her cry.


“I’se sorry that all this is happening,” Laces said.


“Don’t worry bout it, it ain’t your fault.  Spot sure has been different without ya around,” Bottle Cap said.  Laces sighed, how she wished things could just go back to the way they had been, but they couldn’t.  Bottle Cap sensed her anxiety over this whole matter and decided to speak up.


“I heard that they was choosing a date for the battle today,” Bottle Cap said.  Laces looked up at Bottle Cap.


“When and where?” she asked.


“’ere in about 20 minutes,” Bottle Cap said.  Rick walked into the room with food for the both of them.


“Rick, how do they choose a date for the battle?” Laces asked, knowing that Rick would know and not hesitate in telling her.


“They’ll be here in a little while, both Jack and Blink to talk with Spot and Bullseye.  The date will probably be in about a month or so,” Rick said.


“I will wait until they get ‘ere then and I will find out when the battle will be held,” Laces said determined.  Rick shook his head and made a very disapproving face.


“That ain’t such a good idea those boys are sure gonna be surprised and not to happy at that,” Rick said.  He knew that Laces wasn’t going to change her mind though.  He left the food there and exited the room waiting for the storm that he knew would soon arrive.  As Rick walked down the stairs he sighed.


“Pity, such a wonderful and pretty girl to be the cause of such a predicament.” About ten minutes later Spot arrived with Bullseye.


“Heya Rick,” Spot said and was about to head up the stairs when Rick tried to distract him.


“Spot, where ya going?” he asked.  Spot gave Rick a puzzled look and stopped on the first stair.


“I’se gonna see Bottle,” Spot said then started up the stairs again.


“Um, he’s asleep.  Why don’t you wait down here and see him after Kelly’s left,” Rick said.  Spot grinned, but shrugged and went into the parlor.  Bullseye looked at Rick for a second before following Spot and Rick silently informed Bullseye that Laces was upstairs.  Bullseye nodded and went into the parlor with Spot.  Not much later Jack and Blink entered.


“Hello Rick,” Jack said.


“Hey Kelly, in the parlor,” Rick said.  With that Jack and Blink headed into the parlor and Laces came out of the bunkroom and down the stairs quietly listening.


“Conlon,” Jack said.


“Kelly,” Spot said.  Laces shuddered at how cold they were being.  Them, the boys who had been best friends for who knew how long.  Laces knew that Blink and Bullseye were in the room, but they said nothing.


“The 31st of October, Kelly,” Spot said, more as a command then a question.


“That’ll work just fine.  No more soaking till then,” Jack said.


“Whatever ya say Kelly,” Spot said.  Laces knew that they spit shook on it.


“Till then Conlon,” Jack said.


“Can’t wait,” Spot said.  Jack came walking out of the parlor with Blink following.  Laces didn’t know if she should bolt up or out the door.  She didn’t move though and when Jack and Blink came into the lobby they saw her sitting there.


“What in the ‘ell are ya doin’ ‘ere?” Jack asked, obviously angry.


“I’se…” Laces started and then Spot walked into the lobby and gave her a glare.  Laces got up and looked at the floor.  Blink slipped his arm around her and nudged Jack to head out the door.  Once they were out the door Jack started to ask questions and lecture again.


“I told ya not ta come over ‘ere.  Hell, I told ya not ta leave the lodging house.  Look at ya, you’se getting’ sicker and who knows what could ‘ave happened ta ya over ‘ere,” Jack said.


“Jack just leave ‘er alone,” Blink said.


“No, I’se sick and tried of all of you’se sticking up for ‘er.  She should take responsibility for ‘er actions,” Jack said.  “She ain’t some little princess and we should stop treating ‘er like one.  She ain’t even that damn great,” Jack said.


“JACK, QUIT IT!!” Blink said, rather loudly.  Jack stared at him for a few seconds, mumbled something and then kept quiet the rest of the way.  When they reached the lodging house again Laces collapsed in Blink’s arms; she was tired.  Jack picked her up and put her to bed.


“Don’t get up,” Jack said sternly and then left.  Laces fell asleep, but woke up screamin.  Race came running in.


“What happened?” he asked panting.


“I just had a bad dream,” Laces said.  Race smirked and gave her a hug.


“Ya wanna play a little poker?  I’ll teach ya how again,” Race said.


“Good cause I don’t know how anymore.” Laces smiled a little.


“I’se gonna go get me cards,” Race said.  Laces nodded, Race left the room and Laces got up and went for a brush.  She brushed her shoulder length hair and looked at the mirror.  She still looked the same.  Race walked in and glanced at her.  She looked sad, tired and worst of all sick.


“Ya look beautiful,” he said to her.  She spun around and put the brush down.


“Ya weren’t ever good at lying Racetrack Higgins,” Laces remarked.  Racetrack made a gesture and bowed.


“I’se give ya the world’s worst liar!” he said.  Laces laughed.  He looked at her and then smiled.  “See ya do look great when ya smile.” She smiled again.


“I look like the cat just dragged me in.”


“Nah, ya just need ta rest.  Promise me that you’re gonna rest more and eat,” Race said.


“I promise I will when I can.” Race wasn’t satisfied but that was the best he was going to do.  He went on to start the game of poker.




October 31st 1898


Laces was getting better, she was getting almost back to normal.  She was getting more rest and eating more too, but she was still weak.  She was more nervous then ever today.  Jack had forbid anyone from telling her anything about the battle for her own safety.  So she didn’t know when it started, when they would leave or where it was at.  It was driving her insane that she knew nothing for all that she knew they could be fighting the battle right now, but no they were going to lunch at Tibby’s.


Around lunch time Skittery came walking into the lodging house.


“Laces?” he called out, she came running down the stairs almost falling down them.


“Heya be careful,” Skittery said.  Helping her down the last step and smiling at her.


“I’se just so worried about ya.  Come on Skitts tell me at least when it starts?” Laces said.


“NO,” Skittery said.  “I ain’t gonna tell ya no matter how much ya annoy me.  We’se gonna go ta lunch and if Jack hears ya talking about it he’s gonna yell at you again,” Skittery said.  Laces pouted a bit.  Everyone was being so harsh lately in their own ways, but they were all being harsh since she had gone to Brooklyn.  When she entered Tibby’s she noticed the newsies were quiet.  They were nervous too, they were all worried about the battle tonight but no one was allowed to talk about it in front of her.


Laces sat down next to Blink at Jack’s table as usual.  She looked out the window and saw Buttercup pass, Laces sighed.  She had gone back to the dress shop every day for the past month in an effort to apologize, but Buttercup wouldn’t even see her.  Jack had even gone there to get her to talk to them again.  Nothing had been achieved though.  Buttercup would not even look at Jack or Laces twice if she saw them on the street.


“So how ya feeling today?” Jack asked after he noticed her watching Buttercup.


“Okay,” Laces replied.  She ordered some food.  When it came she ate slowly and very little.  Jack watched her and remembered the first day he had meet her.  She had been the exact same way and Spot had made her eat faster.  Jack smiled a bit at the memory and hoped that tonight would be the end of this war.  He knew that it would still be some time before him and Spot talked again but this battle would end the war.


“How was your day?” Laces asked the boys.


“The headline was betta than yesterday,” Blink said.  Laces nodded, it had been almost two months since she had been out to sell.  She would sell like 10 of the evening papes some times with Jack or Skittery but not usually.


“Yeah, the headline today didn’t need to be fixed that much.” Jack laughed a bit.  The tension seemed to loosen in the room a bit and more of the boys started smiling.


“Hey Race, ‘ave ya been ta the tracks lately?” Laces asked.  Race puffed at his cigar and then smiled.


“Nah, not lately.  But I think I’ll go around there tomorrow.” Laces smiled, in the back of her mind she hoped that Race wouldn’t get too roughed up tonight.


“So ya member how ta play poker Laces?” Race asked with a grin.  Laces looked at the table and shook her head.  All the newsies laughed as Race let out a frustrated sigh.


“Sorry Race, it’s just...” Laces said in an attempt to explain why she never remembered how to play poker.


“If you’se never learn ta play poker, how am I supposed ta teach ya all the other games?” Race asked.  Laces smiled.


“I’ll learn someday, I promise Race,” Laces said.


“Okay, why don’t Skitts take ya back ta the lodging house now,” Jack said.  Skittery got up and went over to Laces.  They left Tibby’s and walked to the lodging house in silence at first.


“Skitts, will anyone get really hurt?” she asked.  Skittery looked at Laces, she was getting the color in her cheeks back and her eyes were no longer glazed over.  She almost looked healthy.  She was still thinner than usual and she still looked drained half the time and that usual sparkle in her was no longer there.  This war had done this to her.  Skittery didn’t want to upset her but there was something, maybe a hint of that old sparkle that made him tell her against his better judgment.


“Maybe, but don’t ya worry about it.  We’ll take care of each other.” He put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a half hug to reassure her that everything was going to be fine.  Laces took a deep breath.  These boys had been her life for the past 8 months, but she felt like she had been with them forever.  They were the closest to family she had.  When they got to the lodging house Skittery gave Laces a kiss on the cheek and again told her not to worry about anything.


“Watch Snipes and the other little ones Skittery, please,” Laces begged him.  Skittery nodded and then walked off down the road.  Laces went into the lodging house and went to go sit in the parlor and as soon as she sat down she began to cry.  She cried softly and not for very long.  She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs.


“Please God, please don’t let any of them get hurt,” Laces whispered.  That was all that Laces did all afternoon, sit there and pray and hope that no one would get hurt.  Around sunset the door flew open and in came two small figures panting and scared.


“Laces?” they said.  Laces looked up, her heart in her throat afraid for anything that they may say.


“In ‘ere,” she almost whispered but the two heard her and walked in.


“Laces?” they said again.  She looked towards them in surprise.


“Bottle Cap? Snipes?”


“Laces we’se scared.  They all look so mad at each other, especially Jack and Spot,” Bottle Cap said.


“We’se think they might kill each other,” Snipes said.  Laces took a deep breath.


“Take me to them and hurry,” she said.  The little boys nodded their heads.  “They haven’t started fighting yet have they?” The boys shook their heads and they started out the door.  They went through all the back ways and shortcuts.  They ran the whole way not stopping for anything.  They were on the Brooklyn Bridge in no time at all.  Laces was breathing hard and felt like she was floating, but she didn’t stop to think.  The boys led her to the docks that she had been to before and there at the end of the docks was a huge group of boys all looking at the dock.  Laces looked past the group and saw that on the dock was Jack and Spot circling each other.  She could see their lips moving, but she could not hear.  She pushed her way through the boys and ran up the dock to Jack and Spot.  Many of the Brooklyn and Manhattan newsies were yelling after her to stop, but she paid them no heed.


“SPOT CONLON and JACK KELLY!” she screamed just as Spot was going to hit Jack with his cane and Jack was about to throw a punch.  They both stopped and turned to look at her.  Their eyes were cold and angry.  Laces would have shuddered and ran off in any other circumstance but this was something she had to do.


“You two need ta stop this foolishness! Look at all your newsies, isn’t it enough that most of them were already hurt once! What if someone gets hurt tonight? And all for what? Why are you two doing this?” Laces was talking loud but she wasn’t yelling yet.  The stares did not change, but Spot did take a step closer and looked at her.


“Ya know why we’se doing this,” he said softly.  Laces looked at him, he seemed different from when she had first meet him; colder, tougher and less emotional.


“Well if it’s the reason I think it is, then I think your both stupid,” Laces said with her hands on her hips.


“You’re right.  Something like this for someone like ya is pretty stupid,” Jack said.  Laces felt like he had punched her in the stomach and all the air left her lungs and her courage was slowly exiting also.


“Please stop this now,” Laces begged the boys, looking from one cold face to the other.


“Too late now,” Spot said.  Laces shook her head and put her hand to her neck and grabbed the necklace that she had taken from Spot what seemed ages ago.  Spot caught a glimpse of the necklace and his face changed for a split second, but went back to cold even quicker than when it changed.


“I see that you’se still have that necklace that you stole from me.” Spot moved closer to her and laces backed up.


“I didn’t mean ta steal it,” she said gripping the necklace harder.


“But ya did,” Spot said taking another step towards her.  Laces again stepped back, she was afraid of this Spot Conlon.


“Spot please, stop this nonsense before it gets out of hand,” Laces begged.


“Late again, Audrey,” Spot said taking another step towards her.  Laces was startled, Spot was being so cold and mean.  She took a large step back and she was on the edge of the dock.  She looked behind her and saw the dark water of the East River.  She lost her balance and with a small scream she fell into the water.  She splashed into the water and felt the sting of the temperature in her body drop.  She tried to suck in air, but she tried too late and gulped in water.  It felt like her body was giving up on her.  She could hear Spot’s words “Too late Audrey.”


Spot and Jack were both staring at the river, they didn’t move.  Laces wasn’t coming up though and the silence was frightening.


“MOVE YOU IDIOTS SHE’S GONNA DROWN!!” Skittery pushed his way through the crowd of boys and ran down the dock.  By that time Spot and Jack snapped out of there trance and jumped into the East River after her.


Laces was watching everything go dark and she had a great desire to close her eyes and sleep.  Then she felt someone tugging at her and then she was being lifted out of the river.  Laces’s eyes were closed when she felt the sudden gush of air against her skin and then she could not feel nor hear anything.


Spot had grabbed Laces and Jack wasn’t far behind.  They got her on the dock.  She was pale and looked like a ghost.


“LACES?” Spot said.  There was no response.  Not one movement made.  Jack got down on his knees and shook her a bit, but still she did not make any signs that she was still alive.


“We’se gotta get ‘er ta a doctor,” Spot said.  Jack nodded and lifted her.  Skittery took off his coat and laid it on her to keep the wind from getting her colder than she was already.  Jack, Spot and the rest of the newsies walked to the Brooklyn Lodging House.  Skittery and Race were sent to get the doctor and Snipes and Bottle Cap were sent to warn Rick that they needed somewhere to put her.


The boys got to the lodging house and Rick was awaitin’ them.


“Only you two can come with me the rest of you stay out here.” Rick pointed to Jack and Spot.  The other newsies mumbled a bit, but did as they were told.  Rick showed them the room he had prepared and Jack put Laces down on the bed.


“Spot, find her some clothes to get her changed.  Jack, go see if you can find her some blankets and check if the doctor is here yet,” Rick ordered.  Rick looked at Laces, her face looked like one of a china made doll, so sad looking.  Rick smiled a bit to himself; she had achieved what she had come to do.  She had stopped the war between Brooklyn and Manhattan without any of the newsies getting hurt.  Spot came back with a nightgown and Jack with blankets and the doctor.


“I need all of you to leave.  Nurse, please change her out of those wet clothes,” the doctor said as he prepared his instruments.  Rick, Spot and Jack slipped out the door and went into the parlor where they found all of the newsies wanting to know if she was going to be okay.


“Is she gonna be okay?” Snipes asked.  Jack looked at him and sighed.


“I don’t know.” Skittery gave Spot and Jack a look that could kill, but said nothing to them.  Instead he asked Race to play some poker with him.  Race agreed gladly, poker would ease his nerves.  All the newsies found some way to distract themselves while the doctor was examining Laces.  Finally after what seemed like forever the doctor and the nurse came out.


“Who’s in charge here?” the doctor asked.  Spot stood up but Jack pulled him back down and Rick came up to the doctor.


“What’s wrong with her?” Rick asked.


“I think we should talk alone,” the doctor said.  Rick shook his head though.


“No, whatever you have to say you can say in front of all of us,” Rick said.  The Doctor shrugged.


“I am really surprised that girl is still breathing.  She hasn’t been eating well, she hasn’t been sleeping well, she hasn’t been too healthy, and she seems like she’s been a nervous wreck.  I don’t know how she fell into the river, but I know that you got her out right on time.  I don’t know when she’ll wake up, but there is a very slim chance she won’t.  You have to watch her and if she gets a fever keep it down.  Get her to take this and when she wakes up, which she will most likely do, make her eat.  She may not be moved.  I will come back in two weeks to check up on her,” the doctor said.  Most of the newsies were looking at the ground.  There heart beats racing at the very thought of losing Laces.  Snipes and Bottle Cap looked like they were about to cry and Skittery was glaring at Jack and Spot.  The doctor said something more and then he left.  Once he was out the door Skittery, Spot and Jack exploded.


“THIS IS ALL YA TWO’S FAULT!” Skittery yelled at Spot and Jack.


“This ain’t me fault, it’s his fault.  You’se the one that has been watching her,” Spot said to Jack.


“You’re the one who started this stupid thing in the first place!” Jack said to Spot.


“Why don’t we finish this now, Kelly?” Spot taunted.


“I don’t think ya wanna call the doctor back Conlon,” Jack gritted his teeth.


“Why?  Ya gonna be needing ‘im?” Spot asked.  Jack took a swing and hit Spot in the shoulder.  Spot fought back and both were on the floor in the next second.  Bullseye had tripped Spot and Mush had tripped Jack.


“What the ‘ell ya doin’?” Spot looked at Bullseye.


“Will ya two not quit it?  Forget about this stupid war.  Don’t ya see it’s both of your faults that Laces almost died?” Bullseye asked.  Spot mumbled something, grabbed his cane and jumped up.  He looked around the room and then wiped his hands on his pants and walked out the door.


“Why don’t you Manhattan newsies stay here tonight,” Rick said.


“I’m not leaving until she wakes up,” Skittery said and positioned himself on the pillow next to the fireplace.  The Brooklyn newsies sighed and went up the stairs, telling some of the Manhattan newsies that there were a few empty beds upstairs.  Jack climbed up to the roof while Mush, Skittery, Blink, Race, Snipes and Bottle Cap stayed in the parlor.


“Skittery is she gonna be okay?” Snipeshooter asked.  Skittery looked at the little boy.


“Yeah kid, she’ll be fine.  She’s a real fighter.  She’ll pull through.” Snipeshooter smiled and stretched out on the couch.  Race was pacing and smoking his cigar down to nothing.


“Race, could ya teach me how ta play blackjack?” Bottle Cap asked.  Race looked at the boy.


“Why do ya wanna learn ta play that?” he asked.


“It takes a long time ta teach and it will keep ya busy,” Bottle Cap said.  Race smiled and Blink laughed.


“So the pacing was getting ta you too.” Race grinned, but sat down and began to teach Bottle Cap how to play blackjack.  The boys stayed up most of the night.  Spot never came back to the lodging house until morning and Jack didn’t come off the roof until morning either.  In the morning Rick came up to the bunkroom first and woke all the newsies who were asleep up, which weren’t many.


“I think it best that you all carry the banner today.  Manhattan maybe you should head back to Manhattan,” Rick was saying when Jack climbed in through the window.


“I think we will, but if anything happens send Bottle Cap over,” Jack said.  He went down to go see Laces without another word to anyone.  Spot had just come into the lodging house.  He headed for Laces’s room and entered quietly.


Jack entered about three seconds later and saw that Spot was there also.


“Spot,” Jack said.


“Jack,” Spot said.  They both looked at Laces.  She still didn’t look any better.  She actually looked worse.  Jack put the back of his hand to her forehead.  She was freezing so he pulled the blanket around her neck.  Both boys stood there for a little while.  They didn’t look at each other, just at Laces.  They didn’t talk to each other or anything.  Jack walked out the room first but before he left he took one more look at Laces and then he said something to Spot.


“You take care of her Conlon.  Send Bottle Cap if anything happens.  We all are going back to Manhattan.”  With that he shut the door without even giving Spot a chance to respond.  Spot nodded and looked at Laces one more time.  He pulled the blanket down a bit and felt around her neck for the necklace.  He found it and was going to take it off her when he remembered how on the docks she had gripped it like it was some kind of good luck charm.  He decided to let her have it on a little longer.  If it was a good luck charm let it work its magic now.  He covered her up again and looked at her again and then he walked to the door.  Before closing the door he said it quietly, but he said it.


“Hey Kid, me name is Patrick.  Wake up and you will be able ta call me that.” With that Spot closed the door and left to go sell papes for the day.




Mid-November 1898


Laces was getting better, she could even sit up now.  She still wasn’t allowed to get up and move around, not because she couldn’t but because the doctor said she shouldn’t.  The newsies treated her like a little sister and wouldn’t let her do anything.  She would have a few newsies come visit her everyday.  They would tell her stories and keep her entertained.


Whenever Laces was alone though she had time to think.  She hadn’t seen Spot or Jack since she had fallen into the river.  They hadn’t come to see her at all, or so she thought.  Spot and Jack had come to see her, but they only came when she was asleep.  One day Bottle Cap and Snipeshooter came to see her on the same day.


“Heya Laces, how’s it rolling?” they asked her cheerfully.  She smiled when she saw them enter.


“I’ve been fine.  How have ya two been?” she asked while beckoning the small boys to sit on the bed and give her a hug.


“We’se been pretty good.  We had a good headline,” Snipeshooter said.


“Yeah, what was it?” Laces asked.


“Umm… I think it went something like dead man found in alleyway.  Then it said something about being drunk but we didn’t say that part and sold all of our newspapers.”


“You boys don’t happen ta have a newspaper left do ya?” Laces asked.


“No, but we can go out and find ya one,” Snipeshooter said.  Just then the door opened and in walked Jack and Spot.  Laces was surprised at them coming to see her, but what shocked her most was that they were together.  According to all the newsies Jack and Spot were still very cold towards one another.


“Snipeshooter, Bottle Cap, please leave,” Spot said in his stern and cold voice.  Snipeshooter was about to voice an objection, but Jack gave him a stare that sent him out the door without another thought to it.


“Why did ya ‘ave ta scare them away like that?” Laces asked.  Spot and Jack didn’t answer her question.  They just looked at her for a second.  They had come a lot to see her; almost more than all the other newsies.  They just came when she was sleeping so they hadn’t seen that her eyes had gotten that sparkle back.


“What is wrong with you two? Are you still mad at me?” Laces asked.  She had been afraid that they had been since they hadn’t come to see her that she was aware of.


“Audrey,” Jack started.  Laces shivered at the use of her real name.  “What was your father’s name?” he asked.


“Joseph Kai, why?” Laces was breathing harder.


“Well, ‘ere,” Spot handed her a paper and she looked at the front page.  She found the article on the dead man found in the alleyway like Snipes and Caps told her about.  She read the first sentence aloud.


“38 year old Joseph Mark Kai was found dead in an alleyway, suspected to be an overdose.” There Laces choked up and began to tremble and then started to cry.  Jack and Spot went to her side and each tried to comfort her.


“Hush Laces, it’s gonna be okay.  I promise,” Jack said.  Laces shook her head and sobbed.


“No Jack, don’t promise something that you can’t keep,” Laces said.  Jack looked at Spot who was trying to think of something to say.


“Laces come on, don’t cry,” Spot said.  Laces looked at him and then leaned her head against his shoulder.


“Be the Spot Conlon that I first met,” she whispered under her sobs.  Spot tightened his grip around her and her sobs became softer and softer and soon they were no more.  Spot looked down at Laces and sighed.


“She always does this Jack.”


“Does what Spot?” Jack asked.


“Whenever she starts crying she falls asleep in me arms,” Spot said.


“And ya don’t like that?” Jack wondered.


“Well I hate ta see ‘er cry, but I’m glad that I can calm ‘er down,” Spot said.  He laid her down softly and both boys left the room.  Jack headed back to Manhattan with Snipeshooter.


“Jack, do you still like Laces?” Snipes asked Jack.


“Like her?” Jack asked.


“Like Spot did,” Snipes repeated and then added, “do you want ‘er as ya goyl?”


“Not anymore,” Jack said.  Jack was lying to himself.  She was still beautiful, but she had caused him so much more trouble then he planned and he couldn’t allow himself to love her.


“Ya don’t hate ‘er do ya?” Snipes asked.


“No Snipes, I don’t hate ‘er,” Jack said.






“Cause I don’t want ta be mean or anything, but I don’t think your Laces’s type.  You or Spot.  Ya both too rough ta be ‘er boyfriend,” Snipes said.  Jack laughed.


“I think ya should let ‘er make up ‘er own mind bout who’s ‘er type,” Jack said.


“But she’s sick.  She can’t do anything by ‘erself.  I got ta protect ‘er from guys like ya and Spot.  Specially like Spot,” Snipes said with a determined air.  Jack laughed again.


“Now I don’t know where ya got that idea but lemme tell ya something, Laces don’t like people to make up ‘er mind for ‘er,” Jack said.


“Yeah, but I can suggest,” Snipes said.  Jack nodded and smiled at the small boy.  Laces sure had a lot of people to look out for her.




December 24: Christmas Eve


Brooklyn and Manhattan weren’t exactly all patched up yet.  There was still a lot of tension between the two territories.  They acted like nothing was wrong because it was Christmas Eve and Laces was finally allowed to get up and they were all having a party at Medda’s.  Most of the Manhattan boys weren’t exactly fond of Brooklyn.  The only two who seemed like nothing was the matter were Snipes and Bottle.  They seemed like they had become better friends because of the war and it annoyed Jack and Spot.


Laces had been moved to Manhattan the week before because Brooklyn had her for almost three weeks and they didn’t want her to have to walk on Christmas Eve.


“Come on Laces!” Racetrack yelled from the bottom of the stairs.  Laces came running down in her usual attire which was still Spot’s old clothing.  Race smiled, she sure was a tomboy and she still hated dressing up.


“Where’s Snipes?” she asked.


“No idea.  I think he left cause he said he had something ta do,” Race said.


“Okay.  Probably went out ta get his gift,” Laces said with a smile.  The newsies by Laces request had done the random gift giving game as she liked to call it.  When they picked one name out of a hat and got that person a gift.  That way everyone gave and got a gift.


“Race, tomorrow some of you are gonna come help me with the apartment, right?” Laces asked.


“Ya mean your fadda’s apartment?” Race asked.  Laces nodded.  “Sure,” Race said.  The police had found Laces and told her that she needed to clean out that apartment before the New Year and she had stalled long enough.


“So who do ya got a gift for?” Skittery asked coming down the stairs.


“I’m not gonna tell ya.  No one will know until midnight tonight,” Laces said with a smile.


“It’s sure good ta see that smile of yours,” Specs said coming out of the parlor.  Laces smiled more and then laughed a bit at him.


“Glad that you like me smile.  Now come on, Race was telling me we’re late.”  Laces held out her arms for two of the boys to take them.  Skittery took one and Race the other.


“I don’t think we’re going to fit through the door,” Race grinned.


“We’ll ‘ave ta figure out a way won’t we,” Laces laughed.


“If we go sideways then we’ll fit,” Skittery said.


“Hey maybe there is something in there,” Race said.


“Hey.” Skittery tried to pull his arm out of Laces’s so that he could swat Race, but she wouldn’t let him go.


“No fighting on Christmas Eve,” she said with a small frown.


“Fine, no fighting,” Race said.  He looked at Skittery and then nodded at each other and gave her a kiss on each cheek. 


“Stop you two.  Come on Skitts you go first.” Skittery did as he was told and went through the door first and they got out the door with Mush, Blink and Specs following them.


“How bout we sing some Christmas Carols?” Laces said.


“Whatever ya want,” Blink said.


“Okay, umm...  We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year.” All of the newsies sang the way to Medda’s.  When they got to Medda’s many of the Newsies were already there like Spot and Jack who were on stage with Medda.  When Laces and her little groups of newsies entered, the room seemed to get brighter.  Race and Skittery took Laces right up to the stage and helped her on it.  There Jack and Spot each gave her a little hug and kiss on the cheek.


“Merry Christmas,” they said.


“Let’s decorate the tree!” Medda said.  The newsies all called out and agreed.  There was a huge tree in the middle of Medda’s joint and there were boxes everywhere full of decorations.  Toby sat down at the piano and Medda began to sing while everyone started to decorate the tree.


“LACES!” Mush called out.  Laces looked around and then spotted Mush.  He had a pretty blonde girl with him.  She had greenish eyes and a very pale complexion from what Laces could tell and was wearing a very pretty light purple dress that could pass for pink from far away.  Mush caught up to Laces and smiled brightly.


“This is Hush Tai.  Me goyl.” Laces smiled at the girl.


“Me name is Laces Kai, pleased ta meet ya Hush.  Glad ta see Mush together with such a pretty girl,” Laces said.


“Mush never stops talking about you,” Hush said.  “I’m glad that I finally get to meet you.  I’m glad that you’re feeling better.”


“Thank you.”


“Well, I’m gonna introduce her ta the rest of the guys,” Mush said and with that went back through the crowd.  Laces laughed.  She knew that she would be meeting a lot of the girls that the guys had been going out with tonight.


“Hush and Mush,” she laughed to herself.  That was so cute.  She went back to decorating the tree with Race.


“So Race, where’s your girl tonight?” Laces asked Race.


“Ah she couldn’t come.  She had a family thing ta do.  Ya’ll meet her the next time we ‘ave a party.  I promise.” Laces smiled at Race and they started to see who could get the ornaments higher out of the two.


The tree decorating took up a lot of the time and after that they ate.  Medda had made quite a feast for them, some turkey and everything that you could want at a Christmas feast.  Laces sat with Race and Bullseye.


“Hey Bullseye!  Where ya been?  It won’t kill ya ta visit sometimes,” Laces said.  Bullseye smiled a little, he was a real tough guy.


“I been busy, but I promise ta come whenever I can,” Bullseye said.  Laces laughed.


“Why don’t one of you fine gentleman go get me a drink?” Laces asked.


“I’ll go,” Race said.


“Why don’t I try something new?  Get me something with alcohol in it,” Laces smiled.  Race laughed at her.


“Get me something that ain’t that dry,” Bullseye said.  Race nodded and went off to get the drinks.


“Are ya sure about the alcohol?” Bullseye questioned.


“I’ll be fine.  I’ll only have a glass.  Probably less, but I wanna try it.” Bullseye laughed.


“Why does everyone laugh at me?” Laces asked with a bit of a pout.


“Don’t pout Laces.  It’s just that you’se our little angel, our goody two shoes and we’re starting ta influence ya,” Bullseye said.  Laces smiled again.


“Can’t be good forever, bout time that I live a little more on the edge,” Laces said.  Bullseye laughed again and Laces gave him a playful punch in the arm.  Everyone was jolly; Spot was even calling Laces kid again.


“Hey Kid get up on stage and sing us a song,” he called out.


“Stop calling me Kid, Spot Conlon,” she said as she went up on stage with a smile.


“What would you like me to sing?” she asked the newsies.  They called out various song titles but she chose to sing I’ll Be Home for Christmas.  When she was done the newsies all clapped and Laces smiled.


“I think it’s time we do our gift exchange.  Everyone find your person,” Laces said and then jumped off the stage she went back to her table and sat down.  She watched the newsies wander around the large room and balcony.  She wondered who had picked her name, but she wasn’t going to move because she was waiting for Race to come back.  When Race did come back he saw her sitting there and he frowned.


“Now who picked your name?” he asked.


“I have no idea.  But I know who picked yours,” Laces said.  She dug into her pocket and took out a small box wrapped in old newspaper.  Race took it and opened it.  It was a new set of cards or what looked like brand new.  Race stared at the cards and then looked at Laces.


“Ya can’t play with your old cards anymore, you’ve taught me how ta play poker so many times that they’re worn out,” Laces laughed at Race’s face.


“Where?  How?” Race managed to say.


“They used ta be me fadda’s from a long time ago, but he never used them so I thought you would like them,” Laces said.  Race gave Laces a hug.


“Thanks,” he said.


“Welcome,” she said smiling.  She was happy that her gift had been a success.


“Laces,” someone said from behind Laces.  She turned around and saw Snipes.


“Snipes, where have ya been? I was starting ta get worried,” Laces said.


“Come on, I got something ta give ya,” Snipes said.  Laces looked at Race who shrugged and she let Snipes pull her through all the newsies.  Snipes lead her out the door and pointed towards the street light.


“Go,” he nudged her.  She went over to where the street light was and at the bench she saw someone sitting.  She gasped and her knees went weak; she felt like she couldn’t breath.  She wanted to turn around and walk back into Medda’s, but she couldn’t.


“Merry Christmas Buttercup,” Laces finally choked.


“Merry Christmas Laces,” Buttercup said without looking up.  Laces went and sat down next to her.


“Snipes convinced me to come out here and give you another chance,” Buttercup said still not looking up.


“I really am sorry for everything that happened,” Laces said.


“How you been feeling?” Buttercup asked.


“Okay, but Buttercup please forgive me.  And please don’t hate Jack either,” Laces said.  There was silence for a moment.  Then Buttercup looked up and stared at Laces for a second.


“I forgive you,” she whispered.  Laces heard her but didn’t think she had heard right.  “Yeah I forgive you.  That’s what this season is for, forgiving,” Buttercup said a little harshly.  Laces gave Buttercup a hug.


“Thank you Tate,” Laces said.


“Laces, wait.  I said that I forgive you, that doesn’t mean we’re friends again.  I don’t hate you anymore but we can’t go back to being the best of buds right away.  I can’t even promise you that we’ll ever be like we once were, but we can try,” Buttercup said.


“Yes, we will try.  And I thank you again Tate,” Laces said.  With this she stood up and held her hand out.


“Good evening, me name is Laces Kai,” Laces said.


“Good evening, I am Buttercup Tate.” Buttercup shook Laces hand.  “Now do forgive me, but I must head back home,” Buttercup said.  “Nice meeting you,” she said.


“Same to you,” Laces said.  Buttercup walked away and Laces watched her walk.  Then she looked up at the stars.


“Thanks Tate for not promising something that you may not be able to keep,” Laces whispered and then went back to thank Snipes for his gift.


“Did everything go nicely?” Snipes asked her.


“As nicely as it could and I want to thank you; that was sweet,” Laces said with a kiss to Snipes forehead.


“Wait there’s one more thing.  Look, I found you this rose that has been dried.  I thought it was pretty and you would like it,” Snipes said.  Laces took the dry rose, it was very pretty and it smelled wonderful.


“Thank you Snipes, don’t ever change.” Laces and Snipeshooter walked in to more singing and Laces took a deep breath, everything would be normal again soon, hopefully.




After Christmas was over Laces picked a few newsies to go with her to clean out her father’s apartment.  She chose a few Brooklyn and a few Manhattan newsies because she wanted them to start being more friendly towards each other.  She had begun to notice the cold attitudes that were going around and she couldn’t do anything with Spot and Jack because not only were they not talking to each other, but they barely talked to her.


She had chosen Bullseye and Pitch from Brooklyn and Skittery and Blink from Manhattan.  Bottle Cap and Snipeshooter also went because they wanted to help.  Laces tried to strike up a conversation with boys but all that she could achieve was to get Bottle Cap and Snipeshooter talking.  They arrived at the apartment and Laces took a deep breath before entering.


“Okay guys I’m gonna need ya ta move stuff for me,” Laces said when she was inside the apartment.


“Want us ta open the curtains and windows?” Bottle Cap asked.  Laces nodded and the two younger boys went running about opening windows.  The light came rushing in and Laces looked around, things hadn’t really changed much.  Everything was like her mother had left it expect the few places her father actually used.  Dust had invaded everything in sight and everyone started to cough when the wind came gusting in and sent the dust flying.


“Who wants ta help me dust and clean the kitchen up?” Laces asked the boys.  None of them really responded.  She knew that they weren’t going to say much, but they would do anything she asked them to.


“Um Pitch why don’t you help with the kitchen and Skitts why don’t you do the living room area there and Bullseye you can do that main room right there and Blink why don’t you do me old room.  I’ll do the wash room and all you guys need ta do first is dust and wipe things off and make things look clean and then we’ll start going through stuff and putting things in boxes.  Bottle Cap and Snipes you help with anything that any of us need, like if we’re thirsty or something ya get us water, ya hear?” Laces said.  The young boys nodded and the others went to work.  Laces grabbed a blue bandana from the counter in the kitchen tied it around her hair, rolled up her sleeves and started to clean.  Everyone scrubbed and dusted and cleaned every inch of every surface.  When they were done with that Laces admired everything.  She smiled; her mother would have been proud of the job she did.


“Okay let’s start here in this bedroom,” Laces said and pointed to her old bedroom.  She opened the closet and she looked at all the clothes that were still there; she sighed.  Most were dresses but there were some things that she could still use.  She looked around the room and saw her trunk.  She went and opened it, but there wasn’t much in it just old clothing.


“Guys come put this old stuff into a box and then Snipes and Bottle can run it down to the orphanage down the street,” Laces said.  Skittery and Bullseye got up to do what was asked of them while Laces looked under the bed.  There was an extra pair of shoes which she was surprised to find.  There was also some other boxes filled with pieces of material for making hair ties and patching things up.  She decided that could be of some use.  Meanwhile, Bullseye and Skittery had finished cleaning out the trunk.


“Okay, put all the clothes in the closet into the trunk and make it as compact as possible.”  They emptied the small closet and all that was left to look at was the old dresser which had been used for the babies clothing.  She picked up a few things here and there and stuck them into the trunk, but the rest she sent down to the orphanage.  They finished with her room and headed into her parents old room next.  There was a cradle next to the bed and on the night table were all of her mother’s make-up and a small jewelry box.


“Empty everything.  If you guys find anything that you can use or anything that you may think is important show me or take it.  The rest we can send down to the church,” Laces said as she sat on the bed and went through her mother’s belongings.  She carefully looked at all the make-up; there wasn’t much.  A half filled small perfume bottle, a little blush and a half-used stick of lipstick.  Then Laces looked at the jewelry box.  She ran her fingers down the lid and closed her eyes.  She could picture herself as a little girl thinking how lovely this box was and how she loved just to look at.  Laces opened her eyes and opened the box.  Inside there were only three things, but those three things were so precious to Laces.  There was a necklace with a small green pendant on it and a matching ring, her mother’s wedding bands and a folded up piece of paper.  Laces took the paper and unfolded it and tears started to run down her cheeks when she saw what it was.


“Are you okay?” Snipes asked when he saw her tears.


“Fine, just fine,” she said.  Snipes shrugged.  She sounded okay, the paper was the only picture that had ever been taken of her family.  Laces quickly folded the picture back up, and remembered why there had been so many dresses and things.  Her older sister had left and gotten married when Laces had been just three-years-old.  The boys had finished cleaning out the room and Laces got up and went into the living room area where she just opened a few cupboards and then was done.


“You boys sit down and I will make you something to drink,” Laces said.  The boys agreed full heartily and sat down.  The apartment was spotless and everything was in its place.  Bottle and Snipes had been running about all day carrying boxes to either the orphanage or the church.


“Thank you boys so much for all your help,” Laces said.


“No problem Laces,” Bullseye said as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, pushing some of his brown hair away from his forehead.


“Laces what ya gonna do with this place?” Skittery asked.


“I really don’t know what I’m gonna do with this place at all.”  Laces looked around; it looked like a home again.  There were no beer cans and bottles everywhere like there had once been, but it was clean and almost cozy.  Laces poured some watered down juice into some cups and handed each guy a cup.  Snipes was rocking his chair and lifting it up off the floor.


“You’se gonna fall if ya keep doing that,” Blink warned him, but Snipes ignored him and then a thump sounded as he hit the floor.  Laces looked at him and started to laugh, but there was something incredibly familiar about that chair being on the floor.  Things crashing everywhere but that chair, and then it hit Laces.


“I wonder if ‘e ever found it?” Laces questioned out loud.  The boys looked at her confused.


“Found what Laces?” they asked.  Laces said nothing but went over to Snipes chair and told him to get up for a second.  She looked at the chair and put her index finger into her mouth.


“What are you doin?” Pitch asked her.  She looked at Pitch and then her eyes got wide.


“That’s it.”  She went into the kitchen found a knife and went to the chair.  She flipped it over and opened the seams on the bottom of the chair as coins came falling out.


“Woah!” Blink said when he saw the amount of coins that came out.  Laces smiled.


“’E never found it.  Me mother and I hid money there and ‘e never found it.”  Laces scooped all the coins up.  She started to what looked like count it, but instead she was looking for nickels.  There were exactly 6 nickels.  She took them out of the pile and put the rest into her pocket.  Then she handed each boy a nickel.


“For your help today,” she said with a smile.  The boys just looked at her.  She was giving them five cents each for something they would have done for free.


“Laces, ya don’t need ta,” Skittery started. 


“Nonsense!  I know I don’t ‘ave ta but I want ta,” Laces smiled.  Then the door opened and Laces and the guys turned to see who it was.  When Laces saw who it was she went weak in the knees and would have fallen back had it not been for Skittery sitting behind her.


“Audrey?” the women who had entered first asked.


“Caroline?” Laces whispered.  The boys looked from Laces to the woman.  The Woman had entered with a man and small child following her.


“I thought that…” Laces started.


“I came to believe that you were dead,” the woman said.  Laces looked at her shocked.


“And where did ya get an idea like that?” Laces demanded.


“Papa wrote and said that you had run off and that most likely you had died on the streets.  How could you leave him, only three weeks after mama and little James died?” The woman sounded annoyed.


“I leave ‘im!” Laces screamed.  “And ‘e wasn’t little James, his name was Michael!”


“Do not scream at me.  I suppose I am going to have to take you in now,” the woman sighed.


“I won’t even let ya try.  You think that I left ‘im,” Laces mumbled.


“You did!  You’re an ungrateful girl and I think for the sake of our dead parents that I should take you in and at least try to raise you,” the woman said.


“Ah, stuff it Caroline.  I won’t stay ‘ere over me dead body! And if you would like ta know, if anyone left our parents it was ya when ya got married.  I left cause our father was beating me!  He drank too much and ‘e wanted me ta become a whore!” Laces said.  The newsies were all very uncomfortable and they wanted to get Laces out of there as soon as possible.  Caroline slapped Laces.


“Audrey Alexandra Kai!  Never do I want to hear you talking about our parents like that.  These street rats have polluted your mind,” Caroline said.


“Do you know what Caroline, ya ‘aven’t been ‘ere for the last 12 years of me life.  I don’t need ya in it now.  Go get me trunk please” Laces said to the newsies.  Bullseye and Skittery got up and went for the trunk.


“You’re not going anywhere Audrey,” Caroline said.


“I don’t recommend ta try and stop me.  I got powerful friends in this city,” Laces said.


“I am not allowing you to leave,” Caroline said.


“If ya gonna stay ‘ere I’ll be sure ta visit ya once in a while.”  Skittery and Bullseye came out carrying her trunk.  They started to head out the door, Snipes the last one of the newsies out the door.  Laces stood there for a moment.  She went up to Caroline, looked her in the face and then turned on her heels.  She stopped at the door in front of the man and the child.


“I’m sorry that we had ta meet like this.  I don’t know if we ‘ave meet before, but I’m Audrey, betta known now as Laces Kai.  Caroline’s sister,” Laces said to the man and then she went down on her knees and looked at the little boy.  She spit in her hand and held it out to the boy.


“Hello, I’m Laces Kai, your aunt.  What’s your name?” she asked.  The little boy looked at her oddly, but then spit into his hand and shook hands with her.


“I am Scott,” the little boy said.  Laces winked and then got up.


“Nice ta meet ya Scott, hope that your mother won’t stay like this forever and I will get ta see ya again.”  With that Laces was out the door and down the stairs.


They were walking down the street and Laces was trying to figure out which lodging House to leave the trunk at because she still skipped between the both of them.


“Let’s leave it at Brooklyn because that’s where ya staying tonight ain’t it?” Blink said.  He was holding the trunk now with Pitch to give Bullseye and Skittery a brake.


“Yeah and it’s closer too,” Skittery said.  “If we carry it all the way ta Manhattan we is gonna break our arms off.”


“Sides ya got your own room in Brooklyn,” Bullseye added.


“Where ever we is gonna leave it we betta decide quick cause I am getting a little tried ‘ere,” Pitch said.  Laces smiled.


“Brooklyn it is.”




New Years Eve: 1898 still:


Laces had been in Manhattan since yesterday because she was trying to get Buttercup to go to the New Years Eve poker game in Midtown.  Buttercup refused though because she had a family party to attend.  Laces was in the lodging house waiting for Bottle Cap to get there so that she could head to Brooklyn and look through her chest to find something to wear welcoming the new year.  She was talking to Kloppman about the annual tradition of the New Year’s poker game and he was telling her that next year it was going to be in Brooklyn when Bottle Cap came rushing in.


“Sorry I late,” he said panting a bit.  Laces smiled at him and said bye to Kloppman.  She went out the door with Bottle Cap.


“So why were you late?” she asked him.  He smiled.


“Bad headline,” he said.  Laces smiled.


“I don’t think that you’d know a good headline if it hit ya on the head.  I sold most of me papes before lunch,” Laces said.


“Yeah, but I bet that you didn’t buy as many as I did,” Bottle Cap said trying to stand up for himself.  He was doing that a lot lately, being more bold.  Laces laughed at his attempt.


“How many did ya buy?” she asked.


“60,” he said.


“Fine, I only had fifty, but that ain’t much of a difference,” Laces said.  Bottle Cap shrugged.  Laces looked at him and then smiled.  She grabbed his cap off his head and started to run down the road and didn’t stop running until she reached the Brooklyn Bridge.  When Bottle Cap caught up to Laces he grinned at her.


“What’s with you and taking people’s hats?” he asked.  Laces smiled.


“It’s fun,” she commented and started skipping down the road towards the docks.  When they reached the docks they went down to where Spot was.  Spot jumped off his usual perch to greet them.


“Heya Bottle Cap, Laces.”


“Good afternoon Spot,” Laces said with a bow.  Spot grinned; she would never change.


“Bottle Cap, you said you would be ‘ere bout an hour ago,” Spot said.  Bottle Cap made a face.


“I got tied up,” he replied.


“With what?” Spot asked.


“None of your business,” Bottle Cap said.


“Get out of ‘ere fore I get mad at ya,” Spot said with a swing of his cane.  Bottle Cap ran off to where the other younger newsies were playing with their sling shots.


“It wasn’t that bad!” Laces yelled after him.  Bottle Cap laughed.


“You are too attached to that kid,” Spot commented.


“And what is wrong with that?” Laces asked.


“I said it once before and I is gonna say it again.  You gonna make ‘im soft on me.” Laces grinned and then shrugged.


“One nice Brooklyn newsies won’t kill the bad boy reputation.”


“Yeah well ya never know.  Come on, I’ll walk you to the lodging house.” Spot started to walk and of course Laces was expected to follow.  She let him walk by himself for a little while and then she followed him.


“Spot, you sure ‘ave changed,” Laces said from behind.


“You sure ‘aven’t.” He smiled, for the first time in while.  “You is still me little tag along.”


“I am not!  It’s just, well..” Laces started.


“What, ya follow me cause ya got ta?” Spot asked amused.


“Well...” she started.


“Maybe I’m wrong, maybe ya ‘ave changed.  If you is now listening ta me,” Spot said.


“Spot, stop it.  You’re annoying me,” Laces said with a small pout.  Spot laughed.


“You ‘ave changed.  You would ‘ave done something about that by now.” Laces smiled and then ran up to Spot and took his slingshot out of his back pocket then took off running.  Spot came close behind her yelling at her.  He had his arm around her when they entered the lodging house and they both went tumbling onto the floor.


“Whoa, I guess you two are going ta have fun tonight,” Rick said.  Spot got up immediately and wiped his hands on his pants and stuck his slingshot into his back pocket.


“No one can outrun Spot Conlon,” Spot said.  Laces got up and hopped up the stairs.


“I think the only thing no one can do to Spot Conlon is not annoy him.”  With that Laces ran up the stairs to change.  Spot sighed.


“You know, that girl can always make you smile,” Rick said from his desk.  Spot turned to look at him.


“Nah, she just gets me annoyed,” Spot said.


“Sure Spot, you convince yourself that she means nothing to you.  Then maybe everything will be fine,” Rick said.


“I don’t feel anything for Laces.  She’s just like a sister ta me,” Spot said and went up the stairs.


“Keep wishing Spot,” Rick whispered.


Laces was looking through her chest for something to wear.  Finally she came across a not so fancy dress that she wouldn’t kill herself in.  It was a red dress that was low cut and hung on the shoulders.  It wasn’t long, but it wasn’t short.  It was about to her ankles and it wasn’t that puffy.  It had a simple white trim and was just the perfect fit.  She put it on and then started to fiddle with her hair.  Spot walked into her room when she was standing in front of her mirror.


“Spot Conlon, don’t you know how ta knock?” Laces asked.


“Nope, can’t say I do.  Come on, we’se gonna be late,” Spot said.  Laces quickly put her hair in a bun and followed Spot out the door.  Spot and Laces were in the lobby area when Bullseye came down the stairs.


“Heya Laces, you look like a goyl?” he said puzzled.  Laces whacked him in the back of the head.


“Coise I look like a goyl.  What is I supposed ta be?” she questioned.  He laughed.


“I don’t know.” Bullseye shrugged.  “Spot, I’m gonna go get Wits and Key,” Bullseye said.


“I’ll go with ya.  Laces, you stay ‘ere and we’ll walk ya ta the game,” Spot said.  Laces nodded and the guys headed out the door.  Laces started to walk around in different strides.  Rick watched her and smiled.  He knew why this girl had been causing so much trouble.


“You sure got those boys whipped,” Rick said.  Laces looked at him puzzled.


“What do ya mean?”


“Well, ya know what the Brooklyn boys are famous for don’tcha?”


“Well yeah.” Laces nodded.


“They used to be even colder and harder.  For example, you just hit Bullseye.  If it had not been you he would have soaked whoever did it, but since it was you he was good bout it.  You can even control the mood of Spot Conlon himself,” Rick said with a chuckle.  Laces shook her head.


“I wouldn’t go that far.  Spot Conlon has quite a temper and I seem ta be the one who sees it the most,” Laces said.  Rick laughed.


“You would be surprised,” Rick said.  The door opened and Spot called from outside, not wanting to waste anymore time.


“Laces, come on,” he said.  Laces smiled at Rick and hopped out the door.  Rick laughed.


“She does everything that boy says.  I am having trouble figuring out who controls who.”


Laces was out the door and in the snow.  It had started to snow again and was pretty cold outside.


“Laces, I’d like ya ta meet me goyl, Wits,” Bullseye said pointing to a girl who had dark blond curls falling around her head, some even going into her blue eyes.  She had on a pale blue dress that was long with sleeves, she even wore a shawl.


“Nice ta meet ya Wits.” Laces stuck her hand out.  Wits took it and smiled.


“Nice ta finally meet ya.  Bullseye is always talking about ya.”


“Don’t believe anything that any of them say,” Laces and Wits laughed.


“Laces, I’d like ya ta meet Key,” Spot said.  Laces looked at the girl that Spot had in his arms.


“Hello Key, so how do you like Mr.  Egotistical?” Laces asked.


“I think ‘e’s betta as Mr.  Tough.” They laughed and the three girls fell to talking while walking behind Bullseye and Spot.


“They gonna gang up on ya,” Bullseye said.


“I’d like ta see ‘em try,” Spot replied.  The rest of the way the boys just listened to the chattering of the girls.  Once in a while they would shriek and then giggle, getting on Spot’s nerves.  So by the time they did reach the poker game he was in a foul mood.  The newsies could tell that Spot was not at his best, but the girls kept at it.


“Heya Spot, Bullseye,” Race called.  The guys headed towards where Race was sitting with Jack and Blink.  The girls followed them to the table.


“Heya Race, Jack, Blink!” Laces smiled to them.


“Heya Laces,” they said.


“Goyls, these guys ‘ere are Racetrack, Jack and Blink.  They are all newsies from Manhattan.  Guys, these fine ladies ‘ere are Key and Wits,” Laces said with a fake refined air.


“Nice ta meet ya.  Now why don’t you goyls go play some poker at the goyls table and in a little while we can get up and dance,” Jack said.


“Why do the goyls ‘ave their own table?” Laces asked.  She hated being treated different than guys just because she was a girl.


“Well, cause we’se don’t want an easy game,” Spot said just to annoy her.  Laces glared at him and then at the other boys.


“What if we’se wanna play with ya.  What if some of us are good at poker and can beat ya?” Laces asked.  Key stood behind her and so did Wits.


“Yeah what if we could beat ya?” Wits asked.  Race’s eyebrows went up and he looked like he was thinking over what he was about to say.


“Laces, I doubt that ya even remember how ta play poker, so how could ya even think bout beating me?” Laces was left silent for a second; she felt like whacking Race over the head.  The guys looked like they were about to burst into laughter.  The silence didn’t last long though because a tall girl with hair as black as the night and green eyes that look like those of a cat came jumping behind Race.


“I could beat ya if I wanted, but I feel that ya need some self esteem,” the girl said.  Race jumped at the sound of her voice.  He turned to look at her.


“No ya couldn’t and when did ya get ‘ere?  I thought that you had something ta do tonight?” Race asked.  The girl smiled.


“I did ‘ave something ta do, but I decided ta come anyway.  ‘Ello goyls, I’m Firefly and this loud mouth that is so sure of ‘imself is me boy.” The girl smiled.  Laces laughed.


“So ya boys gonna let us play with ya or what?” Laces asked.  The guys looked at each other doubtfully.


“Let us play a few games amongst ourselves; we ain’t ready for ya goyls yet,” Blink said.


“What if we wanted to play now!” firefly asked.


“Well, too bad,” Spot answered.  Key was standing right behind where Spot was sitting.  She pulled the chair out from under him and he landed on the floor while everyone started to laugh. Spot started to mumble something, but he got up and grabbed his chair from Key not forgetting to give her a glare.


“Let’s make you stubborn goyls a deal.  Let us play three games by ourselves and then we’ll let two of you play against two of us.  If we beat ya, you won’t bother us more bout it and if ya win then ya can play with us the rest of the night and we won’t question you after this?” Jack said.  Wits and Key looked at Laces.  Laces shrugged and looked at Firefly to see what she thought.


“That’ll work,” Firefly said and the girls went off to the table that they had been told was for the girl poker game.


“Those girls are more trouble then they’re worth,” Spot said once they were out of hearing distant.


“I think that only happens when they’re in groups,” Blink said.


“Anywhere that Firefly or Laces goes there has got ta be trouble,” Race said.  The guys agreed and Race started the game by lighting his cigar.


The girls had gotten to the table where a few girls were already playing a game of poker.


“Heya Kas, Hush,” Firefly said.  There were three girls sitting at the table.


“Heya Firefly,” they replied.  Then they started to introduce themselves.  A tall girl with curly auburn hair, freckles and blue eyes introduced herself first.


“Heya, I’m Kas and I’m with Blink,” she smiled.  The girl next to her was Hush who had come with Mush again.  The last girl had dark brown hair, hazel eyes that seemed like they were secretly laughing at something, freckles, and a pale complexion.


“Hello, I’m Owl and the oh so wonderful Skittery is who I came with,” she said.


“I’m Laces and this is Key, Wits and as some of you know Firefly.”


“I came with Spot,” Key added.


“And I’m with Bullseye,” Wits said.


“Let’s play some poker.  We gotta figure out who is gonna play against the guys,” Firefly said.


“Whadda ya mean?” Owl asked.


“Well, we got into a little disagreement cause we didn’t like that we had our own table since maybe we wanted ta play with ‘em,” Key said.


“It was so funny.  You girls should’ve seen how Key ‘ere pulled the chair out from under Spot Conlon and ‘e fell,” Firefly said.


“And you’re still alive?  That’s something new for Conlon,” Owl said sarcastically.  The girls laughed.


“Anyway, we are gonna play ‘em in three games,” Wits said.


“But only two of us and if we beat ‘em we can play ‘em all we want and if we lose then we’se gotta be quiet the rest of the night.  Well that’s sorta of it,” Laces said.  The girls nodded.


“So let’s see who the best at poker is,” Kas said.  She dealt the cards out and they all began to play expect for Laces.


“Race was right.  I don’t remember how ta play.  I’ll watch and see who we should pick,” Laces said.  The girls fell to playing, the first game was won by Firefly.  Before the second game was started Swifty headed over with a girl.


“Laces!” he called out.  Laces looked up and saw that he was with a girl.


“Heya Swifty who’s the goyl?” Laces asked.


“She’s me goyl Middy,” he replied with a grin as he reached the table.


“Goyls, ‘e said.  This ‘ere is Middy.  I’ll see ya in a bit cause I’m gonna go play poker.” Swifty gave Middy a kiss on the cheek.  All the girls greeted Middy and asked if she wanted to play.


“Sure,” Middy said.  Laces had not said anything since Middy had come up to the table, but just stared at Middy.  Middy had not noticed her, but in the middle of the game Laces jumped up and gave a small scream.


“OH my God!” she said.  The girls jumped and they all looked at Laces like she was crazy.


“What?” Firefly asked.


“It’s you!” Laces pointed at Middy and Middy looked puzzled for a moment.  Then she jumped up.


“It can’t be, oh my god!” Middy said and they hugged each other.


“Now why don’t we all say oh my god and hug!” Owl made a face.


“Where ‘ave ya been.  I haven’t seen you in three years,” Middy said.


“You disappeared before I did,” Laces said.


“I did, but it wasn’t my fault,” Middy said.


“Can we play catch up later? We gotta do this poker game thing now,” Firefly said.


“Okay,” Middy and Laces sighed.


“So where ya two know each other?” Key asked when Middy sat back down.


“We went to school together,” Middy said.


“Me and Middy were good friends,” Laces said.


“Middy and I,” Middy corrected.


“We ain’t ‘ere for English, we’re here for poker,” Wits said.  Middy won the second and third game.  So it was decided that Middy and Firefly would play the guys.  The girls all got up and headed towards the table where Race was sitting.


“So, who we playing?” Race asked.


“Me and Middy,” Firefly said.  Middy was about to correct her, but Race cut her off.


“Sit.  Me and Race,” Jack said.  The girls just stood there.


“What ya waiting for?” Spot asked.


“For you to say it nicely.  We ain’t some animals ‘ere.  We wanted to be treated with respect,” Firefly said.


“Fine, please sit down.  We would like to begin,” Race said, half seriously and half mocking his girl.  The girls sat down and Race dealt the cards out.  The game took forever, or what seemed forever, and the last two left were Race and Middy.  Middy finally won Race by a long shot.


“You were lucky,” Race yelled.


“I think I was Lucky.” She held out her hand and Race shook it.


“I knew that we would win,” Kas said.  Blink hugged her.


“Good thing you weren’t playing Laces,” Jack said with a smile.


“Why?” she frowned.


“It would ‘ave been a shorter game,” Race said.  Laces went over to him and poured half of her drink on his head.


“You need ta cool down,” she said.  Everyone laughed, including Race.


“That was classic,” Firefly said.  Some of them sat back down to play some more poker, but others went off in couples.  Laces sat at the table with Jack and Middy who was waiting for Swifty to finish his game.


“Why don’t ya be a gentleman once in your life and go get us some drinks,” Laces said.


“Sure.  What ya want?” Jack grinned.


“A beer,” Middy said.


“Same,” Laces said.  Jack gave Laces a small look, but went and got the drinks.


“So where ‘ave ya been?” Laces asked Middy.


“Round and you?” Middy said.


“Well me parents are dead,” Laces said.  Middy looked at her.


“I’m sorry.  What happened to them?  A fire?” Middy asked.


“Nah.  Me mom died giving birth to me brother who died before he was even six months old and me father died from drinking or something like that a few months ago.” Laces said.  Middy looked at her.


“How long have you been with these guys?”


“Bout a year or so now,” Laces replied.


“So why haven’t I seen you before? I’ve been going out with Swifty for about a month now?”


“I’ve been sick for about a month now.  This is the first time I’ve met most of their goyls because a lot has happened in the last year,” Laces said.


“I see,” Middy said.  Jack was coming back and he held three beers.  He handed Middy her drink and then Laces.  Swifty came up and got Middy to go with him so Jack and Laces were left alone for the first time since their kiss back in September.


“So why don’t ya ‘ave a goyl?” Laces asked.  Jack shrugged.


“I didn’t feel like bringing one.” Laces was going to say more, but just then the music started and the couples came back in to dance.  Snipeshooter came up to Laces.


“Come on,” Snipes said to her.  Laces laughed at him.


“That ain’t anyway ta ask a goyl ta dance,” she said.  Snipes made a face, but then he went over to her and offered her a hand.


“Can I ‘ave this dance?” he asked.  Laces laughed again.


“That is the way.” With that she got up and danced with Snipes.  Laces was smiling all night.  She danced with all the younger newsies that asked her and some of the older newsies who hadn’t brought their girls.  She laughed, joked, teased and drank like all the guys did.  When the clock struck midnight she went around and gave everyone, even the boys she didn’t know, a kiss.


“1899 has now arrived!” she said when she was done.  Spot was standing next to her.


“How many drinks ‘ave ya had?” he asked.


“That’s a good idea.  I would like another one,” Laces said.


“No more for you.  Why don’t you go sit down and talk to Middy.  She’s had a little too much to drink too.” Spot helped Laces over to the table where Middy was sitting and playing with the cards.


“Heya Laces!” Middy said.


“Hiya Middy!” Laces said back.  They played cards together and then they started to sing and dance.


“I dare ya to kiss Jack Kelly!” Middy said.


“Only if you kiss Spot Conlon,” Laces said back.  They both giggled.


“Deal!” Middy said.  Laces spit into her hand and they shook on it.


“Where are they?” Laces asked.


“Look, they’re over there playing another game of poker!” Middy said.


“Without us?” Laces said.  They both went arm in arm skipping around some of the tables and people until they reached Spot and Jack.


“We got something ta tell ya!” Middy said to them.


“You two should really stop drinking,” Jack said.


“Shut up!” Middy said.  Laces went to Jack and was going to kiss him on the cheek but he turned to face her and she ended up kissing him on the lips.  So Middy followed her lead and kissed Spot on the lips, but only for a few seconds and then they both got up and looked at everyone’s reaction.  Then they started to laugh and didn’t stop until they were on the floor and could not get up.


“Swifty!” Jack yelled.  “I think your goyl needs ta get some rest!” Swifty came and helped Middy get up and led her out of the place.  Everyone was starting to leave because they were tried and it was getting late.  The sun was already rising in the sky.  Jack and Spot had finished a game and they both looked to the floor and then at each other.


“Who’s gonna take ‘er?” Jack asked.


“Well, she has been in Manhattan and Brooklyn is closer.  I’ll take ‘er with me.  BULLSEYE!” Spot called out.


“Yeah Spot?” Bullseye called back.


“Take Key home.” Spot kissed the girl on the cheek and told her he would see her later.  Then he got up, took one last sip of his drink and went to help Laces up.


“Come on get up!” Spot said to her.


“Go away, don’t you see that I’m trying to sleep?” Laces mumbled.  Spot sighed and picked her up.


“You sure do like making me carry you,” Spot mumbled.




January 1st 1899


“STOP THE NOISE!” Laces was moaning.  Spot entered her room.


“There ain’t no one here.  There is no noise,” he said in a softer tone than usual.


“Then make me head stop pounding,” Laces whined.  Spot sat on her bed.


“Drink some of this.” Spot handed her a cup of coffee.


“Will it make it betta?” Laces asked.


“Probably not,” Spot replied.  Laces moaned, but drank it anyway.


“Oh god,” Laces said as she pushed Spot off the bed and ran to the washroom.  Spot stared after her and smiled.


When she came back she looked at Spot and groaned.


“What happen to me?” she asked.


“You got a hangover,” he said.


“Did I drink a lot?” Laces asked.


“You’d be surprised.”


“I didn’t do anything stupid did I?” Laces asked.


“Ya don’t remember your little scene with Middy?” Spot asked.  Laces groaned again.


“I kissed Jack didn’t I?” she asked.  Spot nodded.  Laces threw herself on the bed and put her hands over her eyes.


“Here.” Spot put a wet cloth over her eyes.  “Get some rest and be sure ta remember this the next time ya drink,” Spot said.  Laces groaned.


“Don’t go being preachy on me, Spot Conlon.  You probably drank as much as I did.”


“Maybe I did, but do you see me with a hangover?” Spot asked.


“Go away.  I would soak you if I could get up.” Laces tried to make a fist.


“Sure ya would, Kid.” Spot laughed and then left the room.  It was silent for a few minutes.


“Maybe he is starting to forgive me; ‘e called me Kid,” Laces whispered.




March 1899:


The weeks passed and Laces went from Brooklyn to Manhattan, staying only a week at a time in each.  She didn’t want to stay in either place too long.  Jack and Spot were still being pretty cold to her and to one another and she couldn’t stand them for long periods of time so she moved around.  She started to talk more to Buttercup and they were almost back to where they had started in their friendship a year ago.  Laces even had more friends now since the boys’ girls stopped by and talked to her.  Laces and Middy talked and caught up on old times a lot.


It was the night before Laces turned 14 and Spot turned 15.  Spot had walked Laces to Manhattan; they hadn’t even talked to each other on the way.  The last two weeks had been very quiet and Spot and Jack had been even colder than usual.  Spot entered the lodging house with her and all the newsies were in the parlor.


“Heya Laces,” all the newsies said when they saw her walk in, all expect Jack.


“Laces, Conlon.” Jack couldn’t have been any colder if he tried.


“Kelly,” Spot said and was going to turn and leave, but Laces grabbed him.


“STOP THIS NOW!” she said looking at Spot and Jack.  Everyone in the room looked at her.


“Stop what?” Spot asked.


“Turn around and look at him!  How long has ‘e been your friend?  How long was ‘e your best friend?” Laces asked Spot.  Spot turned and looked at Jack.


“What are you talking bout?” Jack asked her.


“Ya know what I’m talking bout.  Don’t act like ya don’t, the way ya treat each other!  I don’t care if ya never talk ta me again, but talk ta each other,” Laces said.  Jack stared at her and then he looked at Spot.


“You know why we’re like this,” Jack said softly.  Laces took a deep breath.


“I know and I also know that your friendship shouldn’t end because of me.”


“But it is ending ‘cause of ya,” Spot said to her.


“So what Spot, ya want me ta leave!  If I leave will ya talk ta each other?” Laces questioned.


“Maybe,” Spot said in a whisper.  They stared at each other for a few moments, and then Laces looked at Jack.


“I never existed,” Laces said softly and then turned and ran up the stairs.  She entered the bunkroom.


“What I’m I doing?” she asked herself.  She looked in the mirror.  She wanted to cry but she wasn’t going to.  “I don’t need anything.  I got everything I need.” Laces looked around the bunkroom one last time and then opened the window, hopped out and ran down the alleyway without looking back.


She ran until she reached the street where Buttercup’s family dress shop was.  She went into the dress shop and found Mike behind the counter.


“Heya Mike, is Buttercup round?” Laces asked.  Mike looked at her for a second.


“Yeah, is anything wrong?”


“I need ta talk ta ‘er,” Laces said.


“In the kitchen,” Mike said.  Laces went through the store and in the back there was a kitchen.




“Right here, Laces,” Buttercup called out.  Laces went into the kitchen and found Buttercup trying to make a cake.


“It was for you, but I can’t exactly hide it can I?” Buttercup smiled.  Laces tried to smile but really couldn’t.  She sat down at the table and Buttercup wiped her hands on her apron and sat next to her.


“What’s wrong?” Buttercup asked.


“Oh Tate, it’s just they were, they’re so... bullheaded!” Laces said putting her head in her hands and letting her long hair fall all around her face.


“What did they do now?” Buttercup asked.


“It’s just they’re still not talking to each other like they use to and I don’t think that their friendship should end because of me.  So I told them to stop being so cold to each other.”


“In front of everyone?” Buttercup asked.


“Yeah, just a few minutes ago.  Anyway, I told them that they shouldn’t end their friendship because of me.  And we went into that and Spot and Jack were being so cruel and I asked if I were to leave if they would talk again and Spot said maybe.”


“This will all blow over in a few days honey, don’t worry about it.” Buttercup said.  Laces looked at her a moment, she was going to say something but decided against it.  “You can stay here tonight.  My parents have gone to visit an aunt.” Laces nodded but didn’t say anything else.




Spot stood staring at Jack for a few seconds after Laces fled upstairs and then he left.  Jack sat down and looked out the window towards the Brooklyn Bridge.  The rest of the newsies sat uncomfortably trying to get back to what they had been doing.


“Someone should go check on ‘er,” Skittery said.  Jack nodded, but did nothing.

“I’ll go.” Snipes slipped out of the room and went up the stairs.  When he got into the bunkroom it was empty.  He walked into the washroom and she wasn’t there either.


“Where could she be?” Snipes said to himself.  Then he noticed the open window and he climbed out it and looked down the alleyway.


“I hope she ain’t staying away long,” Snipes said and then headed downstairs to tell the guys that she was gone.


Snipes entered the parlor area again and looked at the newsies.


“So, she okay or does she need someone ta talk ta?” Skittery asked.


“Well...” Snipes started.


“I told ya guys before, let her be and stop treating ‘er like the god damn Queen of England,” Jack said.


“Jack, it won’t kill ya and Spot ta be a little nicer ta ‘er,” Mush said.


“Look, it’s Laces fault that war started and all of ya know it.  Ya may not know why, but it is,” Jack said.


“Yeah well that goyl has been through a lot,” Blink said.


“YOU GUYS!” Snipes yelled.


“What?” Skittery asked.


“She ain’t ‘ere.  She left.” All the newsies looked at Jack who was still looking out the window.


“We’ll get ‘er tomorrow.  She’s only got one place ta go and that’s Buttercup’s,” Jack said.  The newsies agreed that she needed time to cool off.




Laces was in the extra room, it was near midnight and the moon was shining.  Laces was looking in the mirror; she was fully dressed and had a pair of scissors in her hands.  She cut her hair bit by bit till it was right under her ears.  Then she put her cap on again and looked at herself.  She looked like a boy.  She had on one of her father’s old shirts and the pants that Spot had given her that first morning.  Laces scooped up all the hair and threw it in a can on the dresser and then crept out of the room and down the stairs.  In the kitchen was the completed cake.  Laces cut a thin piece and ate it.  It was a good cake and Buttercup would know that she took a piece.


Laces went out the back door and started to run; she need to get as far away as possible before day break.  As she ran she thought to herself, ‘it’s been a year and two months since I meet these boys.’  When she stopped running the sun was coming up and Laces smiled.


“Happy Boythday ta me, I’m finally 14.” Then she looked around to see where she was.  She had no idea where she was, but she went looking for a selling dock where she bought some papes and sold them.  She bought a roll and she slept in an alleyway.  Before she fell asleep though she saw a shooting star.


“I wish that Spot had a good 15th boythday.” And with that she fell to sleep.




Back in Manhattan


In the morning Skittery, Blink and Mush went to Buttercup’s place to see if Laces was there.  When they got there they found Buttercup, Mike and Bess in the kitchen staring at a cake.


“Morning Buttercup, ‘ave ya seen Laces?” Blink asked.


“Yeah I have, she was ‘ere last night,” Buttercup answered.


“She was?” Skittery questioned.


“I told ‘er ta stay, but this morning when we woke up all we found was that.” Buttercup pointed to the cake.  The boys looked at the cake.


“Ya know where she went?” Mush asked.  Buttercup shook her head.


“She was supposed ta stay ‘ere until this blew over, but she took off.” The guys sighed.


“There’s gonna ‘ave ta be a search for ‘er then.  You guys wanna help?” Skittery asked.


“Can’t, but tell us if ya find ‘er or not,” Buttercup said.  The guys nodded and left.


“They ain’t gonna find her,” Mike said.  Buttercup nodded.


“I know.”


All day Brooklyn and Manhattan newsies and their girls searched high and low for Laces, but she was nowhere to be found.  So at the end of the day they all wished Spot a happy birthday and headed their own ways.


Jack and Spot were talking about something after most of the newsies had left Brooklyn when Middy came in.


“I got something to say to you guys.  I know Laces and she’s a lot like me.  We are very talented in the art of disappearing when we feel like we ain’t wanted,” Middy said and with that she went out the door.  Spot and Jack looked at each other.


“She’ll be found when she wants ta be found,” Jack said.


“Or when she lets ‘er guard down,” Spot said.


“Whichever happens first.  Let’s just keep our eyes open.  See ya Spot, and happy boythday,” Jack said.


“See ya Cowboy,” Spot said.




May 1899


Laces had wandered around New York and had only stayed in a place for a period of a week.  She had seen Manhattan and Brooklyn newsies, but she stayed out of sight and did not talk to anyone.  She kept to herself and sold whatever papes she found first.  Sometimes when headlines weren’t any good, Laces would have to pick a pocket or two so that she could get some food.  She always slept in alleyways or abandoned buildings because she was afraid that if she slept in lodging houses that someone might recognize her.  She wasn’t aware of how much her appearance had changed.  She looked a lot like a boy now.  She had even grown a few inches taller and was getting thinner.


She had been in all five boroughs of New York City.  Laces had just finished selling her papes in Harlem, where she had been for three days now, and the headlines had been really bad.  Laces had barely sold the 30 papes she had bought.  The sun was beginning to set and Laces decided to try and pick some pockets, but she didn’t feel like working.  She started to walk down the street looking for anyone that would be an easy pick.  No one was out today though, she was getting really annoyed.  First the bad headline and now no one to pocket.  Then she saw a bar, perfect.  A bunch of drunk men would be easy to pocket.


Laces went into the bar and looked around.  There were men playing poker and others that were just drunk.  Laces sat down at the bar.


“What can I get ya miss?” the bartender asked.  Laces looked at him.


“A shot of whiskey,” Laces said.  She had learned plenty of ways to make money and this was one of them.


“I bet ya can’t drink that goyl,” the man next to her said.


“How much ya bet?” Laces asked.


“I’ll give ya a quarter if ya drink it,” the man offered.


“Fine, put the quarter there.” Laces pointed to a spot in between him and her.  Then she took the shot of whiskey without even thinking about it.  The man looked at her for a second and then grabbed his quarter.


“Give me the money,” Laces said.


“Nah, I don’t wanna.  I’ll make ya a deal doll face, you provide some entertainment and then I’ll give ya that quarter,” the man said.


“I won’t do that for all the money in the world,” Laces whispered and then got up.  She was at the door when the man started to shout and Laces bolted out the door.


“THEIF!  THAT WHORE STOLE ME WALLET!” the man was yelling.  Laces was running down the street and she knew that she had two bulls behind her.  She turned into an alleyway and ran smack into something.  Laces fell to the ground and the bulls picked her up and carried her to their car.


Laces knew what was happening, but everything felt like a dream to her.  Before she knew it she was asleep.


She woke up in a dark cell.  She was startled and jumped to her feet looking around.


“Calm down Kid,” someone said from the corner of the room.


“Who are ya?” Laces asked, not daring to go near whoever was in the corner.


“Name’s Ben, but everyone calls me Pockets.  You?” The person stood up and got into the light.  He was taller than Laces by almost a head and he had blond hair, lighter than spot’s hair and more green than blue eyes.  He was very handsome.


“Laces,” Laces said.  “Where am I?” she asked.  The boy laughed.


“You were running from the bulls and ya turned a corner and slammed into me.  They caught you and me, quite an unfortunate situation.  They’ve been looking for me all week.  We both got two months,” Pockets said.


“Oh great,” Lace mumbled.  “Why are we in ‘ere?” Laces asked.


“Oh well they always put ya in ‘ere when they first catch ya.  Sort of ta break ya in,” Pockets said.  Laces nodded.  She was going to ask another question when a large door opened and more light suddenly rushed into the room.  Laces rubbed her eyes so that they would adjust to the light.


“Come along street trash,” a gruff voice from the hall said.  Pockets went first and Laces followed behind him.  They went down a long hallway and came to a small office.  There were two desks and the man who had let them out of the cell sat at one while the other was empty.  Then a door opened and in walked a man that gave Laces chills by just looking at him.


“Sit.” The man commanded.  Laces and Pockets sat down with no objection.


“Benjamin Harper, second time in the last two months that you’ve been caught,” the man said.


“Yeah it is, Mr.  Row.” Pockets nodded.


“Did I say you could talk?” Mr. Row asked.


“No you didn’t but it was implied,” Pockets said.


“Don’t you go being fresh with me again Ben, I’ll make sure that you get stuck in her till your 21 next time,” Mr. Row said.  Pockets said nothing.


“What’s your name?” Mr. Row barked at Laces.


“La..” Laces started but Pockets made a face and she decided to use the name she had given Spot the first time he had asked her name.  “Samantha Blanche.”


“Samantha Blanche?” Mr. Row repeated.  Laces nodded, Mr. Row looked at her a moment and then wrote something down.


“Someone will inform you of the rules and things sooner or later, right now you both go into the rooms.” Pockets and Laces sat there for a few minutes, Laces because she didn’t know what to do, but Pockets because he wanted to spite the old man.


“GET OUT OF HERE!” Mr. Row finally said and Laces jumped to her feet and Pockets got up and showed her the way out.  Once they were out of the room Lace shuddered.


“ ‘E don’t scare ya does ‘e?” Pockets asked.


“No, not really,” Laces replied.


“That ain’t your real name is it?” Pockets asked.


“Why?” Laces asked.


“Oh I don’t care and neither does that old bastard, but ya could tell it wasn’t,” Pockets said.


“I don’t like ta give me real name,” Laces said.


“Understandable.  Are ya an orphan?  Or where ya from?” Pockets asked.


“Yeah me parents are dead and I’m from Brooklyn,” Laces said.


“Ah the mighty Spot Conlon territory,” Pockets said.


“Spot?” Laces said, not noticing that she said it out loud.


“Ya know ‘im?” Pockets asked.


“No,” Laces said quickly.  “Well, not really,” she said when Pockets gave her a look.  “Do you?”


“Nah, I’m from Harlem and well Brooklyn and Harlem ain’t getting along at the moment,” Pockets said.


“What ya mean?” Laces asked.


“Well, the Brooklyn and Manhattan newsies are in a war between Harlem and the Bronx,” Pockets said.


“Not again,” Laces said.  She felt like running back to Brooklyn.


“Why, they already had one?” Pockets asked.


“No, not between Harlem and the Bronx,” Laces said.


“Oh ya mean the one between themselves.  Yeah, I heard about that one.  Rumor has it that it was caused by some goyl,” Pockets said.


“You’d be surprised,” Laces mumbled.  They entered her room.


“This is the goyls sleeping area.  This is where you’ll be spending your nights,” Pockets said.  It was a very small room with bunk beds against the walls and barely any space to move.  A girl jumped down from a top bunk in the back of the room.


“Pockets Harper, ya in ‘ere again?” The girl walked down the small isle towards Pockets and Laces.


“Spades Fia, ya in ‘ere?” Pocket said with a laugh.  The girl was as tall as Pockets and made Laces feel very short.


“What did ya do this time?” Spades asked Pockets.


“Aw, come on ya should know,” Pockets said.


“Yeah they didn’t name ya Pockets for nothing,” Spades laughed.


“So, what ya in ‘ere for and where’s ya gang?” Pockets asked.


“Well, I’m in ‘ere for fighting a girl that was being annoying,” Spades said with a shrug.  Pockets laughed.  Then a girl was behind Laces.


“Who’s this Pocket’s?” the girl asked.


“Ah Angel!  Ya pick a fight with Spades ‘ere,” Pockets asked.  Angel nodded.


“The goyls were just being really annoying and ya know we got short fuses.”


“This ‘ere is Laces.  She’s the reason I’m in ‘ere,” Pockets said.  Spades frowned.


“Whadda ya mean reason ya in ‘ere?”


“Well, she was running from the bulls because she picked a pocket and she ran into me when she turned into a alleyway,” Pockets said.


“Well that wasn’t nice,” Angel said in a threatening tone.


“Nah, it wasn’t ‘er fault.  Be nice ta the kid,” Pockets said.


“I ain’t a kid,” Laces said.  The three looked at her.


“How old are ya?” Spades asked.


“14,” Laces replied.  They nodded.


“Your right, that ain’t a kid, but you still look like one,” Pockets said.  Laces grinned but didn’t say anything more on the subject.


“So, the rest of your goyls in ‘ere?” Pockets asked.  Spades shrugged.


“They might be.  I haven’t seen any more of ‘em, but if they ain’t in ‘ere now they’ll be ‘ere later.”


“Heya Spades.” All four teens turned to look at the door.  In the door stood an officer with a girl in each hand.


“Ya more trouble when ya in ‘ere then when your not Fia,” the officer said.  “As for ya two, a month.  I’ll be back to take ya to Mr. Row.” The officer disappeared and left the two girls in the door.


“Heya Angel, Spades, Pockets,” the shorter girl with long copper colored hair said.


“Laces, meet Shady and Cheeky,” Pockets said.


“Whad did ya goyls do?” Spades asked.


“Ah, Bob there caught us gambling and drinking in the saloon down the street,” Cheeky said.


“Again,” Angel groaned.


“We was making good money off of those boys down there,” Cheeky said.


“Only three girls of your gang left?” a boy from the door asked.


“Blue!” Spades said.  “Why in the ‘ell are ya in ‘ere?”


“I got me reasons.  They caught me two days ago,” Blue said.


“Blue, meet Laces,” Pockets said.


“Nice ta meet ya,” Blue said.


“Um Spades, actually ‘aven’t ya heard Scorch is in ‘ere,” Cheeky said.


“Whad she do?” Spades asked.


“Accidentally set an abandoned building on fire,” Shady replied.  Laces was shocked.  How can someone accidentally do something like that?


“Was she playing with fire again?” Angel asked.  Cheeky nodded.


“She’s in one of those cells,” Shady said.  Everyone nodded.


“Okay so only two girls left and ya know those two, they’ll be in here tomorrow,” Blue said.


“Ah get lost Blue,” Angel said.


“Shady and Cheeky, Mr. Row is ready for you ladies now!” someone called from down the hall.


“Wish us luck!” Cheeky said.  Shady and her skipped down the hall humming a small tune.  Blue grinned.


“Pockets ya coming?  Jeff will be round ‘ere sooner or later,” Blue said.


“Yeah hold on.  Ya goyls watch the kid,” Pockets said.


“I can take care of meself,” Laces said.


“I’m sure ya can on the streets, but not in a place like this,” Pockets said.  Then Blue and him left.


“Where are they going?” Laces asked.


“Ta the boy’s room,” Angel answered.


“So tell us bout yourself,” Angel said.


“Why?” Laces asked.


“Ya from Brooklyn?” Angel asked.


“Why?” Laces asked again.


“Or Manhattan?” Spades asked.


“What if I don’t want ta tell ya guys?” Laces said.  Both girls were bigger than her in size and looked tougher.


“You’re a strange thing,” Spades said as she headed back to her bed.


“Why?” Laces asked.


“Sleep in the bunk under mine,” Spades commanded.  Laces thought this girl was much like a female version of Spot Conlon when it came to this leader thing.


“We can’t make out if you’re from Brooklyn or Manhattan.  You’re a newsie and ya running from something,” Angel said.  Laces looked at her astonished.


“How did ya…?” Laces started.  Spades laughed.


“So your from both and we’re right?” Laces nodded.


“’Ere’s how we know, ya dressed like a newsie and ya sorta fit a description of a girl that the Manhattan and Brooklyn boys were looking for,” Angel said.


“Oh,” Laces said.


“Well?” Spades asked.


“Well what?” Laces asked.


“The story!  What’s the story?” Spades asked again.


“Well, I’m from both Brooklyn and Manhattan and I stayed in both places and I ran off,” Laces said.


“Why?” Angel asked.  “Spot do something?” she asked.


“Ya know Spot?” Laces asked.


“Ya could say I do.  I’m from Brooklyn and we use ta be something like family when we were younger,” Angel said.


“Oh, you could say that Spot did something,” Laces responded.


“You’re smart, Kid,” Spades said.


“Thanks,” Laces said.  Cheeky and Shady came back.


“Month and a half, that bastard sure does get tougher every time we come back.  Spades, I think it’s bout time that we move again,” Shady said.


“I’ve been thinking bout that.  Maybe back ta Brooklyn or something.  Give Spot Conlon a scare,” Spades said.


“I’d like ta see Spot scared,” Laces said smiling.


“Now we know that ya know Spot,” Spades said.


“Fia, keep it down, tomorrow you goyls got ta work!” the guard yelled.


“Yeah we heard ya!” Spades yelled back.


“Lights out!” the guard yelled.


“Ya heard the man,” Spades said.  Cheeky turned the lights out.


“Where are the rest of the goyls?” Laces asked Spades.


“I don’t think there are anymore, Kid.  We are usually the only ones in ‘ere this time of year,” Spades said.


“Get some sleep, they gonna make us work tomorrow,” Angel said.  Laces doze off under the blankets easily since it was the first time she had a bed in two months.




The next day they were awaken by someone shaking the posts of the bed.


“Get up ya Lazy, good for nothing street trash,” the person was saying.  Laces opened her eyes and saw the guard that had led Pockets and her to Mr. Row.  Spades jumped out of bed and looked at him.


“Morning ta ya too Jeff.”


“Fia, where’s the rest of your gang?” the guard asked.


“They’ll be ‘ere soon enough knowing the only two that are left,” Spades said.


“Good, ya goyls know where ta get your clothes.” The guard left.


“Come on kid,” Spades said.  Laces followed her out the door and down the hall.  They entered an office where a lady handed them each a pair of work overalls to put on over their regular clothes.


“You actually ain’t supposed ta put it on over your clothes, but we do anyway,” Shady said.  Laces nodded and she slipped on the working overalls.


“Ya goyls get ta cook taday!” Bob said.  Cheeky groaned.


“Why do they always make us cook?  We ain’t that great,” she whined.


“We’se betta than what they got,” Angel said.


“Stop whining and get ta the kitchen, all of ya.  Spades, who’s your new girl?” Bob asked.


“Name’s Laces and I ain’t Spades’s,” Laces said.


“Sassy ain’t we?” Bob asked.  Laces shrugged and followed the other girls into the kitchen.  The kitchen was a room with a stove and a few cupboards here and there.  The room was a pale gray that resembled that of a jail’s outside after it rained.


“What we making?” Spades called out into the hall.


“Anything you can find and it betta be good Fia,” the guard called back to her.


“Great,” she mumbled.  “Scavenger hunt,” she said to the girls.  All the girls started to search the cupboards and anywhere else where there could be any type of food.


“I found something!” Cheeky screamed.  The girls went over to see what it was that she had found.


“What is it?” Spades asked.


“It’s…  It’s...” she pulled it out of the cupboard.  “A stale piece of bread,” she sighed.


“Keep looking,” Spades said.  Laces opened the cupboard above the stove and out tumbled potatoes.


“Help!” Laces said.  Everyone looked at her and then at all the potatoes that were falling on her.  Shady started to laugh and soon everyone was laughing.


“Guess we’re making potatoes soup?” someone said from the door.


“Scorch!  How was your night?” Angel asked.


“Not betta than yours,” Scorch said.  The girls laughed again.


“Yeah we’re gonna make potato soup.  Let’s see if we can find some more stuff to put in it,” Spades said


“Hey when was the last time ya had goyls in ‘ere?” Scorch yelled down the hall.


“Not since February,” Bob called back.


“That’s disgusting,” Cheeky stuck her tongue out.


“So, this is Laces?” Scorch said.


“Yeah, how ya know?” Laces asked.  These girls were nice, but they were really creepy too.


“Bob warned me.”


“Whadda ya mean, ‘e warned ya?” Angel asked.


“ ‘e told me that there was a new goyl among us and that she was sassy,” Scorch said.


“Personally I would’ve said the same thing ta the old toad,” Scorch said.  Laces smiled.


“Angel, Scorch, go get some water,” Spades said.  Scorch and Angel went out the door with two pails in their hands.


“Shady, keep looking for something else ta put in the soup and Laces and Cheeky, you two peel the potatoes,” Spades ordered.  Laces and Cheeky sat down on the floor in front of the stove where the potatoes had fallen and Spades handed them knives.  Shady kept opening and closing things.


“So what, are ya guys like a gang?” Laces asked Cheeky.


“Ya ain’t never heard of Spades’ goyls?” Cheeky asked.  Laces shook her head.


“That’s strange.  Where did ya say you’se was from?” Cheeky asked.


“Brooklyn,” Laces answered.


“We were in Brooklyn last about three years ago when we had just started out.  Most of us are originally from Brooklyn ya know.  That’s kinda odd ya haven’t heard of us.  We made a lot of trouble for Night when we were in Brooklyn, but ‘im and James didn’t like us.  We left soon enough so we weren’t there very long,” Cheeky said.


“Night and James were awful,” Laces shuddered at the memory of the two boys.


“Ya knew them?” Cheeky asked.


“Yeah, to me great luck,” Laces said.


“So ya must know Spot Conlon?” Cheeky asked.


“Yeah, you all ask that,” Laces said.


“Yeah well we grew up with ‘im, haven’t seen him in a while though.  The last time we were in Brooklyn was when ‘e was 11 and ‘e was still a Manhattan boy at that time.  Gosh I ‘aven’t seen Spot since we were about eight,” Cheeky said.


“You all knew ‘im?” Laces asked.


“Yeah most of us, come to think of it, all of us did,” Cheeky said.


“Can ya tell me something?” Laces asked.




“Is Spot’s real name Patrick?” Cheeky looked at her and laughed.


“I wouldn’t know, ‘e had already adopted the name Spot when I met ‘im after his parents died.  But Angel would know.  Those two were like cousins,” Cheeky said.


“Great,” Laces said.


“Why ya want ta know?” Cheeky asked.


“I was just wondering,” Laces answered.  No more was really said.  They talked about the gang and what exactly they did.  They talked about leaving Brooklyn and things like that.  The potatoes were soon all done and Shady had found some carrots and spices to put into the soup and Spades had found a big pot.  Scorch and Angel had dumped the water in and it was now boiling.


“Help cut those potatoes up,” Spades said to Angel and Scorch.  They went over and were done in no time at all.


“Should I put all the spices in?” Shady asked.


“Yeah,” Spades said.  Shady dumped in all the spices and then Laces and Angel began to dump in the potatoes.  Then lastly, Scorch and Cheeky put the carrots in.


“Hope that tastes good,” Spades mumbled.


“Yeah me too,” Scorch said.


“Now what?” Laces asked.


“Poker?” Angel asked.


“Sure why not,” Shady said.


“I’ll just watch,” Laces said.  She did remember how to play, but she couldn’t bring herself into playing Race’s favorite game.


The time passed and the soup was done and it was time to serve it.  About a dozen boys filed into the poor excuse of a dining room and each girl held two bowls, expect for Cheeky who carried the silverware.


After giving each boy a bowl the girls returned to the kitchen for their own plates and went back into the dining room where they sat at the end of the table.  They each looked at each other before touching the soup and then they took a tiny sip of the soup.


“It ain’t half bad,” Laces whispered.  The other girls nodded and everyone ate silently.  Every once in a while Laces would look around the table at the boys who were around and she could only recognize Pockets and Blue.  The rest were unfamiliar to her.  She finished her soup and they started to pick up plates.


“Mr. Row is coming,” the guard named Bob said.  Everyone stopped what they were doing expect for Laces until Cheeky jabbed her in the ribs.  Then Laces understood that she was supposed to stop.  Mr. Row entered the room and looked around.


“Tomorrow is cleaning day, the council is coming.” That was all he said to the group and then he went back the way he came.  Again everyone resumed what they had been doing.  The girls cleaned up their stuff and each boy brought their plate to the kitchen.


“Thanks Spades,” they would say, or one of the other girls name expect for Laces because none of them knew her.  When Pockets came in he winked at Laces.


“They taking care of ya Kid?” he asked.


“They don’t need ta,” Laces replied.  He smiled and then went out the door.  Blue came in later and started to bicker about something with Spades, but left quickly.  The girls cleaned the kitchen.  They scrubbed everything, washed every dish and even windows were washed along with every nick and cranny.


“Head start on tomorrow,” Angel said.  They worked for a long time on that, but because there were 6 of them it took less time.  When they were done they went up to the bunkroom.  They layed down for a little while and almost fell asleep.


“It was a good try!” someone was yelling.  Laces was startled but none of the other girls were.


“Took ‘em longer this time,” Scorch commented from her bed.


“Yeah I would say,” Shady nodded.  Bob came to the door and shoved two other girls in.


“Cell time in half an hour,” he said before disappearing down the hall again.


“Hiya!” a girl with blonde hair and green eyes said.


“Candy, Vigor meet Laces.  Laces that there is Candy,” Spades pointed to the one who had said hiya and then to the other one.  “And that is Vigor.  The last two of me gang.”


“Spades, we didn’t mean ta get caught honest we really weren’t planning ta, specially since we heard that cleaning day was tomorrow, but it just sort of happened,” Candy said.


“What happened this time?” Angel asked.


“Well, we were thinking that maybe we could get ya out or something, or if we didn’t get you out at least have the keys ta be able ta get out if we got in,” Vigor said.


“So Vigor ‘ere distracted Joe, the guard outside, and I tried ta steal the keys from his belt.  It didn’t work,” Candy said.


“Yeah we noticed,” Shady said.


“Um, I have a question.  What’s cell time?” Laces asked.  Candy and Vigor looked at her.


“Ain’t ya ever been in one of these places before?” Candy asked.


“Nope, can’t say that I have.  I don’t usually get caught,” Laces said.  Candy shrugged.


“Cell time is when they put ya in this cell for bout an hour as a sort of a punishment cause of whatever ya did.  They only do it for the first week after they catch ya,” Vigor said.


“So all of us ‘ave cell time tonight,” Angel said.


“And if anything goes wrong while the council is here then we’ll be in those cells all day,” Candy said.


“That’s great,” Laces mumbled.


“Yeah ain’t it,” Spades said.


“CELL TIME!” Bob called from the hallway.  He came into the girls’ room first and they went out with him without refusing.  Laces went into the first cell; it was the same one she had been in before with Pockets.


Laces sat in the corner of the cell again and fell asleep.  When she woke up for a second she didn’t remember where she was.


“Your shoes are untied Kid,” someone said.  Laces looked up thinking that it must be Spot, but then it all hit her and she remembered where she was.


“Ya hear me?” Pockets asked.


“Yeah, they always are,” Laces sighed.




In Brooklyn:


Bottle Cap was walking along trying to sell his last paper.  The streets hadn’t been very safe since this war with Harlem and the Bronx started.  This was even worst than the war with Manhattan some months ago.  Bottle Cap hadn’t been touched though, Spot wouldn’t let him go anywhere without someone.  Today Spot had let him go by himself because Spot and some others were going to Harlem and the Bronx to figure out the battle date.  Bottle Cap had time to search for Laces now.  She had been gone two months and the boys had pretty much given up on finding her.  Spot and Jack said that she would come around when she wanted to.


Bottle Cap thought something must be wrong though for her not to at least stop to tell him or Snipes that she was okay.  The newsies had looked everywhere they thought she would have gone, with Buttercup, Medda and even her sister Caroline.  Bottle Cap decided to go see Caroline.  Maybe she had heard a word even though it was highly unlikely because Laces and Caroline didn’t have a good relationship.


Bottle Cap entered the building and went up the stairs and knocked on the door.  Jim answered the door, Caroline’s husband.


“Heya Jim,” Bottle Cap said.


“Hello Bottle Cap.  Come on in.” Jim opened the door more and Bottle Cap walked in and went over to Scott who was on the floor with an old box of matches as a car.


“Heya squirt.” Bottle Cap ruffled the small boy’s hair.


“Any word on Audrey?” Caroline asked from the kitchen.


“Nah, that’s what I came ta see.  I thought maybe she had stopped by ‘ere,” Bottle Cap stood up.


“No she hasn’t, I’m beginning to worry bout ‘er,” Caroline said.


“I wouldn’t worry.  From what I could tell your sister can take care of herself,” Jim said sitting down at the table.  Bottle Cap handed him his last paper and then sat down also.


“I don’t know bout ‘er taken care of ‘erself.  Yeah she can, but Ise don’t know,” Bottle Cap said.


“Well, she ran away from papa almost a year and half ago now. What did she do then?” Caroline asked.


“That night she ran away from your pa she ended up on the doorstep of the Brooklyn Lodging House and Spot took her in,” Bottle Cap said.


“Oh, well then she hasn’t been on the streets by herself then?” Caroline asked.


“Not that I know of,” Bottle Cap said.


“I think she found someone to take care of her.  Your sister seems to like people a lot and can find someone to help her in almost any place,” Jim said.


“Yeah that’s true, she’s probably fine.  I just wish she’d come home.  I sure miss ‘er and Spot and Jack are starting ta talk more,” Bottle Cap said.


“What happened between those two and why is Audrey so obsessed with them being mad at each other?” Caroline asked.


“I don’t really know what happened between those four, Buttercup included.  I asked Laces once, but she said I was to young to be worrying about their problems,” Bottle Cap said.


“I think she’s too young to be dealing with everything she’s dealing with.  But then again she was also a bit mature for her age,” Caroline said.  Bottle Cap stood up.


“I should be going,” He said.


“Stay for dinner?” Caroline asked.


“Nah, Spot would get worried.  He’d think that I got soaked by the Harlem boys and that might make this war worst than it already is,” Bottle Cap said.


“War?” Jim asked.


“I’ll explain a different time,” Bottle Cap said.  “Tell me if ya hear anything from ‘er.”


“We will.  Be careful,” Caroline said as Bottle Cap left.


“Those boys have a hard life,” Jim said.


“They do,” Caroline said.


Bottle Cap walked out into the street.  It had gotten darker and Spot was going to kill him when he got back.  It was dangerous at night so Bottle Cap took all the back ways and shortcuts.  He was about a block away from the lodging house when he got hit over the head and fell unconscious to the ground.


“Who’d we get?” the boy who hit him asked.  Another boy dragged Bottle Cap into the light.


“Damn, it’s that Bottle Cap kid, the only one Spot Conlon said we couldn’t touch.”


“Frost ain’t gonna be happy.  Spot Conlon will kill us if ‘e finds out,” the boy with the bat said.


“Then he won’t find out, pick ‘im up.”


“Why?  Where we taking him?” the boy with the bat asked.


“Ya know Pepper’s pocket kids?”




“We are gonna leave ‘im around there.” The boys smiled a wicked smile and then picked Bottle Cap up and headed back into the dark alleyway.




June 1899:


“Laces!” Pockets came up to her.  Laces lifted her head and looked around.


“Were in ‘ere again!” she sighed.  Pockets laughed.


“Ya don’t remember the trouble we got into this time?” Laces nodded.


“I remember; me clothes is still wet.” Pockets grinned.


“I didn’t mean ta get ya so wet.  Good thing it ain’t winter time or ya would get sick.” Laces nodded.  Pockets and her had gotten into a water fight in the washroom.  First of all they weren’t even supposed to be in the washroom and second of all they made a mess.  They had been in these cells a lot for one thing or another.


“I know something ya don’t,” Pockets said.  Laces looked at him curiously.


“What?” she asked.  Pockets looked at her.


“Ya really want ta know?” he asked.


“Maybe,” she replied.


“It’s about Brooklyn and Manhattan,” Pockets shrugged.  Laces jumped up and went over to Pockets.


“Ya tell me now,” she said.  Pockets laughed at her.


“Ya lived in Brooklyn and never learned ta fight?” he asked.  Laces shook her head.


“Ya tell me what ya know or I will try to soak ya,” Laces said.


“I’d like ta see ya try, but ya may hoit yourself, so I’ll tell you what I know.  Ya know the war that’s going on?  Well the battle is tonight, ‘ere in Harlem,” Pockets said.


“It is?” Laces asked.


“Yeah and it seem like Spot Conlon is gonna kill someone,” Pockets said.


“Why?” Laces looked nervous.


“Cause Harlem broke the rules, or so ‘e thinks.” Laces did not understand this but she didn’t say anything more.


“I wish I could go,” she said softly.


“Ya could,” Pockets said.


“Really?” she asked.


“Yeah, that is if ya don’t mind ‘aving ta be in ‘ere another month,” Pockets said.  Just then the guard came to the door and let them out for dinner time.


“Blue and me will come into the goyls bunkroom tonight and we’ll go,” Pockets whispered to her.  Laces nodded and they went to eat dinner.  After dinner Laces helped the other girls clean up and they headed to their bunkroom.  There Laces told them about the battle.


“Spades, I was wondering if ya wanted ta…” Laces started.


“Wanted ta what?” Spades asked.


“Well, the battle is tonight.” Laces said.


“The one between Brooklyn, Manhattan, Harlem and the Bronx?” Angel asked.


“Yeah that one and well, Pockets and me are gonna go.  Of course we’ll probably get caught and ‘ave ta stay another month in ‘ere,” Laces said.


“You goyls wanna go?” Spades asked.


“We ‘aven’t seen Spot in a long time,” Angel said.


“We ain’t gonna interfere though.  We are just going ta watch,” Spades said.  The girls nodded.


“Yeah why not?  We’ll go,” Spades said.  Just then Blue and Pockets slid into the room.


“Ya goyls are going too?” Pockets asked.  Spades nodded and blue groaned.  Spades shot him a look that made him stop.


“One by one into the washroom, I already picked the lock on the window and we can just slip out,” Pockets said.


“Kid, ya go first,” Spades said to Laces.  Laces nodded and went out the door and down the hall.  Slowly but surely everyone got out the window and into the alleyway.


“Where‘s it gonna be?” Angel asked.


“Tangles alley,” Pockets responded.  Cheeky shuddered.


“That ain’t the best place ta be,” she said.


“No one will see us though.  That alleyway has the best places ta hide,” Spades said.


“You would know that,” Blue commented.  Spades was going to hit him on the head but he set off running and so did everyone else towards the lower part of town.




Spot Conlon was leading a group of the toughest Brooklyn newsies behind him on the Brooklyn Bridge.  He was going to meet up with Jack and his boys and head straight to Harlem.


Spot had some new newsies with him, but most were the newsies who had helped in the war with Manhattan.  There was Bullseye, Knuckles and Fists with him and he knew Jack had good fighters.  When they met up with the Manhattan Newsies Jack gave Spot a look and then whispered to him.


“It could be possible that they were telling the truth Conlon.  Maybe they didn’t take Bottle Cap.” Spot shook his head though.


“Ya know that one of Frost’s thugs did something ta Bottle Cap,” Spot said.  Jack decided not to try to convince Spot otherwise, but he did warn him.


“Conlon, control that temper of yours.  We don’t want any blood on our hands,” Jack said.  Spot nodded, but he would kill Frost if he got the chance to.




Spades and they all reached the alleyway right before the Harlem and Bronx boys got there.


“ ‘Ere, I’m gonna stay behind these boxes with Angel and Cheeky,” Candy said.


“Yeah Scorch, Vigor and me will be behind those other boxes,” Shady said.


“Blue, roof,” Spades said looking up to the roof.  Blue and her went up on the stairs and all that was left were Pockets and Laces.


“Look, there’s a hole in the wall over there,” Pockets said.  Laces nodded and went over.  They both sat on the ground and could see out into most of the alleyway.


Just then the Harlem boys and Bronx arrived.  They had nothing with them, Laces was relieved.


“No weapons,” she whispered.  Pockets looked at her a second and then nodded.  This girl knew more about wars then he would have guessed.




Spot and Jack entered the alleyway and Harlem and the Bronx were already there.  Both groups sided on one side of the alleyway and Spot and Jack stepped towards the middle.  Two boys from the other side also stepped towards the middle.


“‘E’s grown,” Angel whispered to Cheeky.


Laces was looking at all the boys from Manhattan and Brooklyn.  Brooklyn looked even colder than when she left.  Spot looked more like his tough guy image.  He also looked like he was about to kill someone.


“I’m taking Frost,” Spot said.  A boy a little taller than Spot with messed up hair that was a shade of brown and brown eyes.  They shook hands very coldly and then Jack and the other boy started to shake hands before the fighting began.  Every time that one of the Manhattan or Brooklyn boys got hurt Laces would shut her eyes and groan softly.  Pockets wrapped his arms around her when it began to get cold and she accepted them gratefully.  She liked the feeling of being protected.


At one point Spot got Frost up against the wall that was right in front of Laces.  Spot was winning; he had fewer cuts and bruises and also wasn’t breathing as hard.  Spot was glaring at Frost causing Laces to shudder.  She knew how Spot’s eyes looked, glazed over, cold and unemotional.


“Ya know that your thugs did something ta Bottle Cap and ya gonna pay for it ya scum,” Spot said.  Laces gasped, she felt like she couldn’t breath.


“Bottle Cap,” she gasped.  Pockets covered her mouth though.


“I didn’t touch ‘im,” Frost yelled.  Spot shook his head.


“Someone did!  What ya do with ‘im?” Spot demanded.  Frost again refused and Spot punched him.


“If ya don’t tell me I’m gonna slam your head into this wall and leave ya there forever,” Spot said.


“I give up!” Frost yelled.  Some of his boys started to back down and leave the alleyway.


“No, ya ain’t allowed ta leave unless ya tell me where ‘e is,” Spot said.  Laces shook free from Pocket’s hold on her and jumped out of her hole.


“Spot!” she said.  Almost everyone in the alley turned to look at her.  Spot turned and loosened his grip on Frost.  Frost took off running and as soon as he was out of the alleyway Laces also took off.  She could hear the people behind her yell and scream for her but she didn’t stop and she went in and out of allies until she was sure that no one was following her anymore.




Spot stared at the wall where Laces had come out of from nowhere, he sighed and looked around the alley, everything was quiet.  Only Jack and him were in the alley, all the others had run off after Laces or were on their way back to the lodging house.


“She always has ta get involved,” Jack said.  Spot nodded.


“She’s okay.” Now Jack nodded.


“Do ya think she knows?” Jack asked.


“Bout Bottle?” Spot replied.  Jack nodded.  “Maybe.”


“Second war that goyl broke up before it got out of hand,” Jack said.


“At least there was no river ‘ere,” Spot said.  Both boys smiled and slowly walked out of the alley.  Everything stood quiet for a few seconds and then Spades and Blue came down from the roof and Pockets jumped out from the hole in the wall.  The rest of the girls came out from behind the boxes and looked at each other for a few moments.


“Ya should’ve held ‘er,” Spades said to Pockets.


“I don’t think anything could ‘ave held that goyl down,” Pockets said.  Spades nodded, knowing that he was right.


“What do ya think of Conlon?  He has changed some,” Angel said.


“Yeah,” Shady said.


“She’ll come back ta the place,” Blue said.  Everyone nodded because they knew she would.




The next morning the entire group was locked in their cells for the day and night.  Laces was in the cell when Pockets came into it in the morning.


“Are ya okay?  Ya had us worried sick,” Pockets asked in an angry tone.  Laces looked at him.


“They did stop fighting didn’t they?” she asked.  He nodded.  “Good,” she said.  Pockets looked at her for a second and then he sighed.


“Who is Bottle Cap?” he asked.


“One of the younger Brooklyn newsies,” she answered.


“Ya know what happened ta ‘im?” Pockets asked.


“No, ‘e probably got hoit though,” Laces said.


“Probably, Laces you’se the goyl that Spot and Jack ‘ave been looking for ain’t ya?” Pockets asked.


“Maybe,” Laces said.  Pockets smiled, she was starting to act like one of Spades’ girls.


“You’re the one who caused the war ain’t ya?” Pockets asked.  Laces shot him a glare that could kill and that’s when he noticed that she had been around Spot Conlon for a long time too.  This girl had been around a lot of people and from each person she picked up something.


“Ya ain’t gonna stop asking me if I don’t tell ya, are ya?” Laces finally said.  Pockets shook his head.  “Then yeah, I was the one who caused the war between Manhattan and Brooklyn,” she said.


“Why?” Pockets asked before he could catch himself.


“It’s a long story that I don’t want ta tell,” Laces sighed.  Pockets nodded and went over to her and gave her a hug.  She was surprised; no one had really ever given her a hug.  Spot and Jack did maybe once or twice, but for things like when her father died.


This was a new experience though, yeah he had hugged her to comfort her but nothing had really happened, or at least she didn’t show it.  Laces laughed.


“What?” Pockets asked.


“Nothing,” Laces said, but to herself she was saying that she was beginning to get as unemotional as Spot Conlon himself.




July 1899:


“Laces!” Pockets came into the kitchen out of breath.


“Pockets, what’s wrong now?” Spades asked.


“Well, they just brought in a new kid and ‘e’s from Midtown.  Anyway ‘e got arrested for being at a rally and helping Jack Kelly refuse arrest,” Pockets said.


“What does that mean?” Cheeky asked.


“It means that Jack is in the refuge again,” Laces said.


“Yeah and he’s in there till he’s 21,” Pockets said.


“He’ll break out again, ‘e always does,” Laces said and kept on working.


“Why were those boys holding a rally?” Shady asked.


“The guy said that there was a strike going on.  Manhattan started it against the papers cause the prices got raised,” Pockets answered.


“Pockets hurry back before they find out your gone,” Scorch said.  Pockets nodded and ran out.


“That boy has fallen for ya,” Candy said with a giggle.


“What?” Laces said.


“He likes ya,” Vigor said.  Laces grinned.


“Sure,” She said.


“Ya know what I think, I think that Manhattan and Brooklyn are the places with the most power in the entire city.  So when we get out in a week we are heading ta Brooklyn,” Spades said.  Angel smiled.


“Spot’s gonna be surprised ta see us,” she said.


“Where ya going when ya get out of ‘ere?” Cheeky asked Laces.  Laces shrugged.


“I don’t know.  Where ever I think I should.” Spades looked at her, she belonged in Manhattan or Brooklyn where those boys were worried sick about her, but she knew she wouldn’t go.  Spades couldn’t make her go either because Laces got out a day before them and she could skip town in that one day.


“Come on let’s finish this, we don’t want ‘em ta get mad at us the last week and make us stay longer,” Vigor said.


“Do we ‘ave ta go ta Brooklyn, I can’t stand Conlon!” Scorch said.  Laces smiled and Spades laughed.


“Brooklyn it is, let’s shake Spot up a bit.  I believe ‘e’s getting all together too high and mighty.”




Next week:


Laces was in the girl’s bunkroom and she looked around.  This had been home for about two months and now she was leaving.


“Take care of yourself Kid,” Vigor said while she shook hands with Laces.  Laces smiled.


“I will.”


“Don’t go getting into any trouble,” Shady said.


“I won’t.”


“Don’t stop smiling,” Cheeky said.


“I won’t.”


“No more picking pockets, that ain’t any fun,” Scorch said.  Laces grinned.


“Whatever ya say.”


“Are ya sure ya don’t wanna join the group?” Angel asked.


“I’m sure.”


“What about going back ta Brooklyn?” Spades asked.  Laces shook her head.


“I can’t go back there.  Bye guys I’ll never forget ya,” Laces said and she went out the door.  In the hallway Pockets ran into her and she fell to the ground.  He helped her up.


“Where’s the fire?” she asked.


“I thought ya had already left and think of it as pay back,” Pockets said.  Laces smiled.


“Well I’m bout ta leave, so thanks for everything Pockets, I appreciate it,” Laces said.


“Laces, where ya gonna go?” Pockets asked.


“I don’t really know, maybe it’s about time that I leave New York City.”


“Oh.  Well if ya gonna leave then bye, hope I see ya again.” Pockets held out his hand.  Laces shook it and looked him in the face; this would probably be the last time she saw him if she left New York.  Laces was going to turn to leave but Pockets stopped her.


“Wait, I forgot ta give ya something,” he said.


“What?” Laces asked.  Pockets leaned towards her and gave her a small kiss on the lips.  Laces was left dazzled and Pockets went the other way.  Laces turn to leave the building but she still wasn’t thinking straight.  She was out on the street when she began to laugh.


“Why do they like to do that to me?” She sighed and then started walking in the direction of Manhattan without really thinking about it.




“Jack!” everyone yelled.  Jack hadn’t left, he was coming back.  Teddy Roosevelt was bringing him back.  Everyone greeted Jack and Dave stood there looking at him.


“How’s the headline Davey?” Jack asked.


“Headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes,” Dave said.


“Come ‘ere,” Jack said and he greeted David.  Then Sarah came through the crowd and they kissed.


“Tibby’s for dinner!” Jack said when he pulled out of the kiss.  Everyone bought their papers and went on to sell for the first time in about two weeks.




The sun was starting to set.  It was dinnertime and Laces was near Tibby’s.  She didn’t know if she should go to Tibby’s and have dinner.  Maybe the newsies won’t be there.  Finally her stomach got the best of her and she went to Tibby’s promising to look in the window and if the newsies were in there she would find some other place to eat.  She slowly walked to Tibby’s and when she got there she looked through the window.  She didn’t need to look through the window to know that the newsies were all there though, you could hear them laughing and telling jokes.


Laces looked into the window and saw all the boys and many girls with them even.  Jack was sitting next to this new girl that Laces had never seen before and Spot was next to Buttercup.  They all looked so happy.  Spot and Jack looked like they were even friends.  Laces sighed.  She was glad that everything was back to normal again.


“What ya waiting for?” someone asked.  Laces jumped at the voice that sounded so familiar.  She turned and was face to face with Skittery.


“Heya Skitts,” she said in the most innocent voice she had in her.


“Don’t heya Skitts me, we’ve been worried sick about ya,” Skittery said, not exactly mad at her, but frustrated with her.


“Ya know I had ta go.  I was just walking through ‘ere and needed a bite ta eat.” Laces shrugged like it was nothing unusual.


“Look in there, everyone’s ‘appy.  You’re the only thing that’s missing,” Skittery said.


“I ain’t missing.  I didn’t belong here.  I caused too much trouble ta belong,” Laces replied.


“Nah, now you’re gonna walk in there by yourself or is I gonna ‘ave ta make ya?” Skittery asked.  Laces looked at him a second and then she turned and looked into Tibby’s.  Without really thinking about it she took off running down the street.


“Laces!” Skittery yelled after her and Laces knew that he would probably catch up to her unless she lost him.  So she decided to turn the corner and ran right into someone.  Laces fell back right into Skittery’s arms.  Skittery was laughing and so was the person that Laces had run into.  Laces looked up at the person who she had run into, it was Blink.


“Heya Laces,” he said with his grin.


“Hiya Blink,” Laces said.  Skittery helped her stand, but he kept his grip on her arm.


“Come on Laces, they waiting for ya,” Skittery said.  “Blink hold her other arm, I don’t want ‘er ta run again.” Blink grabbed Laces’s other arm and they practically carried her all the way back to Tibby’s.


“Lemme go guys,” Laces was begging.


“Promise not ta run?” Blink asked.  Laces nodded.


“We’ll let ya go once you’re in there,” Skittery said.


“Yeah you’re probably gonna cover the door,” Laces mumbled.


“Yeah we are,” Blink said.  Laces groaned and they entered Tibby’s.  As soon as they were in the door Skittery and Blink let go of Laces and no one really looked up.  Laces looked around the room.  Everything was like she had left it expect Spot and Jack were getting along and there were girls everywhere.  No one really looked up at first.  Laces just stood there taking everything in because she was planning to turn and run in a second since no one had noticed her yet.  She looked over to Jack and Spot’s table.  Jack and Spot were laughing.  Just then Spot looked up towards the door and he saw her.  He stopped laughing and just stared at her.


“Jacky-boy, tell me I’m just seeing things,” Spot said.  Jack looked towards were Spot was looking and he saw Laces standing there.  She didn’t move; her eyes were traveling the room.  Spot got up and went towards her and Jack followed.


Laces wanted to turn and run so bad when Jack and Spot got up and everything seem to go quiet when they were right in front of her.


“Where ya been?” Jack asked her.  Laces shrugged.




“Ya okay?” Spot asked.  Laces shrugged.


“Fine.” There was more silence and then Laces couldn’t stand it anymore.  She hugged Spot.


Spot was startled at first and then he hugged back.


“Good ta ‘ave ya back Kid,” he said.  Laces smiled.  Then she turned and she hugged Jack.


“We were worried sick.  Never do that again,” Jack said.  Laces nodded.


“I won’t,” she said.  They stood there for a few seconds.  “I missed ya two,” she said.  Then the room regained its senses and all the newsies got up to greet Laces.


“Nice ta ‘ave ya back!” Mush gave Laces a hug.


“Thanks Mush.  Who’s that?” Laces asked pointing to a girl that was behind Mush.


“Oh that’s Holly.” He smiled and Laces smiled.


“Me annoying twin, where ya been?  I hope ya remember how’s ta play poker!” Race greeted her.


“I’ve been around Race.  I’ll tell ya guys bout it later and I actually sort of remember how ta play poker,” Laces said.  “Hey Firefly ya beat him yet?” Laces asked.


“Nope, I haven’t, glad ya came back,” Firefly said.  The greetings went on and on.  Laces even meet some new girls.  Specs had a girl named Lashes and Snoddy had got himself a girl named Mischief.  Both girls seemed to fit in with the crowd very well.  Laces sat down to eat lunch since she was starved.  When she sat down at her usual place next to Spot at their table there were two more people who she had never seen before.  The last person who greeted Laces was Buttercup.  At first they just looked at each other and then Buttercup hugged Laces.


“Don’t ever put me through that again!” Buttercup said.  “I don’t care what these two do to you, never run away again,” Laces nodded.


“I missed ya ta,” she said.


“I’d stay and catch up but I have to get to work.  You will come by later won’t you?” Buttercup said.


“Coise Tate.  Whenever Jack and Spot are done with me.” Laces gave a glance over to them.  Buttercup nodded and she kissed Laces on the cheek and gave her another hug and then said good bye to everyone.


“Laces, meet the walking mouth and his sister, Jack’s new goyl, Sarah,” Spot said.


“Nice ta meet ya.  I’m Laces,” Laces greeted them.  Then she ordered and asked Jack and Spot what they had been up to.


“Ya know what we’se been up ta.  We saw ya at the battle, which is another thing we gotta talk ta ya about,” Spot said.


“Not the big brother Spot!” Laces groaned.


“Well we just won the strike,” David offered.


“The one against Pulitzer and Hearst,” Laces nodded.  “Good Job,” she said with a smile.


“Who tells ya all this stuff?” Jack asked.


“I don’t’ know, a little boyd somewhere,” Laces said.  Spot grinned and Jack laughed.  “What?” she asked.


“Nothing.  Ya wanna hear the story bout the strike or not?” Spot asked.


“Are ya gonna tell it?” Laces asked.  Spot nodded.  “Then no,” Laces said.


“Why in the ‘ell not?” Spot asked.


“Cause ya would probably make yourself look good like every person in this room.  I wanna hear the story from Walking Mouth ‘ere,” Laces said.  Spot frowned at her and Jack laughed.


“Ya know them well,” Sarah said.


“Betta than anyone but themselves,” Laces said.  “Well go on,” she said to David.


“Well, they hitched up the prices and Jack wouldn’t stand for it.  He wanted to go on strike like the trolley workers and I was like the second in command because I told him what to say and he would say it.  We had to get all the newsies in New York so we sent people everywhere.  Jack, Boots and I went to Brooklyn.  There we had ta convince Spot to join us.” David stopped.


“Too bad they didn’t ‘ave ya with them,” Snipeshooter piped in.  Laces turned and beckoned him to her.  She gave him a hug.


“Why?” She asked.


“Cause ya would’ve convinced Spot,” Snipeshooter said.


“No she wouldn’t of.  No one could’ve,” Spot said.


“Are ya so sure Spot Conlon?” Laces asked.


“Yup, I is,” Spot said.


“She’s stopped ya from doing a lot of things Spot,” Jack said.


“Like what?” Spot asked.


“The most recent?” Laces asked.  Spot nodded.  “Killing Frost,” she replied.  Spot looked at her a second and then said no more through out the time they were at Tibby’s.  David finished telling the story and Laces felt very comfortable again.  When all the newsies started to leave, the boys asked her where she was staying.


“Brooklyn,” Spot answered for her.  She looked at him; he seemed cold again.  She decided not to disagree since he looked mad and Spot mad was never a good thing.  Laces walked with Spot all the way to the Brooklyn Bridge without saying a word.  Then Laces stopped walking.


“Spot Conlon what has gotten into ta ya?” she asked.  Spot kept walking.  Laces knew that he expected her to follow him.  Laces didn’t though, for the first time since she had met him she didn’t follow him.


“Patrick Conlon, stop walking and tell me what’s wrong?” Laces asked.  Spot turned and glared at her.  They stood there and had a staring contest.


“Where did ya find out me real name?” Spot asked.  Laces grinned.


“Ya told me.  Sides, I told ya I would find out one day,” Laces said.


“You were asleep when I told ya that,” Spot said.


“Shows ya what ya know.  So tell me what’s wrong,” Laces said.


“Keep walking and I’ll tell ya on the way ta your sister’s place,” Spot said turning back around.


“My sister?” Laces asked.  Spot said nothing but keep walking and Laces ran after him.  Spot laughed.


“Never fails, ya always gonna be a tag along,” Spot said.  Laces frowned.


“Why we going ta me sister’s?” she asked.


“Cause she’s worried sick bout ya,” Spot said.  “Like everyone.”


“Did I really worry ya Spot?” Laces asked.  Spot looked at her.


“Ya like me little sister, coise I was worried bout ya,” Spot said.  “Running ain’t something ta be proud of.  How’d ya take care of yourself?” Spot asked.  Laces grinned.  He did sound like he was her father or older brother, it was odd.


“I’ll tell ya the story later,” Laces said.  “Ya still haven’t told me what’s wrong,” Laces said.


“I’ll tell ya later, Kid,” Spot smiled.  Laces even smiled at the familiar nickname.  Yeah Pockets and Spades’ gang had all called her Kid, but that was Spot’s name.


“Don’t call me Kid.  I’m gonna be 15 soon,” Laces said.


“Yeah and I’m gonna be 16,” Spot said.  Laces smiled.  They were going into the apartment building now and were talking about everything that had been happening.  Spot knocked on the door.


“I’m gonna give them a surprise,” Laces said.  Spot grinned and then shrugged.


“If ya want.” Laces went to where the door would open and they wouldn’t be able to see her.  Caroline answered the door.


“Hello Spot, anything wrong? It’s rather late,” Caroline said.


“Oh nothing is wrong, not really,” Spot said.  Then Laces came out from behind the door.


“Heya Caroline,” Laces said.  Caroline dropped the plate that was in her hand.  Laces and Spot started to laugh.


“Don’t ever do that again,” Caroline said sternly, Laces and Spot became quiet and just looked at her.  “Come in, Come on.” They all walked in.  Jim was at the table and Scott was supposed to be in bed, but when he heard Spot’s voice he climbed out and was now peeking through the crack in the door.


Laces and Spot sat down and Caroline got a broom to clean up the mess she had made.


“Where in the world have you been Audrey?” Caroline asked.  Spot snickered at the use of her real name and Laces gave him a warning look.


“Oh I’ll tell ya in a little while.  Where’s Scott?” Laces asked.


“’Ere I is!” Scott yelled and came out from behind the door.  He went and stood in-between Spot and Laces where he was sure to be safe from any punishment for getting out of bed.


“Scott Brin, what are you doing out of bed young man?  You march straight back to your room,” Caroline said in a stern voice that even sent shudders up Laces back.


“Caroline, why don’t ya let ‘im stay ‘ere and be with me for a little while?” Laces asked.  Caroline looked at her and then at Scott.


“Hey Squirt, if your mom ‘ere let’s ya stay up for a little while longer will ya go ta bed when she asks?” Spot asked Scott.  Scott nodded in agreement and Spot picked him up and set him on Laces lap.


“Spot,” Caroline said.


“Caroline let him stay up, let the boy talk to his aunt,” Jim said.


“Irresponsible aunt,” Caroline mumbled.


“Ya shouldn’t let Spot call ya Squirt unless ya like it,” Laces said while playing with the little boy’s hair.


“Coise I like it.  Sides, ya can’t say no ta Spot.  He’s the leader of Brooklyn,” Scott said.


“I don’t believe this, I’m gone for three months and ya brainwash me nephew!” Laces rolled her eyes.  Spot laughed.


“Hey, I didn’t tell the kid that.  I didn’t even make up that name, Bottle Cap did.” Laces smiled.


“Where was Cap today?” Laces asked.  Spot lost his smile at once and Caroline and Jim stopped what they were doing.


“Scott, time to go back to bed,” Caroline said.


“But ma…” Scott started, but Spot gave him a look.


“Ya promised,” he said.  Scott shrank under Spot’s stare and wiggled out of Laces’s arms.


“Can ya put me ta bed Laces?” Scott asked.  Laces smiled to hide her worried face and nodded.


“Coise I can.  Ya want Spot ta come too?” Laces asked.


“Okay,” Scott said as he yawned.  Laces took his hand but Spot swung him up and put him on his shoulder.  They entered his room and set him down.  Laces pushed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead.


“Sweet dreams Squirt,” Laces said.


“Night Squirt,” Spot said and they turned to leave the room.


“Tell me a story please,” Scott sat up in bed.  Laces turned around and looked at him.  She smiled and came back and sat on the bed.  Spot reluctantly came back as well.


“A short story,” Spot said.  Laces nodded.


“Once there was a girl who lived all by herself and she lived on the streets.  She wasn’t a pleasant goyl and a lot had happened to her.  Well, one day this boy found ‘er.  ‘E took ‘er in and began ta care for ‘er.  At first she was going to stay with the boy, but it was to dangerous so the boy took her to stay with some of his friends.  The girl soon fell in love with everyone.  She kept going back to the boy who had found her though because he was like her big brother who always took care of ‘er.  ‘E even said ‘e would,” Laces finished because Scott was asleep.  Spot and her left the room and went back to the table.


“Now what was that all bout?” Spot asked.


“It’s the first thing I could think of.  Sides, I is like ya little sister ain’t I?” Laces said.  Spot laughed.


“I always ‘ave ta get ya out of trouble and I think that ya as good as any little sister at getting into trouble,” Spot said.


“So now I have a brother?” Caroline said.  Spot laughed.


“I guess.”


“Why did ya get all serious a little while ago?” Laces asked once she sat down.


“Laces, bout Bottle Cap…  Well, ya were there the night of the battle with Harlem and the Bronx,” Spot started.


“She was what?” Jim asked.


“I was at the battle,” Laces said.  “I’ll tell ya bout it in a second let Spot finish.”


“Well, ya heard what I said didn’t ya?” Spot asked.  Laces thought back to that night when Spot looked like he was going to kill Frost.


“Ya said ya wouldn’t let Frost go until he told ya where Bottle Cap was,” Laces said.


“Well, Frost says ‘e didn’t touch ‘im, but I don’t believe ‘im.  I think someone touched ‘im.  Anyway, the point is that we ‘aven’t found Cap; ‘e’s disappeared.  No one has seen ‘im,” Spot said.  Laces stared at Spot.  She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.


“Whadda ya mean?” Laces asked.


“Bottle Cap is gone.  He may be dead for all we know,” Spot said.


“Spot Conlon, is this some idea of a cruel joke?” Laces said rather loudly.


“Laces?” Caroline said.  Laces ignored her and just looked at Spot, it couldn’t be true.  Spot got up and hugged her.


“We’ll find him sooner or later.  I promise,” he said.


“My poor boy,” Laces said.


“Laces, he’s a Brooklyn boy.  Now when do ya hear of anything happening ta a Brooklyn boy?  They all tough and can get through anything,” Spot said lifting Laces’s chin so he could take a look at her face.


“Ya said I made ‘im soft,” Laces said.


“Maybe ya did, but still anyone that’s from Brooklyn can get through anything.”


“Angel sure was right.  That ego of yours sure got bigger,” Laces sighed.  She was worried about Bottle Cap, but she knew that she would find him.  She knew that he would come back and everything was going to be okay.  Meanwhile she was enjoying Spot’s face.


“Angel?” he asked.  Laces nodded.


“So ya do know ‘er,” she said.


“Well yeah, we were like cousins,” Spot said.  Laces laughed.


“So ya know Spades Fia?” she asked.  Spot again was shocked.


“Spades?” he said.


“Now lemme tell ya where I’se been.  Actually, lemme start at the beginning for Caroline to know what exactly I been up ta for the last year and a half.”  Spot sat down again and Laces started to tell her story from the beginning when Spot found her on the doorstep through when she had walked back to Brooklyn.  She only left out Pocket’s kiss.




Next week:


Spades Fia and her gang were walking down the Brooklyn Bridge.


“Spades, ya think Spot’s gonna be surprised ta see us?” Cheeky asked.


“Surprised, I think ‘e’s gonna get a heart attack,” Angel said.


“I wish he would,” Scorch pouted.


“Why don’t ya like Spot?” Blue asked.


“Same reason I can’t stand ya, Blue,” Spades said.  Blue put his arms around Spades.


“Ya wish that ya couldn’t stand me,” he said.  Candy looked over her shoulder.


“Pockets, stop pouting!” she yelled out.


“Ah leave the poor boy alone.  He wants ta find Laces but ‘e knows that she ain’t gonna be ‘ere,” Vigor said.


“Where we gonna stay?” Shady asked.


“The old abandoned building down there,” Angel said.


“Where do ya think we could find Conlon?” Vigor asked.


“The docks from what I remember.  He loves those docks and from what I heard ‘e claimed them as his,” Spades said.


“To the docks it is then,” Cheeky said starting to skip.




Spot and Laces were selling their papers.  Laces was back into the old routine.  She was selling papers, she was even cooking sometimes and she went to the docks with Spot.  She caught up on everything and everyone.  She found out that Spot and Buttercup had started dating even.


“Spot, we finished early today!” Laces said.


“Yeah, well with ya calling out those fake headlines why shouldn’t have we,” Spot said.


“They were not fake.  They were improvements on the ones that already existed,” Laces said.


“Sure Kid, whatever ya say,” Spot said.


“I bet I could beat ya ta the docks!” Laces said.


“I don’t think ya could,” Spot said.


“Oh yeah, one, two…” Laces started running.  “GO!” she yelled back.  Spot sighed and then took off after her.




“There they are! I told ya he would be there,” Spades said.  Looking down the dock she saw boys everywhere swimming, but at the end of the dock on a post was sitting Spot Conlon himself.


Spades walked in front of all the girls and they proceeded down the dock in a line, Blue and Pockets at the back.  Some of the boys threw cat calls as the girls walked by, but none of the girls stopped to look at them.  Finally, Spades reached the end of the dock and jumped down underneath a few boards to where Spot was sitting.


“Well, if it ain’t the all mighty Spot Conlon!” Spades said.  Spot looked over to her and almost fell off his post.


“Spades?” he said softly and then jumped down pretending nothing had startled him.  He spit in his hand and held it out.


“Nice ta see ya again Spades, Cheeky, Shady, Candy, Vigor, Angel, and Scorch,” Spot said.


“Wish I could say the same bout ya,” Scorch said.


“Ya ‘aven’t changed have ya Scorch,” Spot said.


“SPADES?” someone yelled.  Everyone turned and saw Laces jump onto the dock from the water and go give Spades a hug.


“You’re all wet Kid,” Spades said.  “And what ya doing ‘ere, I thought ya didn’t want ta come back?”


“Ah well I was sorta forced back, but I love it ‘ere, what can I say.  I can’t live without me big brother,” Laces said.  Spades shot Spot a look, but said nothing.


“Laces?” someone said.  Laces turned to look at all the familiar faces.


“Pockets?” she said.  Pockets went up to her and gave her a hug and then a kiss right in front of everyone.


“Hey what’s this?” Spot asked crossing his arms over his chest and looking at Laces and Pockets.


“Spot, this is Pockets,” Laces said after he finished kissing her.


“Laces ‘ere is me goyl, ain’t ya?” Pockets said.


“Maybe,” Laces giggled.  Spot frowned.


“Ya spend a few months with ‘em and ya turned into one of Spades’ goyls,” Spot said.  Shady hit him in the arm.


“And what’s wrong with one of Spades’ goyls may I ask?”


“They wanna be Brooklyn goyls,” Spot said.


“Do not!” Cheeky said.


“Sure ya don’t,” Spot said.


“So, where ya from Pockets?” Spot asked.


“Ha…” Pockets started but Laces cut him off.


“Midtown,” Laces said.  Spot raised his eyebrow but then shrugged.  He would talk to Laces later.


“Get out of ‘ere.  Buttercup is waiting for ya,” Spot said.  Laces smiled.


“Come on Pockets ya get ta meet me best friend.” Laces and Pockets went off and Spot was left on the dock with Spades’ gang.


“So, Spot Conlon took over Brooklyn?” Spades said.


“I was destined ta be Brooklyn,” Spot replied.


“Ya right and I was destined ta be the Queen of England,” Scorch said.


“Not even in your dreams!” Spot said.  Scorch stuck her tongue out at Spot.  “I wouldn’t want that in me mouth either.” Scorch started to pout.


“I told ya ‘e was gonna be worse than ever,” she said.  Spot laughed.


“So I heard that ya goyls were thinking about staying around ‘ere?” he asked.  Spades nodded.


“Ya we thought we would stir ya up a bit.”


“Well I know someone who can do that without trying,” Spot mumbled.


“We’re staying in the old abandoned building that we used ta play in,” Angel said.  Spot nodded.


“That’ll be fine.”


“We ain’t asking your permission Spot, we’re just telling ya,” Shady said.  Spot looked at her.


“Ya betta teach ya goyls ta watch what they say.  They could get hoit for talking ta Spot Conlon like that,” Spot said.


“Ya so full of it Spot,” Spades said.  “Come on goyls, we leaving now.  Blue why don’t ya stay ‘ere and become one of Spot’s newsies,” Spades said.


“Sure Spades,” Blue replied and so he stayed behind on the dock with Spot.


“Those goyls sure are something,” Spot grinned.


“I’ll say,” Blue agreed.




Laces and Pockets were turning the street where Buttercup’s family dress shop was.  They had been silent most of the way.  They just held hands and walked watching the early afternoon change to early evening.


“So, I really ya goyl?” Laces asked.


“If ya wanna be.  I came ‘ere hoping that ya came back.” Pockets looked at her sheepishly.


“Coise I want ta,” Laces said putting her arm around Pockets’s waist.


“Now what was all this about not telling Spot Conlon where I’m from?” Pockets asked.  Laces looked at him for second and then sighed.


“Spot don’t like Harlem,” she said.


“So what that got ta do with anything?  I don’t think ‘e would care if I’m from Harlem,” Pockets said.


“Well ya know that battle ya took me ta?” Laces asked.  Pockets nodded.


“How could I forget, ya stopped it.”


“I stopped Spot from killing Frost.  What happened is that Harlem did something to Bottle Cap.” Laces looked up at the sky.


“Ya mean that little kid that was almost always with Conlon?” Pockets asked.  Laces stared at him a second.


“Whadda ya mean?”


“Ever since Spot was like 10 ‘e had this little kid with him.  I remember someone once telling me that his name was Bottle Cap.” Laces smiled at the thought of Spot taking care of the small boy.


“We can’t tell Spot you’re from Harlem,” Laces said.  Pockets gave her a look, but didn’t say a thing.  “I’ll tell ‘im sooner or later,” Laces said as she opened the door to the dress shop.


Buttercup was at the counter and looked up when the bell rang.


“Heya Laces, long time no see.  Spot keeping ya locked in your room so you won’t run off again?” Buttercup asked.  Laces laughed.


“You’d be surprised.  I’m coming round ‘ere for a week,” Laces said.


“Good, now who’s this?” Buttercup asked.


“I’m Pockets,” Pockets introduced himself.


“Well hello, I’m Buttercup Tate.”


“I call ‘er Tate,” Laces said hugging Pockets waist again.


“So, ya two a couple or something?” Buttercup asked.  Laces grinned and then nodded.


“Yup, we met in the refuge down in Harlem.” Buttercup gawked at her.


“Refuge in Harlem?  Are you going to tell me where you’ve been now?” Laces laughed.


“I traveled around New Yawk cause I didn’t want anyone ta find me.  Well, sometimes when the headlines were bad I would pick pockets.  This one day I went into a bar and this man bet me I wouldn’t drink something and I did and then ‘e wouldn’t give me the money.  ‘E said ‘e pay for something different, but I refused and decided ta take his wallet.  I wasn’t very sneaky bout it and ‘e saw and started calling for the bulls and I was running around a corner and ran straight into Pockets ‘ere and we both were caught.  Then I spent two months in the Harlem refuge cause we snuck out ta see the battle,” Laces finished.


“No wonder Spot and Jack were not in the greatest moods when they came back,” Buttercup said.


“I had ta stop it.  Spot was going to kill someone,” Laces said.


“Ya always were someone ta stop battles,” Buttercup sighed.  Then Mike came into the room.


“Buttercup, mama wants ya ta help in the kitchen,” he said.  “Oh heya Laces, you back huh?” Laces laughed.


“I couldn’t help it, they family now.  See ya round Tate.  Remember I’m ‘ere this week.”  Laces and Pockets walked out of the dress shop and headed to Tibby’s.


When they got to Tibby’s very few of the newsies were there.  Specs, Snitch and Snoddy were there with their girls so Laces and Pockets headed over to them.


“Heya Specs, Snitch, Snoddy.  How ya been?” Laces asked.


“Fine, worried bout ya, but hey, we’ll live,” Snitch said.


“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean ta worry ya guys.  Ya should know that I can take care of meself,” Laces said.  The guys smiled.


“Yeah.  Laces, we’d like ya ta meet our goyls.  Me beautiful goyl is Muse.” Snitch put his arm around the girl next to him.


“Pleased to meet you, Laces.  Snitch has told me a lot about you,” Muse said in a little whisper.  Laces could tell she was shy.


“Don’t believe anything these boys say,” Laces laughed.


“Well this is Lashes.”  Specs had his arm around a curly brown haired girl with very pretty blue eyes.


“Heya Lashes,” Laces said.  Lashes looked at her for a second.


“Hiya,” she said.


“She’s a little shy,” Specs said.  Laces nodded but moved on to the next girl who was glaring at her.


“This one isn’t shy at all!” Snoddy laughed and then girl playful punched him.


“May I ask your name?” Laces asked the girl.  The girl turned and looked at her again, she also had blue eyes.


“What if I don’t wanna tell ya me name?” The girl smirked.


“I bet I can guess,” Laces said looking at Snoddy who was trying to lip her name with out a sound.  Laces made out part of it.


“Mitch...No wait, Miship...  No, that’s not it, Mischief?” Laces said.  The girl glared at Snoddy for a few seconds.


“Ya cheated!” she said.


“Your point?” Laces replied.  “I said that I could guess ya name.  Never said that Snoddy couldn’t help me along.”  Mischief pouted a second and then laughed.


“Where ya get that necklace with the key, are ya Spot’s goyl?”  Laces looked confused and then saw that she was playing with the necklace, it had become an unconscious habit.


“No, I ain’t Spot’s goyl.  I’m more like ‘is little sister so ya betta watch your step,” Laces said.  Everyone laughed and Mischief and Laces shook hands. 


“That was fun,” Mischief said.  Laces nodded in agreement.


“I ‘aven’t done that in awhile.”  Just then Jack and David came in.  “See ya guys later,” Laces said getting up and Pockets followed her.


“Who’s the guy?” Snitch yelled after her.


“Me boy Pockets,” Laces said rather loudly and Jack looked at her, but she wasn’t looking at him.  She went over to their table and sat down.


“Hiya Jack, Davey,” Laces said.


“Heya Laces,” David said.


“What’s this bout a guy?” Jack asked.  Laces groaned.


“Ya and Spot sure are something,” she said.


“Yeah maybe we are, but if Spot didn’t hoit ‘im then ‘e can’t be that bad,” Jack laughed.  Laces smiled.


“This is Pockets,” Laces said pointing to the boy sitting next to her.


“Pockets huh?  Where ya two meet?” Jack asked.  Laces groaned again.


“Why can’t ya all be in the same place when I tell ya the story.  We meet at the refuge out in Harlem,” Jack stared at Laces.


“Refuge?” Jack asked.


“Yeah Jack don’t ‘ave a cow.  I just got put there for pick pocketing.” Jack relaxed a little.


“I mean, ya’d think a drunk guy in a bar wouldn’t notice that ya steal his wallet,” Laces mumbled.


“What in the woild were ya doin’ in a bar?” Jack asked.


“I told ya, picking a pocket,” Laces sighed like she had told him something perfectly normal and he hadn’t been listening.


“Ya know how dangerous a bar is?” Jack asked.


“Jack, calm down.  Spot lectured me already.  Stop freaking; nothing happened, like nothing happened at the battle and I’m fine.  I’m a big goyl that’s pretty damn tough if ya ask me,” Laces grinned.  She had just scared Jack like she did to Spot the night before and it was so much fun.


“Yeah sure whatever,” Jack mumbled.  “Ya staying ‘ere this week?” Laces nodded.


“Yup, I’m staying ‘ere,” Laces said.  Jack nodded.


“So any good headlines? I wanna sell the afternoon edition,” Laces asked.  David looked at her weird.


“Nah not really.  Ya sell?”  Dave asked.  Laces laughed.


“Coise I sell.  How ya think I make money?”  Dave shrugged.  Just then Snipeshooter and his small gang came into Tibby’s.  He ran over to Laces.


“Ya staying ‘ere this week?” Snipes asked.  Laces smiled.




“Laces, I would like ya ta meet Les, Dave’s little brother,” Snipes said.


“Why hello!” Laces said looking at Les.  Les coughed a bit.


“Buy me last pape miss?” Les asked.  Everyone laughed.


“Jack Kelly, don’t ya ever get a new trick?” Laces asked.  Jack shook his head.


“It works too well ta change it.”


“Go along with ya all,” Laces shooed the young boys away and finished her lunch.  When she was done she went with Pockets to the selling docks.


They sold their papers all afternoon without really saying a word.  When they were all done they were in Central Park.  Laces sat on a bench and Pockets sat next to her.


“So, what ya want me ta do?” Pockets asked.




“Where ya want me ta stay and become a newsie?” Pockets said.  Laces looked at him.


“Ya wanna become a newsie?”


“Well yeah, if I can be close ta ya.  Sides, I’m sick of running into bulls over picking pockets,” Pockets said.


“I think ya should stay in Brooklyn.  That’s where I is most the time.  Sides, that’s where Spades gang is staying.” Pockets nodded.


“If that’s where ya stay more then that’s where I’m going.  Ya want me ta come get ya when the weeks up?” Pockets asked.


“No, Spot always does that,” Laces said.  “You be careful around Spot,” Laces warned.


“Ya don’t think I know that.  Him and Jack probably want any reason they can find for beating me up,” Pockets smiled nervously.


“Don’t worry, now kiss me and get out of ‘ere,” Laces said.


“I ain’t leaving ya until you’re back at the lodging house,” Pockets said.  Laces frowned.


“Ya beginning ta act like Conlon and Kelly.” Pockets laughed.


“They’re all worried bout ya that’s all.  You’re a goyl and that may get someone ta think it’s easy ta hoit ya.”


“But it ain’t,” Laces said.


“Yeah we all know that, but other people don’t and we ain’t gonna give them the chance ta find out.  That’s something I gotta tell Conlon, ‘e’s gotta teach ya ta fight.  Ya don’t even know how ta give a punch,” Pockets said.


“I do to!” Laces punched Pockets in the shoulder.


“See, that probably hoit ya more than it hoit me,” Pockets said.  Laces started ta pout.


“Has anyone ever told ya that ya look awful when ya pout,” Pockets said.


“Maybe they ‘ave, I don’t care,” Laces said.  Pockets said no more.  Once they were at the lodging house Laces and him just stood there for a second.


“Ya gonna kiss me goodnight or is I gonna ‘ave ta kiss ya?” Laces asked.  Pockets laughed then he kissed her for about a minute before he let her go and walked off without a word.


“That boy sure is something,” Laces said and then walked into the lodging house to receive a bunch of comments from the guys who had seen the kiss.


“Who was that Laces?” Mush asked.


“Why ya let ‘im do that?” Race asked.


“Aw shut up.  Ya know who ‘e was.  I know that someone told ya,” Laces said.  The guys all laughed.


“Poker?” Race asked.


“Um…” Laces started.


“Don’t even tell me ya forgot!” Race said.


“Well...” Laces said.


“Sit down, I’ll teach ya again.  I don’t believe this goyl,” Race mumbled to himself and set out to deal puffing his cigar.




September 1899


Laces was sitting at the window in the Brooklyn Lodging House.  She hadn’t felt like selling today and so she had stayed in and cooked, which she did whenever she wanted to.  Rick had been so happy when she came back and she barely went back to Manhattan now.  She went about once a month, but she didn’t think that was enough.  She just felt so at home in Brooklyn.  Spot had really become like her older brother and Caroline lived in Brooklyn also.  Pockets was also now a Brooklyn newsie and Spades’ gang was around.  So Brooklyn was a lot like home.  Manhattan was great, but Laces couldn’t be there for more then a week at a time anymore for certain reasons that no one knew.


“What ya thinking?” Laces jumped then turned her head to see who was there.  Spot was standing in the doorway.


“I don’t know, just everything that has ‘appened in the last few months,” she sighed.


“Ya sure ‘ave made ‘em exciting months,” Spot smiled and Laces smiled back.  Spot hardly ever smiled anymore and if he did it was only around Manhattan or Laces and now even Spades’ gang.  Spot didn’t like to smile though.  He considered it a weakness that could lose him respect.


“I know.  Spot, I wanna tell ya something, but ya gotta promise not ta get mad,” Laces said giving Spot an innocent look.


Spot looked at Laces a second and then came into the room closing the door behind him and sat down next to her.


“Well, umm ya know Pockets?” Laces asked.  Spot nodded.  “Ya know how I told ya ‘e was from Midtown?  Well, ‘e ain’t.  He’s from...” Laces stopped and looked over at Spot who seemed to have no reaction to what she was saying.  She hated it when he did that.  Spot had mastered the art of not letting people know what he thought about what they were saying until he felt like telling them.


“Spit it out,” Spot ordered.


“He’s from Harlem.” Laces closed her eyes ready for what Spot was going to say.  Bottle Cap still hadn’t been found and everyone had a hatred for Harlem.  Spot didn’t say a word though, so Laces slowly opened her eyes and looked at him.


“Ya can’t see ‘im no more,” Spot announced.  Laces stared at him.  She didn’t think she heard him right.


“What?” she asked.


“Ya can’t see ‘im,” Spot repeated.  Laces started to breath in and out deeply.  She glared at Spot.


“Who do ya think ya are?” she asked, she was trying to be calm.


“I’m Spot Conlon,” Spot replied.  That was it.  Laces stood up and faced Spot.


“Ya and your stupid ego!  I don’t care if ya were the President of the United States.  I’m gonna see whoever the ‘ell I want ta see and ya can’t stop me!” Laces was screaming.  Spot looked at her.


“Ya can’t see ‘im.  I’m gonna send ‘im home and if ya go near ‘im I’m gonna soak ‘im so ‘e can’t walk,” Spot warned.  Laces looked at him.


“You are such a jerk!” Laces wailed.  Spot didn’t move though and his expression didn’t change.  Laces went towards him and threw a few punches to his shoulder.  Spot just started walking to the door and right before he left he turned to her for a second.


“I’m gonna teach ya ta fight next week.” Then he left.  Laces was left standing there looking at a closed door.  She looked around the room and picked up a book and flung it across the room.


“Ya can’t get away with this Spot Conlon!” she screamed.  “Oh ‘e’s so….” she murmured.  “I won’t let ‘im get away with this.  Spot can’t control me.”  Laces walked over to the window and climbed out and started running in search of Pockets.  She wasn’t sure where she was going yet, but she had to go somewhere.


Pockets was selling on a corner about four blocks from the lodging house when he saw Laces running towards him.


“Heya Laces, where’s the fire?” he asked.  Laces was out of breath so she tried to signal what was wrong, but Pockets just looked at her like she was crazy.  Laces finally got her breath and started to explain what had happened to him.


“Spot ain’t happy.  We gotta disappear for a little while and let him cool down,” Laces told him.


“Where we gonna go?” Pockets asked.


“Maybe Manhattan, but Spot would look there right away.  We ‘ave ta ‘ave bout three days.  So umm Spades’s place, ‘e won’t think of going there first,” Laces exclaimed.  Pockets nodded.


“Lemme finish ‘ere and I’ll meet ya there.”  Laces ran off to Spades’ place.




Spades was lying on the old desk that had been once used as a check-in desk.  Scorch was sitting in an old chair tossing an old box of matches up into the air and catching it.  The rest of the girls were out cheating people out of their money and so on.  Spades and Scorch hadn’t felt like going out today and so had stayed in.  Someone started knocking on the door and Spades lifted her head.


“Get the door Scorch!” Spades groaned.


“I’m getting up,” Scorch grumbled.  She went over to the poor excuse for a door which she opened and Laces burst in.


“Heya guys,” Laces said.  Spades sat up on the counter and looked at Laces.


“What ya doing ‘ere?” Spades asked.


“Um, came for a visit,” Laces tried.


“Yeah sure Kid, whatever ya say.  Now what, ya in trouble?” Spades asked.  Laces nodded.


“Sort of,” she said.


“With who, Spot?” Scorch grunted.


“Um…  Yeah, I told ‘im that Pockets was from Harlem and ‘e didn’t ‘ave a fit, but ‘e said that I wasn’t allowed ta see ‘im anymore and I had a fit,” Laces said.


“Ya told Conlon?” Scorch asked.  Laces nodded.


“Where’s Pockets?” Spades sounded worried.


“’E’s on his way ‘ere,” Laces said.  Spades nodded.


“Good, Spot would kill ‘im once ‘e found out that you weren’t there anymore.”


“Won’t Conlon have some brains and look ‘ere?” Scorch asked.


“Yeah, but not right away,” Laces said.  “’E would look in Caroline’s place foist and then in Manhattan and Buttercup’s and then he would think ‘ere,” Laces said.  Spades and Scorch looked at her a second and then laughed.


“Ya been around that boy too long,” Scorch said.


“Yeah maybe,” Laces said.


“Well come on get comfortable, ya gonna be ‘ere for a little while,” Spades said lying back down.  Laces looked around the old place.  Everything was a mess.  There was dust on everything.  A lot of the stuff was covered by sheets and there were a few boxes in different corners of the room.  Laces went behind the counter that Spades was lying on and found a stool that she sat on and she put her feet up on an old safe.


“So where are the rest of the goyls?” Laces asked.


“Oh they’re around making money,” Spades said.


“Oh,” Laces said.  “Have ya guys explored this place?” she asked.


“Nah, we don’t need ta.  I used ta live in it before they closed it,” Spades said.  Laces nodded.


“Oh.  Ain’t there something ta do?” Laces asked.


“Go through that door and that use ta be the parlor where ya’ll find some books ta keep ya from getting too bored.  Why don’t ya pick one and come out here and read out loud until Pockets and some of the girls show,” Spades said.  Laces nodded and went over to find a book.  She picked out the Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare.  She walked back to the counter, sat down, opened the book and started to read.  No one was really paying attention to the story.  It was just to keep from going crazy.  Laces was only on the third page when Pockets walked in.


“What are ya talking bout?” he asked.  Laces shut the book and jumped up.


“Nothing, it was just Shakespeare,” Laces said and gave him a hug.


“Who’s that?” Pockets asked.


“No one interesting,” Scorch said.  Spades sat up.


“Spot wants your head on a silver platter, whadda ya think bout that?” she asked.  Pockets shrugged.


“Conlon don’t scare me,” he said.


“Really?” someone said from behind him and he jumped.


“I think ‘e does,” Candy and Vigor were laughing.  Candy threw a thin wallet at Spades.


“Some of it’s pocket money and the other is stuff that I pawned,” Candy said.  Spades nodded and stuck it in her front shirt pocket.


“I got ta be the distraction again,” Vigor smiled.


“So why ya in trouble with Spot?” Candy asked Laces and Pockets.


“She told ‘im I was from Harlem,” Pockets said.


“Oh that ain’t good,” Vigor said.  Everyone agreed that having Spot mad at you wasn’t a good thing.


“They gonna hang out here for a little while,” Spades said.  Everyone nodded and then went about doing odd things cause no one really felt like talking.




Spot was walking with Jack heading towards the Brooklyn Bridge.


“I looked everywhere Jacky-boy.  Where could that goyl be?” Spot asked to himself.


“Didn’t ya say that Spades’ gang was staying in Brooklyn?” Jack asked.  Spot looked at Jack.


“That’s right, thanks Jacky-boy,” Spot said.  They shook hands and Spot headed off to where Spades’ gang was staying.  He had only been looking for two days and he was going to get her to come back tonight if he had to drag her.  He walked thinking about her and laughing to himself because she was always so funny when she was mad and when he had told her that she was not allowed to see Pockets.


Spot got to Spades’s place pretty late, but he was determined to get Laces back into the lodging house that night so he just walked right in.  He knew where the girls slept in the rooms upstairs and so he went to Angel’s room.  He walked right in and woke Angel up.


“Where’s Laces?” he asked.


“You’re early,” Angel mumbled.


“What?” he asked.


“Ya ain’t gonna make a commotion are ya?” Angel asked half asleep.


“No, I just need ta talk ta ‘er,” Spot lied.  Angel nodded.


“Two rooms down on the right.” Angel laid back down and Spot left.  He walked down the hall and then entered Laces’s room and woke her up.


“Laces Kai, get up,” he said kinda loud.  Laces sat up fully awake.


“Spot?” she asked.


“Yeah Spot, what ya doing ‘ere.  Ya coming home now,” Spot said.  Laces looked at him.


“Spot Conlon go away, I’m trying ta sleep,” Laces said.


“Ya coming back ta the lodging house ta sleep.  I don’t care bout Pockets anymore,” Spot said.  Laces started to laugh.


“Ya ain’t very good at apologizing,” she said.


“I ain’t apologizing,” Spot said.  “Pockets can stay and see ya cause ‘e ain’t one of Frost’s boys, but ‘e does anything and I’ll soak ‘im,” Spot said.


“Spot Conlon stop being so pig headed and apologize or I ain’t going nowhere,” Laces said.


“I ain’t apologizing.  If anyone should apologize it should be ya.  Ya promised me and Jack that ya would never run off again and what is this?” Spot asked.


“Don’t ya try ta change the subject,” Laces said.


“Get up, we’re leaving,” Spot said.


“I’ll leave when I want ta leave.”  Laces crossed her arms across her chest.


“Ya leaving right now by yourself or I’ll carry ya out,” Spot said.


“I is not,” Laces said ducking back into the covers.  Spot went over and picked her up with the covers and all and dropped her on the floor.  Laces was dumb stricken and looked up at him.


“I don’t believe ya just did that.”


“Ya gonna get up and leave with me or is I gonna ‘ave ta make ya come with me.”


“Spot, who died and made ya king?  I ain’t going anywhere I don’t wanna and ya can’t make me.”  Spot looked at her a second and then picked her up and slung her over his shoulder.


“SPOT CONLON you PUT ME DOWN!” Laces screamed as she hit his back with her fists.


“If ya can’t get out of this then ya really need me ta teach ya ta fight,” Spot said.  He carried her down the hall and the girls came out and watched from their doorways.


“Conlon!” Spades yelled.  Spot looked back at her.  “If ya need help when ya teaching ‘er ta fight, call us.” Spot laughed and kept going.  He carried her all the way to the lodging house, she even stop screaming half way there.  When he was finally upstairs he dropped her on her bed.  She sat down and stared at Spot.


“That wasn’t fair,” she said.


“Ya shouldn’t leave like that,” Spot replied.


“I can do whatever I want, ya don’t own me,” Laces said.  Spot gave her a glare that made Laces look out the window.


“Laces lemme tell ya something.  Bottle Cap and ya are like me family.  The rest of me family is gone.  I already lost Bottle Cap, I don’t want nothing ta happen ta ya.  So stop running off.  Now get some sleep Kid.”  Spot got up and headed to the door.


“Spot, ya want your necklace back?” Laces said taking it out from under her shirt.  She had been playing with it while he had been talking and decided that it was time she returned it to him.  She took it off and handed it to him.  Spot took it from her hands and then turned to leave again.


“Thanks Kid,” he said.


“Well Mr. Tough shows some emotion and then runs,” Laces mumbled.  “Night Spot.”


“Night, don’t try going out that window.  Ya run off again and I swear that I won’t leave ya alone,” Spot warned.  Laces knew that he meant it too.  She smiled to herself, the mighty Spot Conlon did have feelings and a heart.




December 24, 1899: Christmas Eve


“Laces! Get ya annoying little self down ‘ere now!” Spot yelled from the bottom of the stairs.


“Spot, I’m trying ta get ready, stop pushing me,” Laces yelled back.


“Yeah, what ya trying ta look like, a goyl?” Spot asked.


“Maybe, why don’t ya go ahead.  Pockets is taking me anyway! Go pick up Buttercup, she’s probably waiting,” Laces said.


“Fine,” Spot said.  Laces was in her room looking in the mirror trying to fix her hair in a new way.  It was the Christmas Eve and the party was at Medda’s again this year.  Laces had again suggested that everyone pick a name out of a bag and so they had and she had picked Jack this year.  She had his present on her bed; a new red bandanna.  She smiled to herself as she thought of the old one that he hadn’t taken off since she had met him almost two years ago.  She took a deep breath and looked out the window.


“Two years, they sure have gone by fast.  But hey, I’m still only 14 so I’m gonna be here for a while longer.  Unless Spot does something stupid,” Laces smiled.  Someone started to knock on the door.


“Come in, I’m almost ready,” Laces said.  The door opened and Laces expected it to be Pockets so she turned ready to give him a hug and was meet by Snipeshooter.


“Heya Laces, ya look pretty,” he said.


“Well thank you,” Laces said.  “Now what are ya doing over ‘ere?  Is there something wrong?”


“No nothing wrong, I just, well...” Snipes started.


“What is it?” Laces sat down on the bed and beckoned Snipes to sit next to her.  Snipes walked over to her and sat down.


“Well, remember ya last boythday when ya ran out the day before?” Snipes asked.  Laces nodded, she wasn’t going to forget.  “Well Bottle Cap and I had a present that we didn’t ever get ta give ya, so I decided to give it ta ya now cause I don’t know when Bottle Cap is going to be back.”  Snipes took something out of his back pocket and handed it to Laces.  Laces took it.  It was a paper that was folded.  She unfolded it slowly and discovered that it was a picture hand drawn by someone of the all the Manhattan and Brooklyn newsies, Laces was even in the picture.


“Where, how, who?” Laces asked.  She ran her fingers down the picture.  The features were almost perfect.  It was a well drawn picture.


“Specs drew it.  ‘E came over ‘ere and got all the Brooklyn newsies and then the Manhattan newsies.  It took longer ta get ya and then ‘e looked in a mirror for himself.  It took a while.”  Laces hugged Snipeshooter.


“I don’t think I could’ve gotten a betta present, thank you,” Laces said and she pecked him on the cheek.  “Now come on, Pockets is waiting for us.”  Laces held out her hand and Snipes took it and they walked down the stairs.




Everyone was at the Christmas party.  Everyone was cheerful and there was not one serious moment.  All the guys were there with their girls.  Even Spades gang was there and everyone was having fun.  Race had taught Laces how to play poker again and everyone was playing.


“Heya Laces, wanna a beer?” Middy asked from the bar.


“Sure Middy.  Why don’t you get one for Firefly ‘ere too.  I think she’s finally gonna beat Race at poker,” Laces called back.


“She ain’t never going ta win me at poker,” Race mumbled, puffing at his cigar.  Spot and Buttercup laughed.


“I think ya gonna be beat, loud mouth,” Spot said.


“So do I,” Buttercup agreed.


“Hey Racetrack, maybe Laces can try ‘er luck with ya next!” Vigor said.


“Will ya all shut up!  I is trying ta play a game ‘ere,” Race fumed.  Everyone looked around and stopped talking until Laces whispered rather loudly to Firefly.


“He ain’t got a thing.”  At that Race threw down his cards and sighed.  Firefly put down her cards and grinned.


“I won! Ise finally beat ya!” Firefly started jumping around and her and Laces did a little dance.  Middy brought them drinks and Laces drank half of it in one swipe.  Spot was staring at her, but Laces didn’t care.  She was still trying to prove to him that she was a big girl now.


“Race, stop your pouting and come ‘ere and give me a kiss,” Firefly said.  Race didn’t move though so Firefly went over to him and gave him a kiss.  Laces laughed and headed off to the table Jack was sitting at because she was getting annoyed by Spot’s stares.  She knew she would get them from Jack too, but Jack’s weren’t as bad.  Jack was sitting with Sarah, David, Cheeky, Spades, and Blue.


“Heya guys what ya doing?” Laces asked.


“Arguing over who has a bigger ego, Jack ‘ere, David or Spot since the strike,” Spades replied.


“We is not,” Jack said.


“I think Spot would win by a long shot, then Jack and last David,” Laces said as she sat next to Spades and Cheeky.


“I agree Spot Conlon has always had a thing with ego,” Spades said.


“I think that Spot thinks that someone died and made him King of Brooklyn,” Cheeky said.  Everyone laughed.


“So Cheeky, Dave been treating ya all right?” Laces asked.  Cheeky looked at Dave and blushed.  They had become a couple in the last few months.


“Yeah he’s been a perfect gentleman,” Cheeky said.


“Are ya sure that ya belong with this pair of uncivilized newsies?” Laces asked.


“Hey we ain’t uncivilized.  We could be gentlemen if we wanted ta be,” Blue said.


“That ain’t the problem.  Ya probably could if ya knew what a gentlemen was,” Laces said.


“Yeah that’s enough of your smart mouth,” Jack said.


“I know when I ain’t wanted. I’ll just go look for Pockets since he loves me,” Laces said with a smile.  “Sides, I need a new drink.” Jack shot her a look, but she just smiled and went over to the bar.  After she got a new drink she started to wander around looking for Pockets who had disappeared to somewhere.  She stopped at the table that Blink, Kas, Mush, Holly, Skittery, and Owl were sitting for a little while though.


“Heya, how ya goyls been?” Laces asked.


“Aw, we’ve been fine,” Kas said.


“Ain’t there anyone ta run and hug?” Owl asked.  Laces laughed.


“Doesn’t seem like it.  If Pockets were around maybe, but it seems that ‘e been kidnapped,” Laces smiled.


“Did Race lose?” Holly asked.


Laces nodded.  “Yup, Firefly finally beat him.”  Blink, Mush and Skittery laughed.


“It was bound ta happened one day and if it didn’t she was going to keep trying,” Kas smiled.  Blink put his arm around her.  Skittery did the same with Owl and Mush also with Holly so Laces knew it was time she moved on.


“Anyone seen Pockets?” Laces asked.  Everyone shook their heads.


“Not since ya came in with ‘im,” Skittery said.  Laces nodded.


“What, ya lost him?” Owl asked.


“Sort of,” Laces responded.  “Well I’m gonna keep looking, see ya around.” Laces started to wander the room again and this time stopped because someone was staring at her.  It was Mischief.


“Hello Mischief how ya been?” Laces asked.


“Ise been okay, and you?” Mischief asked.


“All right, where ya been lately?  I haven’t seen ya around,” Laces asked.


“Round,” Mischief replied.  Laces smiled and turned to greet the others at the table.  Snoddy was sitting next to Mischief with Muse, Snitch, Lashes and Specs all sitting there.


“So what were ya guys talking bout?” Laces asked.


“Ah nothing real interesting,” Snitch said.


“We were just talking about how this party needs something ta liven it up a bit,” Mischief said.


“Really, come up with any ideas?” Laces asked.


“Um…  Not really,” Muse said.


“Lemme tell ya who will figure something out, Laces and Middy ‘ere at our last party surprised everyone by kissing Spot and Jack,” Specs laughed.


“We were drunk,” Laces explained.


“Yeah, how many of those ya had?” Snoddy asked pointing to her drink.  Laces looked down at her drink.


“Not very many,” Laces said.  All of them looked at each other.


“Well, figure out something to do, talk to Middy,” Laces said.  “Have any of ya seen Pockets?”


“No, I have not seen him since he came in with you,” Muse said.


“I saw him going upstairs a little while ago,” Lashes said.


“Thanks a lot.  Call me when ya figured out something.”  Laces walked off heading towards the stairs.  At the table right in front of the stairs she was stopped.


“Laces, how many drinks ya had?” someone asked.  Laces turned and saw Bullseye sitting at a table with Wits, Knuckles, Fists, Shady and Angel.


“Not many, maybe two..,” Laces replied.  “Sides, why ya care?” Laces asked.


“I don’t want ya ta decided ta kiss someone else this year,” Bullseye said.


“Will ya guys not forget that?” Laces asked.


“Nope, that was great.  Ya should of seen Spot and Jack’s faces,” Knuckles said.


“What in the ‘ell are ya guys talking bout?” Shady asked


“Oh, last party we had at New Years Eve, Laces and Middy drank a little too much and they kissed Jack and Spot,” Fists said.  Angel started to laughed and almost choked on her drink.


“I would ‘ave loved ta see Conlon’s face,” she said.


“It was quite a site.  I can tell ya it was silent for about 3 seconds straight,” Wits said.


“What happened after the kiss?” Shady asked.


“They passed out,” Knuckles said.  Shady began to laugh.


“Conlon and Kelly?” she asked.  The guys, Wits and Laces laughed.


“No,  Laces and Middy passed out.”


“Hey, it won’t happen again,” Laces said.


“Yeah, maybe not with Jack and Spot,” Wits said.


“Aw shut up.  I’m looking for Pockets, ya guys seen him?” Laces asked.


“Yeah ‘e was dragged up stairs by Candy, Bumlets and Scorch,” Shady said.


“Thanks.”  Laces started up the stairs.


“Hey Kid, easy on the drinks!” Angel called out after her.  Laces turned around and stuck out her tongue.  They all laughed and she continued up the stairs.  Medda’s theater was bigger than it looked.  Laces looked in the first few rooms and finally found them playing poker.


“There ya are!” Laces said.  They all looked up.


“Hey Laces, where ya been?” Candy asked.


“Looking for ‘im.” Laces pointed to Pockets.


“Ise was getting ya something.”


“Oh yeah, what?” Laces asked.  Pockets got up and went over to her.  He hugged her and took something out of his pocket and held his hand over their hands.  Laces looked up and saw a mistletoe.  She kissed Pockets and Pockets kissed her back.  Pockets dropped the mistletoe and Candy picked it up.


“Look we get a turn!” She turned to Bumlets and gave him a kiss.  Scorch groaned.


“If any of ya need me I’ll be downstairs!” she said walking out the door.  They kissed for a while until someone came in.


“Laces! Where are ya?” Laces immediately pulled away from Pockets and saw Middy covering her mouth with her hand.


“What’s wrong?” Laces asked.


“I think I’m gonna be sick,” Middy responded.


“Why? Too much to drink?” Bumlets asked.


“No, it’s you and you and ek!” Middy pointed to the four.


“Whadda ya want?” Laces asked.


“Come on, Laces we’se ‘aving a small drinking contest ta see who drinks faster.” Middy pulled Laces out the door and down the stairs and almost crashed her into the bar.  Spot and Jack were standing around.


“Who’s playing?” Middy called out.


“I’ll play.” Bullseye came over.


“I can beat ya two.” Spot sat down.


“Okay us four,” Middy said.


“Four?” Spot asked.


“Laces is playing,” Middy responded.  Spot looked at Laces a second, but Laces ignored him.


“Vigor, ya start us off.  Whoever finishes one beer and two shots first!” Middy called out.


“On ya marks, get set, GO!” Vigor said.  Spot and Laces started with the shots and Middy and Blue started with the beer.  Middy won by a drop and everyone else finished after her.


“That was great,” Laces laughed.


“Hey, I know what we can do!” Middy said.  She grabbed Laces’s arm again and they ran to the stage and hopped on.


“I need all the goyls in this place ta get up ‘ere,” Middy said loudly.  Everyone looked at her and Laces standing there.


“HELLO!  DID YA HEAR WHAT SHE SAID?” Laces asked.  Firefly jumped up with Owl and Mischief.  Slowly everyone went up.  The only ones not up there were Lashes and Muse.


“Come on, ya guys ain’t that shy!” Mischief called out.  They didn’t move though.  So Laces and Buttercup jumped off stage and went over and dragged them on stage.


“Now we’se gonna sing a Christmas Carol!” Middy said.


“Which one?” Kas asked.


“Sing We Wish ya a Merry Christmas!” Kid Blink called out.


“Why?” Shady asked.


“It’s short!” Race replied.  Half the girls gave him glares, but Race just laughed.


“On the first day of Christmas my true love gave me a partridge and a pare tree!” Middy started and all the girls joined in.  By the 7th day of Christmas the boys were also singing and the song ended in laughter.  Everyone started to dance and Medda came out and performed a number.  Laces sat with Buttercup, Spot and Pockets.  The mistletoe that Pockets had brought was making its way around the room for everyone’s enjoyment.  Laces and Middy had a few more drinking contests and again they were drunk, but they didn’t do anything really awful.


The party began to die out around one in the morning and everyone started to leave.


“Jack, Sarah went home already right?” Spot called out.


“Yeah,” Jack responded.


“Ya mind taking Laces ‘ere ta the lodging house, I’m staying ‘ere tonight,” Spot said.  Jack looked at Spot and then at Laces who had passed out again and was lying on the table.


“Coise I will Spot.” Jack went over and picked her up and carried her all the way to the lodging house, dropping her on the bunk nearest the window.  Spot came around a little later after dropping Buttercup off.


“She ain’t never gonna learn,” Spot said.


“What, not ta drink that much?” Jack asked.


“Not ta drink at all.  She’s gonna feel like ‘ell tomorrow,” Spot said.


“Ya gonna go back ta Brooklyn?” Jack asked.


“We were supposed ta go ta ‘er sister’s for dinner.  I should make ‘er go.  That would teach ‘er not ta drink, but she won’t be able ta get up tomorrow,” Spot sighed.


“Yeah well, we betta get some sleep. I got a feeling that we are gonna have our hands full tomorrow,” Jack said.  Spot nodded and headed over to the extra bunk that he always slept in.




The next day: December 25


“Make the room stop spinning!” Laces groaned when Spot shook her awake.


“Stop whining, it’s your fault,” Spot said.


“Have a little consideration,” Laces groaned and rolled around.


“Get up or ya gonna feel worse later.  Sides, ya gotta eat something,” Spot said.  Laces sat up and then laid back down.


“I can’t get up,” Laces groaned.


“If ya don’t get up, I’m gonna make ya walk ta Brooklyn for your sister’s dinner,” Spot threatened.  Laces groaned some more but then got up.  Spot and Jack helped her downstairs and they sat in the kitchen.  Spot and Jack made coffee and gave some to Laces.


“My head is pounding and ya guys are making all that racket,” Laces whined.


“Next time don’t drink as much,” Jack said.


“Ya guys are mean,” Laces uttered.


“Why?” Spot asked.


“Cause ya don’t ‘ave any consideration for me.”


“Ya did it yourself,” Spot replied.  Laces groaned.  She drank about half of her coffee before she ran to throw up.  Spot and Jack were around all day giving her different things to make her feel better and around 4 she fell asleep.  Jack and Spot went to take a walk and Spot sent Sand to run and tell Caroline that Laces wasn’t feeling good and they couldn’t make it.


Jack and Spot took their walk and it was quiet most of the way.  Jack wanted to stop by Sarah’s and Spot by Buttercup’s so they split up and would meet at the lodging house later tonight.  Spot went into Buttercup’s family dress shop.


“ Heya Buttercup,” Spot said as he jumped up to sit on the counter.


“Hello Spot,” Buttercup said.  “How’s Laces?” she asked.


“The kid has got a hangover,” Spot said.


“Poor Laces,” Buttercup said.


“Yeah well it’s her own fault,” Spot said.


“Still,” Buttercup said.


“You’re so sweet,” Spot said.  He leaned over and gave Buttercup a kiss.  Buttercup kissed back.


“Merry Christmas Spot,” Buttercup said.  She took out the mistletoe from the night before.  Spot laughed.


“Pockets is a smart boy,” Spot said.


“Sure is,” Buttercup leaned in for another kiss.  They kissed for a whilethen Buttercup looked out the window.


“Look Spot, it snowed.” Spot looked out the window and saw that it had snowed.


“I better be getting back ta the lodging house.  Laces should be waking up soon,” Spot said.


“I’ll go with ya.  I wanna wish ‘er a Merry Christmas.” Buttercup ran into the hall and grabbed her shawl and called out that she would be back later tonight.


Buttercup and Spot walked towards the lodging house and met up with Jack on the way.


“Sarah okay?” Spot asked.


“Yeah, she’s fine,” Jack responded.


“David feeling better?” Buttercup asked.


“Yeah, his headache is gone,” Jack said lighting another cigarette.  Spot did the same and the rest of the way was pretty quiet.




They walked into the lodging house where everything was warm and cozy.  Most of the newsies were in the parlor because they didn’t want to wake Laces.  Spot and Jack headed for the roof and Buttercup went to check on Laces.


“Laces?” Buttercup said softly.


“I’m awake.  The room ain’t even spinning anymore.” Laces sat up.  Buttercup smiled.


“Merry Christmas,” she said.  Laces smiled.


“Yeah real Merry,” they laughed.


“Laces!” Sand ran in.


“Don’t yell, what?” Sand went over to her and gave her a hug.


“That’s from Squirt.” Then he gave her a kiss on each cheek.  “And those are from Jim and Caroline.” Laces and Buttercup laughed.  Laces gave him a hug.


“Thank you,” she said.


“Wait, this is from Caroline too.  And she also said to go over there as soon as ya feel betta.” Sand took out a gold ring with a small green stone in it and handed it to Laces.  Laces stared at it and tears started up in her eyes.  She hadn’t cried in forever but right now she felt like crying.


“That was me mother’s,” she whispered.


“Caroline said that now it’s yours,” Sand smiled.


“Thank you.” Tears started to fall from her eyes.


“Did I do something wrong?” Sand asked.


“Oh no nothing honey, go play.” Sand smiled and went off.  Laces wiped away her tears and put on her ring.


“Where are Spot and Jack?  I still ‘aven’t given Jack his present.  I picked his name,” Laces said.


“They’re on the roof,” Buttercup said.  Laces stood up and was going to go out the window.


“Wait, here put this blanket over you.  It snowed.”  Buttercup put a blanket over her.  They went up the fire escape.


“That goyl is getting more and more spoiled everyday,” Spot was saying.


“Once during the war with Brooklyn, I said that she was like a princess that didn’t take responsibility for anything she did,” Jack sighed.


“When she went over ta Brooklyn?” Spot asked.


“Yeah,” Jack said.


“Ya guys shouldn’t talk bout me that way or I’m gonna banish ya from me site,” Laces said from behind them.


“Oh you’re up!” Spot said.  Laces went over and sat between Spot and Jack.  Buttercup sat next to Spot and positioned herself on his shoulder.


“The sky is so beautiful,” Laces sighed as she lay down on Jack.


“Yeah.  Where ya get that ring?” Spot asked.


“Sand brought it over from Caroline’s, it was her gift.  It was me mother’s.  That reminds me Jack, ‘ere, I’m sorry that Ise didn’t give it to you yesterday its just that I was out of it,” Laces said.  Jack took the bandana from her.


“Thanks Laces.”  Jack put the new one on and took the old one and stuck it in his pocket.


“Look there’s a rainbow!” Buttercup said.  They all turned to look at the rainbow.


“Ya know, rainbows are suppose to mean that better days are to come,” Spot said.  “Or that’s what me sister believed.”


“I heard it was sunnier days, God is promising that sunny days are coming,” Laces said.  Jack hugged her and Spot hugged Buttercup.  It started to snow.


“Come on, we don’t want ta get sick,” Buttercup said.  They got up and headed down into the parlor where all the newsies were.


“Laces, remember how ta play poker?” Race asked.


“When did ya teach me?” Laces asked.


“Last night,” Race replied.


“Nope! I was drunk at the moment,” Laces laughed.


“I’ll teach ya later then.”


“Look, we got a white Christmas!” Sand said.


“Yeah, looks like we do,” Jack nodded.  Laces looked around the room and at all the faces.  Everyone was happy and everything was almost perfect.  The only face missing was Bottle Cap’s, but it had been promised that sunny days were coming and Laces was sure that Bottle Cap was in those days.  Kloppman brought out a tray of drinks and everyone grabbed one.


“A toast!” Race yelled.


“Laces, ya make it!” Race yelled.  Everyone agreed that Laces should make it.


“Um okay...  I make a toast for the sunny days to come!”


“Cheers!” Mush said.  Everyone drank to that.  Spot pulled Laces out into the hall after they had finished their drinks.


“Laces, I got something for ya,” he said.


“What?” Laces asked.


“Close your eyes.” She did and Spot put something around her neck and when she opened her eyes she saw that she was wearing the necklace she had just given back a little while ago.


“But Spot,” Laces started.


“Shh,” Spot said.  “Ya like me sister now.  Me mother and then me little sister wore this.  Now you should wear it.” Laces nodded.


“Thank you Spot.” Laces kissed him on the cheek.  She walked back into the room.


“Ya welcome Kid!” Spot said.


“Don’t call me Kid!” Laces called back.  The Christmas day ended with laughter and hugs and Laces felt like she was home had found a long lost family that she never knew existed.


~* THE END *~






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